Monday, January 24, 2011

monday post 38d

one last good evening! em's final, final plodding total for monday now stands @ 5777. okay, i think tonight i'd better check my pedometer before i sleep, because while i promise i give my all everyday, i'm just not sure i plodded that many steps today ... anyways, final events for tonight?
-*faints* i've had the perfect arvo tea THIRTEEN times this month!!! meaning i must be content if i don't get it anymore for the remainder of the year! and i had a yummy banana, too; cathy later smeared banana skin all over my face. :P
-cathy then gave ela a massage for twenty minutes, painting her purple with yellow/brown spots today. her family's having beef curry with vegies and rice for dinner tonight.
-@5:55pm, cathy Forced me to walk to the toilet for two tinkles, before Forcing me to walk over to wash and dry both hands, then finally Forcing me to walk back to the computer.
-i signed her off and she left about three minutes early, because she'd arrived three minutes early this arvo.
-then i just tootled online and listened to the news before PIG mum woke up from pigland and immediately forced me offline.
-i went to the loo; of course she gleefully forced me to dak myself. but thanks to her for two mugs of water - both of which i was very careful to hold 'correctly', of course - then i did my second stinky unspeakable for today. must've been the popcorn i gobbled while watching shaolin.
-after my second stinky unspeakable for today, PIG mum gleefully FORCED :( me to walk over and wash and dry both hands before she gleefully FORCED :( me to walk back to the gobbling :P table.
-there, she gleefully forced poor ela to write out the alphabet. i mean, i wasn't left-handed in the first place, add to that the fact that i'm hemiplegic now means that poor ela can't bloody write! >< but PIG mum's read that book that perky :P recommended, and she likes that idea. *sigh* ela can be brave and endure for me. :)
-afterwards, she gleefully forced poor ela on 20+ mins of exercises, before she gleefully forced me to fold the day's washing. lol, i think she likes forcing me to do that because she can gleefully order me to "away from the chair." :P
-finally, dinnertime! and rice without greens! one big mushroom and several tiny slices of pork ... can't remember if i had anything else. :P sadly, horrid PIG mum did gleefully force poor ela to hang onto the bowl while i ate, meaning i VERY DELIBERATELY held onto my yummy mug of fruit and vegie juice 'incorrectly' afterwards.
-PIG mum took me to the loo once afterwards. i yelled up the stairs @ dad, did he wanna come down and watch the tennis with PIG mum? think nadal's playing tonight.
-toms: someone save me, i've a bloody torture session with vincent the bloody physio toms. >< but look on the bright side, PIG mum says she'll take me to lunch @ maccas toms! :D that's right; i'm gonna check out their website and see what's on the menu. but tomorrow night's even more exciting - toastmasters resumes! :D and nobuko's taking me! :) fingers crossed i can get a tropicana pack from red roosters or a snack box with one piece and a small gravy from KFC afterwards! righteo, hope everyone has a smashing day toms!
em. ^^

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