Saturday, April 22, 2017

Saturday Post 189b

Heylo and good evening again! Em’s new plodding total for Saturday now stands @ 1871. Anyways, continuing tonight’s events?
-        Before heading out to the gobbling :P table for breakfast, I use the loo once more for two tinkles, also fully leaning against the side rail and finishing my mostly silent chat to Percy the saint/angel. Remember, however the cruel and unfaithful God tries to make my day bad for me, I won't let that affect me because my good day has NOTHING to do with Him; I'm perfectly capable of having a good day without Him, despite Him and apart from Him. See, my good day's dependent on my own good attitude!
-        After washing and drying Era, I head out to the gobbling :P table for breakfast. Thanks to Besta who lets me eat one bowl of bird food (what Dr. Ku calls All-Bran XD) and yummy Coco Pops Chex, before I tuck into my half sandwich of yummy ham and egg. Thanks to Besta who adds half a slice of cheese for me; I also enjoy one mug of tea, white and two. Oh, and coz Besta said she forgot to buy me any Easter eggs, she got me a Kinder Surprise instead! :D
-        Breakfast finished, I composed my letter to Nana~ Besta sat and gently massaged Ela for about forty-five minutes while watching the Morning Show.
-        At midday, I used the loo once for one tinkle. We’re outta milk; instead of drinking Milo I had my Kinder Surprise then~
-        Tried without success reaching Aunty Nga; left a message.
-        Instead, I read until 12:55pm, when Besta took me once more to the loo and I did a stinky unspeakable.
-        Besta left me with one bowl of fried rice and another mug of white tea with two sugars for lunch. Lol, she left late, coz we were chatting; it wasn’t till dad rang @ 1:05pm demanding, “It’s past 1pm. Surely Besta’s gone; why haven’t you rang me??” did she laugh and take her leave.
-        After enjoying lunch, I walked myself slowly and safely to the loo for two tinkles then online, both times rising above the cruel and unfaithful God’s near-overwhelming hatred and not letting Him push me over.

Em. ^^

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