Monday, December 5, 2016

Monday Post 179d

Another potential final greeting for Monday! Em’s new potential final plodding total for Monday now stands @ 3233. Again, potential final, final events for tonight?
-        I get a minion Christmas present from Kayla before leaving; <3 :d="" about="" all="" also="" and="" be="" been="" bitching="" but="" can="" considering="" continuously="" cruel="" day="" don="" downside="" god="" how="" i="" intended="" just="" know="" leave="" m="" me="" minions="" mum="" my="" only="" originally="" pig="" posture="" relieved="" s="" seriously="" should="" t="" that="" the="" to="" unfaithful="" walk="" walking.="" well="" yes="" you=""><
-        Back home, I use the loo once then walk myself slowly and safely online, again rising above the cruel and unfaithful God’s near-overwhelming hatred and not letting Him push me over.
-        I’m ready to enjoy the rest of my most important two hours online but instead, have to let PIG mum gleefully FORCE L me to walk outside and let her gleefully force mostly poor Ela to take down the day’s washing; argh, I HATES standing practice!! >< Besides, I thought PIG mum said I got a break whenever I was going out (like Toastmasters; hey, I’m going out tonight so why the heck did I haveta let her gleefully FORCE L me to do that??); must remember to ask her tonight.
-        When Kim announced her arrival one minute early, I walked myself slowly and safely to the front door and let her in, always rising above the cruel and unfaithful God’s near-overwhelming hatred and not letting Him push me over.
-        So a nice warm shower for me – I wash and rinse my hair today. I also sing 24% of my shorter second-favourite song softly, slowly but most hatefully out aloud, closing both eyes for all the important numbers.
-        I have one tinkle before I flip the nice warm water off, mostly dry myself (thanks to Kim who kindly helps me dry my back, Era and both legs), mostly cream myself (again, thanks to Kim who kindly helps with my back, Era and both calves) then mostly rekit myself (thanks to Kim who kindly helps with Erf’s sock, Elf’s AFO and both laces meaning score, I’ve already achieved the one day off each week off from shoelace tying practice I’m hoping for). Then I use the loo once more for one tinkle, wash and dry Era then head out to the gobbling :P table for arvo tea.
-        Pity that Kim won’t lemme drink one mug of white tea (we both just drink green tea) and I just eat one yummy banana, but my main happiness is getting to read My Sister’s Keeper for another hour! :D I reach page 150 just after 5pm and page 175 @ 5:40pm, BTW~ As for Kim, she cleans the bathroom then gently massages Ela for like one hour, painting her brown with red spots today.
-        After the sports report finishes, Kim takes me to the bathroom for two more tinkles; I wash and dry Era, head back online and sign Kim off with my byes and thanks. The roster says she’s coming back toms but suddenly she says she isn’t free and will ring Amee toms and see if she can find someone to cover her shift.
-        Me, I’m getting excited about our last small group dinner for 2016! Kalos says he’ll come pick me up @ 6:40pm~
-        Hopefully bbl tonight after dinner, else toms:
-        Don’t have UQ physio; hope PIG mum takes me out grocery shopping/lunch, else I’m just gonna sleep with Daddy Bear until Kim/some other female carer comes to mind me for two hours. XD
-        Anyways, hopefully bbl, else hope everyone has a smashing day toms!

Em. ^^

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