Wednesday, August 12, 2009

good evening, all!
well, em didn't plop online till 9:30pm, but since she also rather sadly knows that PIG mum would rather EAT HER ALIVEO_o :P then to allow her to stay online till 11:30pm, i promise to note the time when poor em gets forced off to bed, then i will get back EVERY SINGLE MINUTE I'M OWED!! so, just quickly:
-TWFTD topic was 'today, encourage someone!' and em was hard at work plodding 7979 steps today.
-this morning, we had 2 visitors! kelly and daniel, from UQ. daniel's a human movement student from singapore and i think he'll be helping me out with things for a few sessions.
-lunch was 5 yummy boiled dumplings from kerry, jimmy and karson's mum, aunty irene. thanks to PIG mum for a tiny dish of soya sauce so i could dip my dumplings in, and also thanks to her who mixed me a yummy chocolate nesquik.
-i went to the bathroom once before dad tootled us off for our arvo/evening of family outing time! my hard-working dad ... he's obviously at work a lot, so is only free to take us all out on public hols, like today!
-lol, i just realised, the ekka public holiday is therefore an 'event' meaning i get to type it all out in full! :p
so, after forcing me to buckle my own seatbelt, dear dad tootled us off to runaway bay. (lol, i kept thinking it was raby bay. raby bay's actually in cleveland! :P) the parents gleefully FORCED :(first time) poor em to walk all the way in and take a seat. there, we snacked on the muffins anna had kindly baked for us. some kind of berry muffins, i think they were. then the parents dragged poor em around and around the beach/park. :( and today, i wasn't allowed sticky at all. :( PIG mum is MEAN. >< but on the plus side, i'm claiming twenty bucks off her tonight! i should be able to buy presents for both grandma and baby mickey at this stage!
-next, we went to maccas. PIG mum kindly bought us an oreo mcflurry. too bad though, poor em only got like, 4 bites of it, coz dad somehow took offence at the way i was sitting. i think it's somehow this HUGE UNFORGIVEABLE SIN to hang your head down and rest? i think he also accused me of swearing. now, i know i do suffer from short-term memory loss, but i can say this with certainity: i NEVER swore out aloud to dad! anyways, after that, the parents gleefully FORCED :(another first) me to walk to timezone. first i played the sword fighting game, then the parents joined me in whacking the cats. then we whacked the sharks, i tried this horse racing game (lol, my highly bred racehorse was just called 'horsie' :P) and i played this shooting game where i manned the guns of some plane.
-after playing our heads off, dinnertime! PIG mum (dad was parking the 4WD) gleefully FORCED :(3rd first) me to walk to the restaurant - hong kong village BBQ chinese restaurant (wow, that's a mouthful! :P but in canto, it's 8 words long!). we sat down, looked at the menu, and ordered. so we shared: a bowl of my favourite congee, that pork and thousand year old egg one, yummy hokkien fried rice, and a wonton noodle soup(meaning i passed that one coz i don't eat icky prawns :P). actually, my main course - deep fried icecream! guess that means i can't ask PIG mum for anymore tonight. :( oh well. yummy deep fried icecream with chocolate topping! actually, the waitress also offered me strawberry, only she gave it some other canto name. must ask PIG mum what it was. oh, thanks, she says in canto it's called 'chol nui'.
-anyways, dear dad tootled us back home, telling me to sleep first. actually, he yawned a lot himself, but PIG mum warned him he had to stay awake. i ever-so-helpfully added that he could fall asleep the moment he parked the car into the garage. :P
-anyways, PIG mum took me to the loo once more before i tootled online.
-phew, i finished! physio at UQ toms, hope it goes well! even more, what do you think my chances are of getting PIG mum to take me to the glen hotel for lunch? see, she promised she would if i walked inside the PA hospital for physio without sticky. i did last week, but she said i walked too crap and refused to take me. what about this week? i hope/surely it was better! coz i think thursday's lunch special is chicken schnitzel (sp?). well, poo poo. >< PIG mum's already told me she won't take me there. >< ah well, i can but try again next week, i'm sure the glen will still be there. :p wow! PIG mum informs me that the glen's been in business for over 100 years! and best of all, karen's taking me out to the library toms night! i think it's bookclub! fingers crossed for some yummy dinner with her - i'd love a two piece feed from KFC, if not, then sth from red rooster, but if still not, a kebab will do just fine. oh, and marianna's coming toms too! righteo, cya toms!
em. ^^
P.S. i found and corrected 2 errors in my post tonight.
P.P.S. phew! thank goodness i copied this post before i published it! dumb em somehow managed to navigate away from this page. o_O :P

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