Thursday, December 14, 2023

Thursday Post 387b

 Heylo again, good evening and probably one final greeting for tonight! Firstly, Em's probable final, final plodding total for Thursday now stands @ 5837 (ha, I'm more than half a normal person today XD) and secondly, Joni's devotional topic's "Showcase God's Glory". Righteo, probable final, final events for tonight?

  • When PIG mum goes oout to like see the physio, Mel suddenly arrives @ 4:09pm! She says sorry she was gonna come @ 4pm but I was stuck in bad traffic. I was like uh, I thought you were coming 5:30-8pm and taking me to my book club Christmas party but she said wasn't this just the usual 4-6pm shift? She walks behind me back to the computer and rings CODA while I call PIG mum. 
  • Phew she's free to take me; firstly I take a nice warm shower - hairwash today. Also thanks to Mel who helps me rinse out my hair, thus freeing Era to hold my stupid right eye tightly shut.
  • Dried, creamed and rekitted I head out, sit down @ the  gobbling :P table and write out Christmas  cards  to all the book club ladies while Mel cleans the bathroom and makes me one big mug of green tea for arvo tea, while PIG mum tosses me a banana.
  • Then we're off! First, Mel drives me to the wrong house; I get outta the car, walk up to the front door and knock - and  then some Korean guy answers! We apologise profusely and I'm heading back down the driveway to Mel's car when Kath's voice hails me. "Em!" Lol we's accidently gone to the next house! XD
  • But I thought Mel was walking behind me, stepped off the curb onto the road  - and I'm suddenly on the floor! >< ""EM!" Mel screeches. "Um, I'm not injured." I quickly reassure her. "Fat butt, good cushioning, you know?" XD  Mel pulls me back upright and we make our way into Kath's place. I'm directed to sit beside some boy who's actually Kath's grandson and only thirteen!
  • I get four slices of pizza for dinner: two meat lovers, two Hawaiian and three chunks of garlic bread; thanks to the grandson who keeps my punch cup filled; I drank like three cups!
  • I pass  out cards and presents and get some in return, yay! I feel particularly loved when someone makes me a batch of rocky road without the nuts!
  • Mel returns after awhile and Kath grabs her a chair; she tells me she went to the Hyperdome and had Maccas for dinner~  After I finish munching pizza I'm first to be served dessert coz turns out her shift ends @ 8pm! Meaning I'm definitely the first to leave but when I walked over and gave Barb a great big hug first because tonight she says she's retiring from book club! 
  • Back home, I use the loo once more and return online.
  • Tonight's ice cream night, yay!  Like I always say, a very little's better than none @ all!
  • Toms: Peggy's minding me from 9-2 and taking me to the CODA Christmas party! Gosh I'm partied hard this week: Tuesday Toastmasters Christmas party, Wednesday table tennis Christmas party; Thursday book club Christmas party and toms CODA Christmas party! Perhaps I'll be all partioed out once this week ends? XD Nah, Christmas parties are one of my most favourite  things about Christmas; keep partying hard, I'll say!
  • Tiff's gone for the hols so free afternoon once Peggy leaves; looking forward to spending my most important two hours of the day online, hoping to read for one hour while munching arvo and might even get to watch the 6pm news bulletin for the 188TH time!
  • Righteo, hope everyone has a smashind end to the week toms!
    Em. ^^

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