Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Wednesday Post 447b

 Heylo again and please excuse the first post; you know I still get too excited whenever I get to post online before midday. XD Firstly, my final, final plodding total from last night's actually 3880; secondly, Joni's devotional topic from last night's "The Touch Of The Master's Hand"; thirdly, today I've been hard @ work plodding only 322 steps (since obviously, I've not left the house yet); fourthly, John Piper's devotional topic from last night's "Seek Your City's Good" and fifthly, Our Daily Bread's devotional topic's 'United Diversity' but sixthly and way most importantly, I'm really still owed ONE HOUR and TWENTY-NIbyNE online after I get home from walkies with dearest dad!! Anyways, let's start off with yesterday's events first!

  • Once Nisha arrived, Sparkless3 was transferred to her carboot, I climbed into Tuesday, and we were off!
  • Unfortunately, traffic began on Logan Rd., continued all along the highway and then when we reached the turnoff to QUT other cars wouldn't let Nisha merge into the lane to turn into QUT meaning we had to loop back around and by the time we FINALLY reached it, all the free parking was gone. >< :o(
  • But last night there were eight attendees, that's the most so far for this year! Someone called Lisa gave an educational and she was talking about some annoying habits people can have while giving a speech; I had a clicky pen so cheekily clicked it on and off. Then Lisa looked @ me, grinned and said "That." Then she added, "STOP." 'Twas a DIRECT COMMAND, and I immediately obeyed! XD
  • Why last night was awesome: Neil brought Tim Tams and the speaker bought me a packet of honey soy chicken flavoured chips! :D 
  • Got an UnHappy Meal with an orange juice for dinner,  got home,  repeat the usual nightly events and zzz ~
    Em. ^^
  • P.S All the interesting surnames I saw while watching the 6pm news bulletin (Nine's) for the 91ST time: Fegan, Bleijie, Lennon (heard), Richter,Miles (but not the premier; a police officer!), Barrett, Geran, Hudson, Heagney, Kimberley, Millward Worth, Sydes, Rayner, Watson,  Kennedy, Albanese (heard), Probyn, Kohler, Oliver, Ingham, Hill, Fitter, Pecker, Tomasi, Todhunter (heard), McCarthy, Walters, Cartwright,  Trump and Kohler.  Chris Kohler read the finance report (1AUD =65.13USc), Jonathan Uptin read the sports report and  Garry Youngberry read the weather report from Hamilton. Brisbane was - missed it, but Brisbane tomorrow: 17-27.

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