Thursday, February 17, 2011

friday post 40

good afternoon! firstly, em's been hard @ work plodding 3151 steps today; secondly, TWFT topic's control your anger'; thirdly, the spam count for the week's twenty-three and lastly, i'm still owed FORTY-FIVE MINUTES online tonight after hina leaves!!! anyways, let's start off with last night's events first!
-hina came, gave me a shower, then off to garbo we went!
-phew, we found a carpark. hina and i held hands and walked inside; i apologised to hiona when she went back outside to get sparkless for me.
-i settled down with orson scott card's 'shadow of the hegemon' until 6:15pm.
-hina took me once to the loo, before i walked to foodcourt and finally got sparkless back.
-when hina went to the loo, i joined the line then got myself an original two piece feed with an orange juice and a kookies and kream krusher.
-hina just napped while i munched away.
-afterwards, we went to woolies. PIG mum wanted me to buy milk, onions and tomatoes, i think. hina also picked up some bread for herself.
-finally, we hit borders! i grabbed some novel by sara douglass, then transferred myself to some comfy sofa until hina came back from wherever she'd gone.
-finally, we wheeled me to the fruit and vegie shop just outside woolies; hina left me waiting, said "i'll only be five minutes" and disappeared into the store. five minutes later, she was still picking groceries, so i went into the store and kept her company.
-last stop, the loo. :P
-i checked my cash supply - less than one dollar left. :( "too bad, i said sadly to hina, "i wanted to buy some bread." but hina was awesome! "i'll shout you one." she grinned.
-back home, PIG mum immediately and gleefully forced me off to bed.
-fri:i used the pot :p several times last night, using it once more when dearest dad left for work this morning.
-after fifteen more minutes, PIG mum dug me up, got me kitted then gleefully FORCED :( me to walk out to the kitchen, where she gleefully forced poor ela to do everything before i finally got to sit down with half the sausage bun for breakfast, even though PIG mum had somehow BURNT it! ><
-PIG mum gleefully FORCED :( me to walk to the 4WD, and tootled me off for acupuncture. of course, she gleefully forced poor em to buckle her own seatbelt all day; we also listened to some westlife comppilation disc all day, too.
-pincushion practice! o_O :P PIG mum gleefully FORCED :( me to walk all the way into the good health medical clinic, then gave me a that's life mag to browse.
-hey, hina's here now, so i'll try my best to bbl, okies?
em. ^^

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