Saturday, August 24, 2024

Saturday Post 441b

 Heylo again and good evening! Firstly, today I've been hard @ work plodding 1225 steps and secondly, Joni's devotional topic's 'A Lesson From Christopher Reeve'. Righteo, continuing Saturday's events?

  • Unimpressed with the facilities there: they didn't have a disabled/accessible toilet! Thankfully, I managed~
  • For my first game I was too nervous and lost to Gary in straight sets. >< *cringe*
  • For my next game  I again lost the first set but won the second set ... only to lose the third in a tiebreaker! *another cringe* 
  • But I upped the ante and won my final singles match against Tim in straight sets! He's very aggressive: the first time I dodged a ball he'd aimed for my head I told the ref I wanted a helmet but when Tim next got me with a body shot the ref laughed and said  I needed body armour! XD
  • Lunch was those salad rolls Kim made and sold for five bucks apiece; we all had one and drank water and then PIG mum took me again to the loo before the doubles competition started.
    Em. ^^

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