Saturday, March 21, 2009

good afternoon! b4 i start warbling on about what happened last night and this morning, let's cover what i did on my bday first!
well, i was a-snoring with my beloved bear bear and young denny until PIG mum dug me up and got me kitted for hydro. she gleefully made (GO! to thursday's post to read what i really want to write, but have been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk out to the car, and off she tootled us to hydro. on arrival, PIG mum gleefully made good afternoon! b4 i start warbling on about what happened last night and this morning, let's cover what i did on my bday first!
well, i was a-snoring with my beloved bear bear and young denny until PIG mum dug me up and got me kitted for hydro. she gleefully made (GO! to thursday's post to read what i really want to write, but have been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk out to the car, and off she tootled us to hydro. on arrival, PIG mum gleefully made (GO! to thursday's post to read what i really want to write, but have been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk in. judith strapped up my left ankle with sports tape and fixamul
-whoops, susan's here, so i'll bbl, ok? time is now ... 3:02pm.
-good evening! time is now 7:20pm, and my final plodding total for today now stands at 1290. so, where was i?
-oh. judith lowered me into the pool, and hydro started. walking forwards and sideways, squatting, kicking, floating and some left arm work. oh, and my favourite head dunk in at the end, of course. :P
winched back out, PIG mum pushed me in for a hosedown. i went for a tinkle afterwards, before i got redressed. sadly, PIG mum refused me permission to walk out the fire exit, like how judith had given us permission to, last time. but i still received a happy surprise - as PIG mum gleefully made (GO! to thursday's post to read what i really want to write, but have been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk back out to the car, judith and ann gave me a rendition of happy birthday! complete with hippip hoorays too! :)
-we rang dear dad, then tootled off to the PA for our lunch date with monica.
-i was gratefully plopped into sparkless on arrival, and wheeled myself into the cafetaria, PIG mum lending some steering.
-we met up with monica! lol, when PIG mum rang her, she accidentally dropped her phone in the loo. >< but that'sokay, her insurance covers the 'if you drop in the toilet' accident, so i hope she'll be alright.
-PIG mum kindly got me an iced chocolate from starbucks and a bowl of fish and chips with gravy. for monica, she got a skinny cuppacino (sp?) and herself, this chicken and avocado sandwhich. she traded bites with me in return for some of my beautiful fish and chips.
-we had a yak to monica - must remember to keep her in my prayers to percy the angel tonight! her brain tumour is regrowing :S but her family's doing good - little elilah has a baby sister called amelia now!
-much thanks to monica for a bday card and pressie too! this cute red magnetic thing with 3 or 4 doggy clips; it's for holding photos in.
-we said our byes to monica, and i wheeled myself back out, making a stop on the way so we could buy a newspaper.
-i was very surprised indeed when PIG mum said yes to my request if we could pop into BIRU! so i wheeled myself in, we saw evelyn! then thanks to aunty rose who let us in.
-we had a bit of a yak to margaret (my favourite ankle-smacking nurse :P) and kesley. oh, and andy too, who came around to gimmee a hug when i told him that it was my bday!
-last stop, i wheeled myself into the BIRU gym to try and find bob. but only jayne was here. she said lucky janelle had the day off, then passed on the sad news - poor bob is very sick! so i must remember to keep him in my prayers tonight to percy the angel along with monica. she said sth about poor bob needing palliative care or sth ... doesn't that mean there's no cure?! i hope not - the man's only 61!
-anyways, i wheeled mysef back out and into the car. PIG mum rang amanda to let her know that she could come, then tootled us home.
-PIG mum gleefully made (GO! to thursday's post to read what i really want to write, but have been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk in, and i flopped in bed for awhile until amanda arrived. she sang me a happy bday song (i did the hip hips :P), then swapped me into the showerchair with the wheels. sadly, PIG mum says that's the last shower i'll ever get with the wheels. oh well, i guess i'll just have to ask my carer to wash more of me than what i usually could manage in the showerchair with the wheels.
-amanda rolled me in for a tinkle afterwards, then got me redressed. i went for one more tinkle, b4 she Forced me to walk back to my seat at the gobbling table.
-arvo tea was just a few grapes and a cup of bushells australian breakfast, sweetened with 2 teaspoonfuls of honey.
-amanda gave me my birthday present! a novel from sarah douglass (sp?) and a card.
-ding dong! my ursula birdie came too - with a bday card and a small chocolate freddo for me!
-b4 she left, amanda Forced me to walk to the toilet once, Forced me to walk over and wash my right hand - but kindly dried it for me - and Forced me to walk out to the car. i'll see her again on monday.
-yay! PIG mum finally put back in my westlife CD! no more out-of-tune nasally fellow, phew :P
-i just realised - it's an EVENT, and i'm still doing it all in dot points! oops, my bad :P
anyways, dear dad tootled us off to toscani's at the hyperdome. i suffered a rude shock on arrival - parents gleefully FORCED :(first time) to walk in! dad rocked over to say hi to mr. dent, while mrs. dent showed PIG mum and i where the bathroom was. so, after a long tinkle, PIG mum gleefully made (GO! to thursday's post to read what i really want to write, but have been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk over to wash and dry my right hand, then gleefully made (GO! to thursday's post to read what i really want to write, but have been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk back to the table where the gents were waiting.
-we ordered. i got a chicken spumante with a choc shake, PIG mum had garlic and chilli prawns with rice and salad, dear dad got my all-time favourite fettucine cabonara, mrs dent got some risotto thing, and i forgot what mr dent got, sorry. we chatted, renee or leah is overseas, and the other one (i can never remember which one is which, sorry, just that there's 3 yrs difference between them) is conducting the queensland symphony orchestra. for dessert i got a cup of yummy caramel icecream - dear dad kept pinching some, lol :P time to go, we said our thanks and byes to the dents, and the parents gleefully made (GO! to thursday's post to read what i really want to write, but have been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk all the way back to the car. dear dad tootled us back home, still listening to westlife. on arrival, PIG mum gleefully made (GO! to thursday's post to read what i really want to write, but have been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk back into the house. i tootled online for like 30mins, receiving some bday well wishes from family and friends, and talking to aunty number 4 on the phone. PIG mum kicked me off to bed; the usual routine followed, except that PIG mum took pity on me and helped me pull my daks up, then i cuddled my darling bear bear and denny and sang and counted myself to sleep. zzz :P righteo, here comes the spotty points for today! :P
-em was an incredible happy pig with bear bear and denny all morning. i managed to swing myself to the showerchair and have a tinkle without killing myself, too. :)
-PIG mum came home, dug me up, and gleefully made (GO! to thursday's post to read what i really want to write, but have been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk out to the gobbling table.
-brunch was congee with some pork floss.
-PIG mum then gleefully made (GO! to thursday's post to read what i really want to write, but have been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk out to the car. dear dad tootled us off to warrigal rd state school, to vote.
-i was gratefully plopped into sparkless on excused me from wheeling myself in as the floor was steep and he feared that i would kill myself falling out. :P
-we voted - i went for anna bligh, that is, stephen robertson in our electorate - then we dropped our votes into the ballot box.
-i wheeled myself back out. we bumped into wilfreddy's dad, actually! then dear dad tootled us back home, still listening to westlife.
-i popped online briefly until susan's arrival. PIG mum headed for pig land :P
-susan Forced me to walk into the laundry, and also forced me to dak myself. i got a hairwash today, and luckily, only have 2 pimples on my chin.
-i got redressed, then susan handed me my stick and Forced me to walk back out to my chair.
-arvo tea: a cup of bushell's australian breakfast with some honey and a toasted cheese - i chose 2 slices over mayo - and ham sandwhich, cut up into 4 squares.
-susan gave me a hand massage as i read my janny wurts novel for awhile, then forced me on 20mins of hand exercises - just theraplaydough today.
- at 5:30, she Forced me to walk over to my TV chair, and flicked on ten's sports tonight, read out by rob canning. at 6pm, she flipped channels to was read out by sharyn ghidella, sports by pat welsh, and weather by talitha cummins.
-we watched some swimming until 6:45pm. susan handed me my stick and Forced me to walk to the loo. she also forced me to dak myself.
-i actually did a stinky unspeakable, and wiped myself too.
-susan came back; we pulled my daks up together, then she Forced me to walk over to wash my right hand. after helping me dry it, she Forced me to walk back to my seat.
-she left promptly at 7pm. happy bday to her bro, who's 27-29 today! she'll be back toms, so i must remember to ask her where they went to celebrate.
-dinner for me was congee, a bit of yummy pork flos, and a piece of carrot and potato both. washed down with a yummy, if unfortunately HEAVILY watered-down pear juice.
-PIG mum gleefully made (GO! to thursday's post to read what i really want to write, but have been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk back to pop online. she's eagerly waiting to boot me off to bed, so i guess i had better say goodnite and end here. dear dad's gone to watch soccer at uncle tyrone's - i hope he has fun! i'll be fast asleep when he returns home. :Pactually, i'm feeling quite sad - toms will be our final, LAST service at our old church!i've been attending it for like 18+ years! well, i'll try to say bye to both toilets :P and ask PIG mum if she can drive me up to the morning tea area. if someone could grab me a chair, i could enjoy one last bikkie and one last cup of cordial. there's no bible study coz there'll be an AGM toms. hope to see yous all at church toms!
em. ^^

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