Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Tuesday Post 388c

 Good evening and probably one final greeting for tonight! Firstly, Em's probable final, final plodding total for Tuesday now stands @ 1077 (ha, I'm just over one grand XD) and secondly, Joni's devotional topic's 'Open The Storehouse' but thirdly and way most importantly I'm really still owed THIRTY-THREE MINUTES online after I have my once weekly Facebook video chat with Aunty Nga!! Argh, terrible way to end Boxing Day. >< But just briefly, probable final, final events for tonight?

  • After breakfast, I do a stinky unspeakable and pop briefly online, intending  to go to the loo once more before David and Esther come pick me up, but when  Dr. Esther suddenly says they're coming now (early) I head to the loo immediately.


  • After I climb into the backseat of David's car and buckle my seatbelt, they get in too and David drives us off to Wellington point somewhere! (NB. Unsure why the bullet points are really spaced out, but hey. XD)


  • Wow, Serena has a very fancy house that borders like a lake!  


  •  People arrive with food and the  barbie's fired up! I photo everything I eat and send to PIG mum; the fare for Boxing Day's much better than what I got for Christmas! XD

Eh now my dot points have gone?? Oh, whatever! ><

a- After lunch I asked Yu Lam can I fish but she points @ the grey sky and says prolly noot coz the storm's coming. Instead, Rosanna walks  behind me once to the loo and I manage fine by myself.

-  Back outside I sit and play mobile games when the storm hits!  BANG and all the lights go out! Luckily mobile phones are unaffected and I keep playing whilst everybody else  plays this werewolf-style Mafia game with Winston chairing.

- Phew the rain's stopped by the time people head home. Originally Rosanna was gonna drive me home but Dr. Lee told her Io'll do it.

-Back home, I did another stinky unspeakable and then take a nice hot shower - I wash and rinse my own  hair today. I alsoo sing 20% of my shorter second-favourite song out aloud, opening both eyes for all the important numbers. Actually, I'm done after only 10% but happily lean fully against the side rail and water myself for another tinkle before tapping the nice warm water and calling PIG mum back.

-Dried, creamed  and rekitted we have the usual dinner.

-After drinking soup it's present-opening time! 

-Toms: seeing Aunty Anna for some massage and acupuncture. Bet PIG mum's simply DYING   to yap ceaselessly @ her. XD

-Will hopefully go grocery shopping and aisle walking with PIG mum afterwards, else expect a super-pissy plodding total from me.

Table tennis hasn't resumed for 2024 yet (well 2024's not arrived yet XD) so Bree/Mel will only mind me from 4-6pm.

Fingers crossed I can watch the 6pm news bulletin for the 197TH time!

Anyways, hope everyone has a lovely day toms!
Em. ^^





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