Saturday, January 22, 2011

saturday post36c

good evening! how come the sky's still so light @ 6:33pm? oh right, we're just passed halfway through summer. anyways, em's new final plodding total for saturday now stands @2042. anyways, events since my last post?
-cathy came about two minutes early and Forced me to walk to the bathroom for my shower - hairwash today.
-i had one tinkle before cathy flipped the nice hot water, got dried and had another tinkle when cathy went outside in search for the crea. then i got creamed and rekitted, having one last tinkle when cathy was tying erf's laces. then cathy rinsed the floor for me once before she Forced me to walk back out to the gobbling :P table for arvo tea.
-OMG! cathy's fed me the perfect arvo tea TWELVE times in one month!!! i also drank one cup of tea, white and two, 'incorrectly'.
-PIG mum came downstairs and taught cathy how to turn the television on, then taught cathy how you can use paw paw/papaya to boil soup.
-cathy refused to start massaging ela until after the news started, then painted her red with black spots.
-i watched the sports report before cathy Forced me to walk to the toilet, also forcing me to dak myself. she went to turn on the computer for me while i just had one tinkle, then came back and Forced me to wash and dry both hands before Forcing me to walk back to the computer.
-i signed cathy off and she left one minute early. her kids are cooking her dinner tonight, and she's back on monday.
-anna arrived first, then aunty a, her usual 'promptly arrive a lil late'.
-just talking with hilary jie jie now! :D
-dunno when dad'll call dinner, but i hope i can come back online tonight!
em. ^^

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