Thursday, May 23, 2013


Good afternoon! firstly, em's been hard @ work plodding 1850 steps today (which digi proudly reports also equals 620m or 28.7kcal XD); secondly, joni's devotional topic from last night's 'vision'; thirdly, TWFT topic's 'you are special'; fourthly, the spam count for the week's only five but fifthly and most importantly, i'm still owed TWENTY-NINE MINUTES online after aunty lucia leaves around 5pm!!! righteo, let's start off with last night's events first!
-turns out annette arrived late coz there was some big smash along the highway between the greenslopes exit and the logan exit! ><"
-so a really quick shower for me - i washed my hair today, but thanks to annette who rinsed it out for me, thus saving time and freeing era to hold my stupid right eye tightly shut.
-i had one tinkle before flipping the nice hot water off, mostly dried myself (annette helped only with my back, era and both calves), mostly creamed myself (again, annette only helped with my back, era and both calves) and mostly rekitted myself (annette helped only with my bra, erf's sock and elf's AFO). usually, she helps me less, but she helped more yesterday coz i was going out and we were running late!
-so after one more quick toilet trip, annette tootled me off to garbo! thankfully, there was a parking spot available downstairs~
-we walked up to the library holding hands (meaning i'm certain erf passed elf with every step) and i grabbed orson scott card's 'shadow puppets' and happily read for eighty minutes until 6:30pm, when annette (who had stayed with me reading her kingdom hall stuff) took me once to the loo before we had dinner @ foodcourt.
-awesome, the three piece box was still only $9.sth! i'll keep getting that until it' costs more than the two piece feed ($10.45 thereabouts) than return to having the two piece feed. also, i tried a new krusher, the violet crumble! 'twas delicious~ annette had some spicy pork rice from kofoo.
-afterwards, i hit breadtop and bought myself that green tea and custard bun i thought i bought last fortnight, but got some coconut one instead! XD
-next stop was woolies, where i bought more flossetes. annette also recommended i buy one can of chunky soup, which was on special. i got the stockpot one.
-after that, we hit jayjays! there are two star trek tees for sale!
-only annette suddenly realised we'd left the flossetes behind @ woolies! we went back to the sales assistant, showed her our docket and she was gonna let annette grab new ones, when she decided to check the self-serve machines first and found it still sitting there!! phew~
-so we browsed toysrus, where annette bought some play-doh for luke, who doesn't read fiction books, only the guiness world records, but that he needs sth for his hands to play with while he reads.
-oh, forgot to say that we also hit fruits of life, that fruit shop outside woolies, where annette got herself one bag of mandarins.
-one more loo trip, then i sat down and enjoyed the fun-sized freddo frog that annette had bought me, her way with celebrating with me that i'd been released from the insane asylum for five years!
-annette tootled me home after that; i won't see her again until next thursday!
-horrid PIG mum still gleefully FORCED :( me to walk all the way and pour myself milk before she kicked me off to bed.
-today: woohoo, awesome sleep last night! nature didn't call until 7:20am, and after one pot :P trip i spent the ten minutes until 7:30am having  a mostly silent chat to percy the saint/angel, asking him to please help me with the patience, perseverance, strength and endurance i needed to get through the day, giving all the pleasure, all the satisfaction to PIG mum and just suffering for her whenever she decided that only she could be happy and/or satisfied.
-after that, daddy bear and i cuddled and snored, me waking briefly to kiss dearest dad goodbye when he left for work around 7:45am.
-more cuddling and snoring followed, and maybe even one more pot :P trip, before PIG mum came and poked me with "fifteen more minutes."
-hey, aunty lucia should arrive soon, so fingers crossed i can bbl, else today:
-late morning UQ physio with anna
-saw naz for a spud!
-aunty lucia will come supervise my shower
-tonight i'm off to small group!
-toms: tess comes @ 10am, annette @ 4pm.
-righteo, hope everyone has a smashing weekend!
em. ^^

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