Monday, December 25, 2023

Monday Post 388d

 Good evening and potentially one final greeting for  tonight!  Firstly, Em's potential final,   final plodding total for  Monday now  stands @ 2581  (ha, I'm literally just over 2.5 grand XD) and  secondly, Joni's devotional topic's  'Look To  The Lord.' Righteo, potential final, final events for tonight?

  • Once I've used    up my most important two hours online of the day, I head over to the gobbling :P table and  wait for PIG mum to wake from her long arvo nap  and feed me some  arvo tea. Can't see any book around so happily play the HP version of Bejeweled.
  • PIG mum feeds me some yummy mango, half  a tasty rice cracker and one huge mug of green tea. I was hoping she'd  lemme  shower  afterwards   but   she'd  gone  upstairs  for another nap and dad  forbade me from calling upstairs to her!
  • But finally she awoke and I headed into the bathroom for my nice warm long   (Christmas's one day I let myself wash each body part my age number  of times; normally it's just twenty-five) shower - I wash and rinse my own hair  today. I also softly, slowly but most hatefully sing 20% of  my shorter second-favourite song  out aloud, opening both eyes for all the important numbers. Actually,  I'm all done after only  10%,but happily fully lean against the side rail water myself for another tinkle before tapping the nice warm water off and call PIG mum back.
  • After  PIG mum dries my back and the  back of the chair for me, I do everything else and she doesn't feature again until Elf's AFO straps need sticking and  both laces need tying.
  • After drying the loo seat, I sit for one tinkle, stamp both feet dry, dry inside both ears, wash and dry  Era   then walk myself slowly and safely back online, rising above the cruel and unfaithful God’s near-overwhelming hatred and not letting him push me over. 
  • Righteo, hopefully bbl after dinner else  wishing everyone a smashing day toms!
    Em. ^^

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