Thursday, December 16, 2010

friday post 31

good afternoon! firstly, em's been hard @ work plodding 3660 steps today; secondly, TWFT topic's 'your self-esteem must come from god' and thirdly, em's still owed ONE HOUR and TWO MINUTES online tonight! i know i won't get the time, coz we've got final rehearsal for our carols night tonight, but i've recorded that down into my spreadsheet already, and i SWEAR, i'll try my HARDEST to get back EVERY SINGLE MINUTE THAT I'M OWED!!! anyways, i've only got like forty-five minutes before hina arrives, so just quickly:
-breakfast this morning with three weetbix with a wee dot of honey.
-two ladies from girlpower came to visit! they arrived about fifteen minutes late, and only stayed for fifteen minutes. one was called eve, the other ... jenny, maybe?
-i went to the loo and did a stinky unspeakable while PIG mum went to see what movies were playing.
-we went and saw narnia: voyage of the dawn treader!
-actually, i went to the loo once first. much thanks to the random kind lady who opened the door for me, but then zero thanks to heartless PIG mum who gleefully FORCED :( me to walk to the nrmal ladies toilet coz she said the loo was dirty.
-naz wasn't there! >< i bought my kebab off some other woman instead (not his aunty). she still stuffed the kebab nice and fat for me, though. :)
-we both went to the toilet once before going in to see the movie. PIG mum gleefully FORCED :( me to hike up two steps so she could get a better view.
-the movie was pretty good! useless PIG mum blubbered her eyes out, of course. :P
-we went to the toilet once more before exiting the cinemas, and paused for a chat with naz. PIG mum reckons he's gotten thinner! i wolf-whistled @ him. :P
-PIG mum tootled us home. oh, she gleefully forced me to buckle my own seatbelt all day, we listened to westlife's 'love album' all day , and happy erf sat sideways all day too, facing forward whenever we stopped @ a red traffic light.
-i jumped online when we arrived home.
-choir practice tonight @ 7pm!
-and i almost forgot! garbo with hina last night!
-after a shower, we were about to leave, when PIG mum yelled downstairs that she was still having her shower and to wait for her!
-turns out PIG mum had rung kat jie jie and asked her to please return our disabled parking permit to us!
-driving to garbo, i started silently asking percy to please ready a parking spot for us @ garbo @ 5:45. when we arrived @ 5;50, the man parked the closest to the entrance was just leaving. thanks, mate. :)
-i pushed sparkless into the library, then settled down with ender in exile again.
-hina came back for me @ 6;15, took me once more to the toilet, then i pushed sparkless to foodcourt.
-again, i had a yummy two piece feed with an orange juice. hina drank orange juice too, and had chicken sth from hanaichi.
-hina took me once more to the loo after dinner, then we went to woolies and picked up some groceries for her. she also wanted listerine strips, but couldn't find any either @ woolies or the chemist, so she bought a packet of strawberry strepsils instead.
-and thanks to hina who shouted me a soft serve from maccas! @ first, i thought i'd have enough money left over to buy one, but hina checked and said, "you've only got forty-five cents." i was like ><" and hina said, "don't worry, i'll buy you one." :D-last stop, borders. i picked up ... lol, can't remember. :P some fantasy book i'd read in high school. oh! it had a character named burrich, and is called sth like "assassin's apprentice"!
anyways, the spam count for the week's thirty-four. hope everyone has a smashing weekend!
em. ^^

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