Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Thursday Post 245

Good afternoon! Firstly, today I’ve been hard @ work plodding well over 1098 steps (I’ll explain why later) and secondly, TWFT topic’s ‘Teaching Children Patience (2)’ but thirdly and way most importantly, I’m still owed TWELVE MINUTES online after PIG mum gets home!! Anyways, events for today?
-        At 2:17, playing my first game of Bejeweled, I lasted 5:03. Now, lemme play two more games, both lasting over six minutes (to catch up on the six minute one I didn’t achieve yesterday XD) and I’ll be content to call it quits for Thursday. XD
-        Now @ 2:29pm I’ve played another game of Bejeweled lasting 6:39, so just lemme play one more lasting in between six and seven minutes, and I’m content to call it quits for today. XD
-        Then @ 2:40pm I played a third game of Bejeweled lasting 6:30. Yesterday’s quotas caught up on; today’s quota satisfied and yes, I’ll hit the sack to when ordered tonight. XD
-        I used the pot :P once last night around 2:15am and once more @ 6:45am before immediately returning to sleep, coz I wanted to wake and use the pot :P once more before PIG mum came into my room this morning.
-        Sure enough, her a-THUMPING around upstairs awoke me and prompted another pot :P trip. Not only that, I had another dream! This time, Pole and I were going through the Maccas drive-thru! I’m just pissed I woke before I ordered and got the food handed over. XD
-        Yay, for the second consecutive day, after PIG mum hit me with the eye goo and helped me very slightly with a bra, she also helped me very slightly with a tee coz dearest dad hadn’t left for work yet.
After giving myself fifteen more minutes, I got myself mostly independently kitted, also spending about ten minutes beginning a mostly silent chat to Percy the saint/angel, asking him please to help me with the patience, perseverance, strength and endurance I need to get through today with, giving PIG mum all the pleasure, all the satisfaction and just suffering for her whenever she decided that only she can be happy and/or satisfied. It doesn't sound very fair, but she's taught me through her actions, if not through her words, that it's enough she's happy and/or satisfied, and I guess whenever that happens, I've just got to grit my teeth and endure. >< *sigh*
PIG mum came back to help with Elf’s AFO and both laces (only coz she didn’t wanna be late to work; I’m sure I’ll tie them with Kim when I shower later XD) before I let her gleefully FORCE L me to walk to the bathroom to brush teeth (poor Ela). Teeth brushed, I sit over the loo for two tinkles, also leaning fully against the side rail and continuing my mostly silent chat to Percy the saint/angel, asking him please to help me get through today okay. I find it's exceedingly important to constantly remind the cruel and unfaithful God that He has no bearing  on  my good day whatsoever, that I am perfectly capable of having a good day without Him, despite Him and apart from Him, because my good day's dependent on my own good attitude. If only God would remember that ... *sigh* He created the phrase 'live and let live', so why the heck can't He lemme live the free, independent life that I deserve? Okay, fair enough, we all only deserve death because of Him, but why can't He just lemme live the life that nearly everyone else gets to live?? *sigh*

-        After washing and drying Era, I walk myself slowly and safely out to the gobbling :P table, rising above the cruel and unfaithful God’s near-overwhelming hatred and not letting Him push me over.
Breakfast is one bowl of bird food (what Dr. Ku calls All-Bran XD), one plain (without honey) Weet-bix, several Weet-bix Bites, all my usual drugs :P and one full mug of water. Over breakfast, I spend about ten minutes finishing my mostly silent chat to Percy the saint/angel. Remember, however the cruel and unfaithful God tries to make my day bad for me, I won't let that affect me because my good day has NOTHING to do with Him; I'm perfectly capable of having a good day without Him, despite Him and apart from Him. See, my good day's dependent on my own good attitude!

-        After breakfast, I walk myself slowly and sqfely to the 4WD, again rising above the cruel and unfaithful God’s near-overwhelming hatred and not letting Him push me over. PIG mum tootles me off to the Garbo library for writers group! Of course, she gleefully forces me to buckle my own seatbelt, I turn the radio on to 97.3FM (but flip to 4KQ @ 9am for the news) and Era helps Ela stretch for ten minutes, before Ela opens and closes her palm fifty times, holding each for a count of five.
-        At the library, PIG mum drops in two bucks for morning tea then races off for work. I show off my badge to Ken and Sattya. XD Thanks to Eileen who helps me once to the bathroom when she arrives; I manage fine by myself.
-        About sixteen people attended today; Ken said my homework was good! ^^ During the break, I asked Denise (a physio) whether there was anything I could do about Elf’s clonus; she said there’s this thing called zip lining? Will e-mail her/research further myself~Also during the break, when I was using the loo, I checked Wally 3 and was super-pissed to discover he'd only given me sixty-nine steps! I mean, WTF?! ><
-        When writers group ended, I used the loo once more then Eileen handed me over to Aunty Jo. Instead of having half a lunch @ Woka Woka, though, Aunty Jo shouted me a belated birthday lunch @ Kinsei! Just the ten dollar lunch special, but (1) she lemme eat it all coz ‘twas only a small bowl and (2) she ordered me a matcha drink! Too bad ‘twas too watery, though. She herself drank a wintermelon tea. Sounded disgusting, but she shouted me a spoonful and hey, it’s not bad!
-        After lunch, Aunty Jo tootled me back home. I turned off the alarm, went to the loo and did a stinky unspeakable.
-        When I came back outside, it wasn’t quite 2pm yet, so I sat down @ the computer and just chatted with Aunty Jo for awhile.
-        Time for her to leave, I walked her to the garage, locked the door then walked myself slowly and safely back online, always rising above the cruel and unfaithful God’s near-overwhelming hatred and not letting Him push me over.
-        When PIG mum announced her safe arrival home, I walked myself slowly and safely to the front door and let her in, rising above the cruel and unfaithful God’s near-overwhelming hatred and not letting Him push me over.
-        Kim’s coming to mind me from 4pm till 6pm today. Fingers crossed she’ll lemme outta shoelace tying practice, will lemme drink white tea with two sugars and gimme the chance to read for another hour again!
-        Also fingers crossed that dearest dad’ll take PIG mum and I out for dinner somewhere tonight even though I’ll definitely only get piss little.
-        Toms: don’t remember if I’ve got anything happening in the morning, but pretty sure I’m seeing Aunty Ann for a comfy massage in the arvo.
-        Alas, it’s Aunty Lucia coming to mind me for one hour around 4pm. *sigh* Wish she’d hurry up and ask Uncle Stephen to please find someone else to come mind me for one hour @ 4pm instead of her; it’s honestly just dangerous how she refuses to walk behind me like how Aunty Kitty does. >< *sigh* Also, she can screech that I’m using too much soap/shampoo/water/whatever, but I’m telling her she hasn’t any say coz she’s not doing it for me! *sigh*
-        Best of all, toms night I’m watching the Broncos match! We’ve already lost the first two rounds and definitely need to win this third! Anyways, hopefully bbl, else hope everyone has a smashing end to their week toms!
Em. ^^

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