Friday, May 17, 2013

saturday post 120b

heylo again and good afternoon!firstly, em's new plodding total for saturday now stands @ 720, which digi proudly reports equals 230m or 11.2kcal and secondly, TWFT topic's 'are you in the wilderness'? XD anyways, continuing today's events?
~while i did my bible study homework and edited the story i'd be telling the little kiddies tomorrow, tess massaged ela for exactly thirty minutes.
-at midday, she took me once to the loo for four tinkles, then back @ the gobbling :P table i drank one warm mug of milo holding the mug 'incorrectly', my third to do so for today.
-then i rang aunty nga, remembering that aunty lai was @ work today. annie jie jie answered and told me that everybody bar her was out!
-so i just read news articles on tessa's iphone until 12:50pm, when she took me once more to the loo for three tinkles. funny thing though, fourth aunty rang! tess answered, saying, "good afternoon, tess speaking," then handed the phone to me, muttering, "she speaks your language." fourth aunty told me to write down her flight number, which i told tess, then congratulated her, saying, "see? your english skills are alright, you said 'CX' very accurately. fourth aunty blared back, "yes, but how much sense will that make if i arrive and just tell some airplane staff "CX CX CX?! no, you make sure your dad remembers to come pick me up, okay?!" XD
-dad arrived home just as tessa left, off to take jasmine bowling. he gave me a heaped half bowl of tessa's fried rice for lunch, plus one small slice of seedless juicy watermelon, instead of tea/soup.
-after i'd finished lunch, i walked myself slowly and safely back online, rising above god's incredible hatred and not letting him push me over.
-yay, almost 1.5 hours online for myself, now! gonna get my naruto fix, first. XD
-tonight, i'm off to ray's for small group! we're watching some video; hope it's interesting!
-toms: just church, nothing special. no, the special thing can be that i'm rostered down for the little kiddies storytelling! i'll practise it again with annette this arvo~
-our fortnightly SHINE fellowship afterwards; must remember to let anna/karen/someone get food for me, less i get some for myself then someone tells PIG mum i had lots and she chews me out for it! XD
-righteo, fingers crossed i can bbl, else hope to see everyone @ church toms!
em. ^^

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