Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Wednesday Post 195b

Heylo again,  good evening and potentially one final greeting for Wednesday! Em's new plodding total for Wednesday now stands @ 2935. Anyways, I don't think i'll have enough time today to note Wednesday's events in detail, so just continuing events for today?
-Alas, PIG mum gleefully botted me offline and gleefully FORCED :( me to walk outside just so she could gleefully force poor Ela to take down the day's washing. She also gleefully forced me to bend down to the ground several times to pick things up.
 -Afterwards, I walked myself slowly and safely back online, rising above the cruel and unfaithful God's near-overwhelming hatred and not letting Him push me over.
-When Carol arrived fifteen minutes late (she had all ten kids on her bus today), I went into the bathroom for my nice hot shower - I washed and rinsed my own hair today.
-I had one tinkle before I flipped the nice hot water off, mostly dried myself (Carol helped only with my back and Era), mostly creamed myself (again, Carol helped with only my back and Era), then mostly rekitted myself (Carol helped only with Elf's AFO). Then I went over to the loo for two tinkles, also leaning fully against the side rail and softly, slowly but most hatefully singing 23% of my shorter second-favourite song out aloud, opening both eyes for all the important numbers.
-Afterwards, I went over to wash and dry Era, before letting Carol Force me to walk out to the gobbling :P table for arvo tea. PIG mum intercepted us along the walk down the hallway, telling Carol I had to make my half arvo toastie for lunch, which made me quite pissed, because Aunty Deana had found me that muffin in the fridge before! ><

-I also made myself one mug of lemon green tea, which was my official mug for today to hold 'incorrectly'. Carol was sweet; when PIG mum was demanding I put on my jacket for her sans assistance, she cut my half toastie into three pieces and not the usual two, saying, "That way, it looks like you've got more." Lol, only I can tell the pieces are smaller and therefore I have less! XD
-After cleaning the bathroom, Carol sat and gently massaged Ela for thirty minutes, painting her ... lol, I've forgotten. Xd
-Before leaving, Carol took me once more to the loo for two tinkles and helped me put on my fleecy vest. She's back next Monday.
-Looking forward to watching Hannah compete in the high jump tonight!
-So maybe bbl, else hope everyone's having a smashing week!
Em. ^^
P.S. Alas, am being booted offline now, only I'm still owed FORTY MINUTES online!>< *sigh*

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