Thursday, December 7, 2023

Friday Post 471

 Good afternoon! Firstly, today I've been hard @ work plodding 2570 steps (ha, I'm just over 2.5 grand XD); secondly, John Piper's daily devotional topic from last night's 'Messiah For The Magi'; thirdly, TWFT topic's 'Humble Yourself'; fourthly, Our Daily Bread's devotional topic's "Prejudice And God's  Love" and fourthly, the spam count for the week's just six but fifthly and way most importantly, I'm really still owed ONE HOUR and TWENTY-ONE MINUTES online after I watch the 6pm news (Nine's) for the 184TH time!! Anyways, before covering events for today, lemme recount what happened last night first!

  • After dinner, dad had gone to church for sth, I was enjoying some time online , dad had gone to church for sth and PIG mum had gone upstairs to do some internet banking when @ like 8:01pm zzt! Everything suddenly snapped off and I was plunged into darkness! "Hey, PIG mum!" I called. "Power's just gone out. You alright?" She screeches back, "I was just about to start internet banking; lucky the power cut before I entered any information!" I call upstairs, "Well it's so dark I can't even see my hand when I wave it in front of my face so I'm just gonna stay seated and not move lest I try get up and fall over. I'll wait for dad to come back and save us. Are you alright where you are?" She calls back downstairs, "I've got my mobile; I'll turn the light on and come downstairs and stay with you." While she does that, I quickly Whatsapp dearest dad and  let him know that power's blown.
  • After  she comes down, PIG mum hands me her mobile and orders I message that Whatsapp group chat she's part of with the nneighbours and ask has anyone else lost power? Without identifying myself I just type '12 Yvonne Rd. has lost power. Everyone else okay? The answers come thick and fast: our neighbour across the road has lost power too but our neighbour down the road Jessie's fine. Then, it the road behind ours, someone has also lost power! 
  • 'Twas about 9pm when dad arrived home; I was heading to the toilet for  one last loo trip and for once, PIG mum was coming with because she was holding the light! When dad walked into the house I walked towards  him wailing that the power had cut and I'm scared of the dark! Dearest dad gave me a big hug and said don't need to be afraid; I'm here now.
  • I spent the rest of the night after  the loo trip playing the HP version of Bejeweled; it's  heaps harder than the usual one I play!
  • The power finally came back on @ 11:20pm; thanks to PIG mum who came downstairs and turned the air con on for me.
    Em. ^^
    P.S. All the interesting surnames I saw while watching the 6pm news (Nine's) for the 184TH time: Welsh, Dibley, Sydes, Masters, Packer, Howard, Webb, Rawlings, Bageley (heard), Arvier, Marles, Pearl, Higgins (heard), Lehrmann (heard), Leahy (prounced Lay), Menedez, Probyn, Manawa, Hoshino, Satsume, Mam, Kiera (first name), Paige, Dodd, Geran, Essex, Ford, Olivana (first name), Lathouris, Lynn, Maxwell (heard), Cummins, Usman (first name), Khawaja, Dufficy, Gibson, Vollenhoven, Fleur (first name), Cantrall,  Rice,  Rahm, Cripps, Reynolds, O'Donnell Harmann, Marius Chelepy, Greer, Cowan, Farmer, Harding, Palaszczuk, McVeigh, Crisafulli and Rebheim. 1AUD = 66.10USc. Luke Bradnam read the weather report from Coomera. Brisbane was 22-31 today. Mt. Gravatt toms: 21-29. Brisbane toms: 23-30. Sunrise: 4:45am Sunset 6:35pm

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