Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Thursday Post 166

Good afternoon! Firstly, Em's been hard @ work plodding 938 steps today (bet I'll pass 1000 if PIG mum lets me return online tonight after dinner; D2 proudly reports that 938 steps also equals 8kcal or 370m XD) and secondly, TWFT topic's "God's Plan For Spiritual Renewal'. Righteo, events for today?
-I used the pot :P three times last night and oncethis morning around 6:50am, before having a mostly silent chat to percy the saint/angel, asking him please to help me with the patience, perseverance strength and endurance I needed to get through today with, giving all the pleasure, all the satisfaction to PIG mum and just suffering for her whenever she decided only she could be happy and/or satisfied.
-Afterwards, Daddy bear and I cuddled and snored, me waking briefly to kiss dearest dad goodbye and wish him a good day @ work when he left around 7:45am.
-Right after dad left, PIG mum was downstairs and poking me with "fifteen more minutes." When she came back, I used the pot :P once for three more tinkles and PIG mum got me kitted. Then she gleefully FORCED :( me to walk over to the bathroom and brush teeth (poor Ela), before she gleefully FORCED :( me to walk out to the gobbling :P table.
-Did PIG mum gleefully force poor Ela to prepare my breakfast again? I've forgotten, but she probably did. It wasn't any biggie, though, coz I was seated and Ela could focus and concentrate hard, blocking out and ignoring all the taunts I cop from the cruel and unfaithful God/Satan. Anyways, two Weetbix with the tiniest amount of honey ever was yummy, I also popped all my usual drugs :P and continued my mostly silent chat to Percy the saint/angel, asking him please to help me through today okay.
-Before leaving, I went to the loo once more for the full five tinkles, also leaning briefly against the side rail and finishing my mostly silent chat to Percy the angel/saint.
-Selina arrives, I board her car, PIG mum hands over her last minute instructions and then we're off!
-Phew, there's a parking space waiting for us beneath the library. Selina and I hold hands and I walk up well to the library with her. Unfortunately, none of the Orson Scott Card and Aaron Johnstone's collaborations are available; instead, I grab another one of Card's books, talking about Bean's kids and crash on a sofa to read happily from about 9:38am till 10:30am. While I read, Selina's got her own Asian comic books to keep her preoccupied.
-Around 10:30am, Selina brought over Sparkless2 for me and took me once more to the loo.
-Then we hit Breadtop, and I was super-happy because PIG mum said that I could buy two buns! I chose the biggest one, a ham and cheese burger, then my usual favourite, the sausage donut.
-Next stop was Woolies for the flossettes. After going through the self-serve checkout, Selina stoopped @ the fruit shop outside Woolies (Fruits of Life) and bought me three pears.
-Afterwards, I went downstairs and updated on an Ipad.
-Then we went down to my favourite store, Jayjays, and I had a browse around.
-Since it was still too early for lunch, Selina and I went and spent several minutes browsing the Japan store, where nearly every item only cost $2.80!
-We spent long enough browsing enough random items that 'twas lunch time after we'd finished.
-For lunch, I stuck with my usual: one regular two piece box with a mint choc krusher. Selina herself chose a large Big Mac meal with a Coke.
-One more loo trip for me, then Selina tootles me back home. I turned off the alarm, went again to the loo then plopped briefly online to await Joey's arrival.
-With her, I did the usaual stomping, punching and kicking. Blue (the bunny Joey so unimaginatively named XD) was super-relieved that Joey didn't get me to toss them into the basket today! XD Although PIG mum's a darling and kisses them better whenever they use me to wail that I dropped them and now their head hurts and now they need a kiss from PIG mum to feel better. XD
-After Joey left, I went and had a shower. Well, not really, coz PIG mum wouldn't lemme use any soap/shampoo! Well, @ least my face feels clean; Selina lemme use face wash. XD
-I had one tinkle before Selina flipped the nice hot water off, got dried and had another tinkle. Selina said PIG mum told her I wasn't allowed to use any moisturizer and got me kitted instead.
-All done, we held hands and I walked out well to the gobbling :P table with her. Selina cut me half the ham and cheese burger for afternoon tea and poured me one mug of milk, which was my official mug for today to hold 'incorrectly'.
-Before leaving, Selina took me once more to the loo. After she left, though, she was back very quickly! "I forgot to unload your wheelchair!" she cried. Oops, I'd forgotten about him, too. XD
-Anyways, PIG mum arrived home soon not long after Selina left, she's had lunch and headed upstairs into pigland, although I can hear her rustling newspapers around upstairs; doubtless she'll be downstairs soon and gleefully force me offline, order me to go watch television or something. Well, ten's news should air in like fifteen minutes, guess I'll watch that.
-Doubt I can return online afterwards, coz I've nearly exceeded the PISSY two hours that PIG mum so gleefully restricts me to, so toms:
-late morning UQ physio with Olly and Seamus. It's the last session I'll have with them!
-PIG mum says we can have lunch together @ Lok Fok afterwards, because there's a chemist nearby where she can buy the stuff Kylie recommended for me to buy to treat my stupid dermatitus.
-Aunty Lucia will come supervise my shower around 4pm.
-And I'm off to Pole's for small group toms night. Righteo, hope everyone has a smashing end to their week toms!
Em. ^^

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