Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Wednesday Post 471b

 Good afternoon again! Firstly, Em's new plodding total for Wednesday now stands @ 1727 but secondly and way more importantly, I'm really still owed ONE HOUR and THIRTEEN MINUTES online tonight after dinner!! Righteo, continuing events for today?

  • Like clockwork, dearest dad very thoughtfully walking silently along the hallway exactly one hour latebyr and unpopping the lock into the garage wakes me for another  pot :P trip, after which I spend ten minutes beginning a mostly silent chat to Percy the saint/angel, asking him please to help me with the patience, perseverance, strength and endurance I need to get through today with, giving PIG mum all the pleasure, all the satisfaction and just suffering for her whenever she decided that only she can be happy and/or satisfied. It doesn't sound very fair, but she's taught me through her actions, if not through her words, that it's enough she's happy and/or satisfied, and I guess whenever that happens, I've just got to grit my teeth and endure. >< *sigh*
  • After dearest dad has kissed me goodbye, retucked me back into bed and left for his hard day's work,  Pijum and I happily cuddle and snore, me waking once more for the pot :P shortly before PIG mum begins her noisy a-THUMPING around upstairs. Soon, she's let herself into my room to hit me with the eye goo and help exceedingly slightly with absolutely nothing bar the bra strap, before leaving me to get myself mostly independently kitted, which I comply with after giving myself fifteen more minutes first. 
    Em. ^^
  • P.S All the interesting surnames I saw while watching the 6pm news bulletin (Nine's, read by Mia Glover) for the 182ND time: Millward,  Dare(heard), Train (heard), Nitiana (first name), Arvier, de Brenni, Todhunter, Makayla (first name), Lehrmann, Tiffiny (first name), Genders, Titus ((first name), DayNolan (heard), Ger, Powell, Dickerson, Lambe, Palaszczuk, Mercorella, Probyn, Dreyfus, Giles, Tehan, Croucher, Minns, Biden, Trembath, Laine, Cancutt, Dreyfus, Fenech (heard)Netanyahu, Fegan, Capewell, Starc (heard), Spencer (first name), Fitter, Bowles, Richter,  Couch, Albanese (heard), Birrell, Kyrgios (heard), Purcell (heard), Munro,  Maxwell (heard)Haas (heard), Weatherby, Upcroft, Jaiyden (heard) and Youngberry.  Chris Kohler read the finance report.  1AUD =65.84USc and Telstra shares went up! Youngberry read the weather report from Highgate Hill.  Brisbane was 22-31. Brisbanetomorrow: 20-31. Gravatt toms: 19-31. Sunrise 4:44am Sunset 6:34pm.

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