Thursday, August 20, 2009


good afternoon! TWFT topic was 'heeding the signs'! and em was hard at work plodding 2631 steps. and the spam count for the week is exactly 100. anyways, em didn't actually plop online till 2:40pm, but i don't really fancy my chances at being allowed to stay online till 4:40pm ... >< oh well, will just have to note the time PIG mum boots me off and get back EVERY SINGLE MINUTE THAT I'M OWED on sunday! anyways, what happened today?
-dearest dad got himself up to head for work. em swung herself around to use the pot :P once, then cuddled her darling bear bear and sang/counted herself back into some heavy-duty snoring. :P
-PIG mum dug me up, got me kitted, then made(PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of saturday's post to see what i REALLY want to write, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk over to wash and dry both hands, before she made(PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of saturday's post to see what i REALLY want to write, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk out to the gobbling :P table. she was still mean, and wouldn't give poor em sticky, either. or my walkbelt. :(
-breakfast was a mug of warm milo and a crunchy apricot museli bar. of course, PIG mum wasn't happy until she got to force my poor left hand to grasp onto the museli bar, and my right hand did the unpeeling of the wrapper.
-thanks to PIG mum who popped me my drugs :P afterwards: a fish oil, a garlic, one bilberry and two cranberry.
-time to go, PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of saturday's post to see what i REALLY want to write, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk out to the 4WD, also forcing me to buckle my own seatbelt. off she tootled us off to your :P turn, listening to jacky cheung. ( and i'll not mention that again coz that's who we listened to all day).
-PIG mum parked, then MADE (4th time) me walk in. i took a seat; she went to repark the car properly.
-mainly, i did lotsa left hand/arm activities. no newspaper page turning today, but lotsa other random activities. i chatted to marion, also to a few others i met at the previous session.
-morning tea was a nice cuppa, white and two, and a few yummy bikkies with yellow cream. thanks to whoever left me three or four yummy seedless green grapes; PIG mum grabbed a bikkie for herself also, loudly whinging/whining just how tired she was.
-i went to the bathroom twice during the session, also browsing a woman's day magazine as PIG mum went to fetch the 4WD.
-i think PIG mum signed me up for some session next friday? dunno. anyways, she made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of saturday's post to see what i REALLY want to write, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><)me walk out to the car, and tootled us back home. i kept my foot straight this time, coz i'd already left it on its side, like charlie chaplin, i think PIG mum told me? for the trip to your :P turn.
-we picked up aunty melody and PIG mum tootled us off to the glen hotel!
-she FORCED :(first time) me to walk in. no walkbelt, but at least i had sticky!
-we sat and ordered. we all drank water (i'd asked PIG mum for a drinks menu, but she told me that the restaurant only sold alcohol), aunty melody got some fish and chips, while PIG mum and i shared a bacon cabonara and a caesar salad.
-ai, PIG mum's booting me offline now. so sorry for any mistakes, andhope to see everyone at UF tonight!
em. ^^

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