Saturday, December 30, 2023

Saturday Post 389

 Good evening! Firstly, today I've been hard @ work plodding 3679 steps (ha, I'm over 3.5 grand XD); secondly, John Piper's devotional topic from last night's 'Outfitted And Empowered'; thirdly, TWFT topic's 'God And Your Work (3)'; fourthly, Joni's devotional topic's 'Outside Our Circle' and fifthly, Our Daily Bread's devotional topic's 'Troubled Souls, Honest Prayers' but but sixthly and way most importantly, I'm really still owed ONE HOUR and TEN MINUTES online after I visit the  loo once more @ 9pm!! Argh, it's the day before NYE and I'll prolly not get my MOST IMPORTANT two hours of the day online ... >< *sigh* Anyways, just briefly, events for today?

  • Sometimes nature calls once during the night and rarely twice but last night was I think the first time ever she called THREE times? Unsure why ...
  • Got up, brushed teeth, drank one full mug of water, did a stinky unspeakable, ate my once-weekly egg on toast for breakfast, drank one big mug of white tea with one spoonful of honey and read for thirty minutes, finishing pg. 222 @ exactly 10:30am and finishing pg. 225 exactly five minutes later.
  • Went to Capalaba Central for post-Christmas Day shopping! I bought this really cool tray with Rudolph printed (asked PIG mum would she put  lollies on it for me  but she was mean and immediately snapped no; luckily dearest dad said I could put  pens) and PIG mum got a couple/a few pairs of shorts for me. Luckily the changerooms had a stool to sit on, but I had to like stand and squat like SEVEN times trying everything for PIG mum. *sigh*
  • For lunch we ate mini bahn mi! Very impressed: the bakery was called Van Dough, a clever play on Van Gogh! XD
  • After getting home I quickly use the loo for one tinkle and then dad tootles me off to the last table  tennis session @ church for 2023! He even lets me win! XD Unfortunately, I stack it after getting home; after walking around the car I suddenly just lose balance and sit oon the floor. >< Luckily, fat butt, good cushioning. XD
  • Eat some arvo tea and then shower - I wash and rinse my own hair today. I also softly, slowly but most hatefully sing 15% of my shorter second-favourite song out aloud, opening both eyes for all the important numbers.
  • Dried, creamed and rekitted I pop online and then watch the 6pm news bulletin (Seven's) for the 199TH time! 
  • All the interesting surnames  I saw while watching the 6pm news bulletin (Seven’s, read by Samantha Heathwood) for the 199TH time: Miles, Payne, Boyton, Bell, Albanese (heard), Chantrill, Bissell, Mellish, Young, Balme, Jeffcoat (heard), Paterson, Wladyslaw (first name), Whitfeld, Rory (first name), Campbell, Mercoorella, Wakes, Mylee (first name), Hogan, Norrie, Kroehn, Hamza, Shakeel, Hazan, Hazelwood (heard), Cummins, Salman, Rizwan, Stone, Rune, Holger (first name), Nadal (heard), Harvey, Overton, Marsh, Payne, Austin, Hoyland (heard) Milis,Khankaliham, Mayr (pronounced Mayor), Hine, Cahalan, Miller, Bryant, Batten, Lehrmann and Watt. Alisa Smith read the sports report and Tony Auden read the weather report. Brisbane was 23-28 today. Brisbane toms: 21-31. Mt. Gravatt toms: 20-29. Sunrise: 4:54am Sunset 6:47

  • Use loo for one tinkle, eat dinner, drink one cup of water, take cup to sink and return online.

  • Toms: just church, nothing special. Actually, the special thing's that it's already NYE!

  • Hope PIG mum'll gimme  one  honey-flavoured bowl of Tiny Teddy cereal unmixed with the healthy stuff!

  • Would love  lunch out with other ESS people afterwards but expecting a  pissy little cheeseburger from Hungry Jack's with dad. Also expecting a stressful arvo @ the hands of PIG mum. ><

  • But dad had better take us out for dinner (hopefully not SCSC again) and gimme ONE bowl of rice!

  • Back home  I've gotta hike upstairs for my once-yearly visit and then come downstairs and write my reflections for 2023!

  • Anyways, hopefully bbl after one more loo trip @ 9pm else looking forward to seeing everyone @ church toms!
    Em. ^^

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