Saturday, March 28, 2009

saturday post

good evening!
sorry i couldn't post yesterday, i must've failed PIG mum's requirements of me. anyways, yesterday i plodded steps and today i plodded 3310 steps. i'll have to just jump straight into the spotty :p points for today, coz i know PIG mum is eagerly trying to boot me offline.
-em was a happy ig all morning.
-PIG mum came home, got me kitted, and made (please refer to the top of thursday's post to see what i really want to type, but have been TOO HEAVILY CNSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk out to the gobbling table. :P
-brunch was rollini with some potatoes and carrots. oh, and a glass of plain milk.
-i read until vincent the physio arrived. >< first session: PT.
-walking, left arm work, more walking.
-i introduced him to cherame, then, when he left, cherame Forced me to walk to the bathroom.
-i dakked myself, took a seat, and cherame gave me a shower - no hirwash today.
-i got redressed, dried, then cherame (i remember, i think! her surname is mossley!) Forced me to walk back outside to my chair.
-arvo tea: a toasted cheese - too bad, only 1 slice of cheese, so ENTIRELY too thin, but no complaints, coz this week has already been satisfied - ham and mayo sandwhich, cut into 4 squares. also a cup of yummy rice green tea ... i don't think cherame put any honey into it ... :( but oh well.
-cherame Forced me to walk over to my armchair for the news, and she kindly fed me some yummy grapes and half a cracker - even though i asked for 2.
-at 6:15, cherame Forced me to walk to the loo. i dakked myself, had a tinkle.
-cherame Forced me to walk to the car, then kindly helped me do my seatbelt.
-she left, parents piled in, and off dad tootled us to sunnybank plaza. i'm not really sure why it's such a sin to tuck your hand behind the car seat, nor why it is such a sin to place it down the front of the car. well, PIG mum commands that i place it on top of my thighs. i guess i can only comply.
-dad parked, then the parents made (please refer to the top of thursday's post to see what i really want to type, but have been TOO HEAVILY CNSORED by PIG mum. ><) me catch the elevator up and walk in.
-the fong's were already there. we said our hellos, then took a seat.
-we ordered a group meal, not each ordering a plate of food. i got a cold milk tea, though i needed uncle jason to protect it for me, lest dad stole a few gulps. :P(in the end, he still succeeded).
-food arrived! i got some rice, a few beoccoli, a bit of charsiu and other roast meat 2 or 3 yummy scallops, and some yummy lemon chicken. i guess at the end, i was barely satiated, but PIG mum forbade me anymore, saying i had to leave it all for uncle jason. oh well.
-so i slurped down my yummy cold milk tea, and chatted. uncle jason's got 4 or 5 siblings, actually. he's related to aunty frances! something like, her husband is uncle jason's brother.
-time to go, we said our byes - did you know, uncle jason's mum lives all by herself! clever woman! she doesn't speak any english, but she walks better than i do! - then the parents made (please refer to the top of thursday's post to see what i really want to type, but have been TOO HEAVILY CNSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk back down to our car.
-dad tootled us home, no music this time.
-parents made (please refer to the top of thursday's post to see what i really want to type, but have been TOO HEAVILY CNSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk back inside, and i tootled online. i know PIG mum's waiting eagerly to boot me off, oh well. anyways, i hope to see everyone at church toms! church luncheon, too! yumyum~
em. ^^
P.S. just for you, charlsy - no gleefully! :P

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