Monday, February 22, 2010

monday post 4

good evening! em was hard at work plodding 3188 steps today. righteo, today's events?
-well, i woke up before midday, but by the time PIG mum had gotten me kitted and made me walk out to the gobbling :P table, it was past midday. :P actually, i had wanted to do a stinky unspeakable, but since PIG mum was all for forcing me to walk to the bathroom, i said i'd hold that for later.
-breakfast was two yummy weetbix with half a dab of honey.
-i settled down to finish my letter to nana! :) hopefully, PIG mum'll post it for me toms.
-lunch ... some pork, i think. can't remember what else. :P
-PIG mum made me walk to the loo. i did a stinky unspeakable, wiping myself too.
-then i tootled online until evelyn arrived!
-a nice hot shower - i washed my hair today.
-i dried myself as evelyn dried the floor, got rekitted.
-evelyn Forced me to walk out to the fridge and grab stuff for my arvo tea
-i had a toasted cheese - yay, two slices! - and ham sandwhich, cut into two rectangles. i drank a mug of plain milk - my cup of the day i could hold 'incorrectly' - coz evelyn had refused me two sugars with my tea. :(
-evelyn asked me about my trip to hong kong; i told her the usual line:" dad had great fun visiting all his family (four older sisters, one older brother, twelve nieces and nephews!), i had great fun eating my head off :P and mum had great fun dissing me to everyone we met.
-at 5:40, i asked evelyn to please give ela a massage, and got painted neon pink. eww. :P i told her to please choose a better colour toms. :P
-before she left, evelyn Forced me to walk over to the couch, and flicked on the television. first, i saw some lucky guy win $34 000 on deal or no deal, then seven's news was read out by rod young and kay mcgrath, sport by shane webcke and weather by john schluter. the most interesting surname i found was 'applegate', and i think our dams are at 74.1%.
-when PIG mum came down, she took me again to the loo, and i did my second stinky unspeakable, again wiping myself.
-dinner tonight: rice, lotsa little tong vegetable, some pork and a small slice of yummy ham and egg each. of course, PIG mum gleefully forced poor ela to hang onto the bowl while i ate, whatever.
-dinner was washed down with a yummy mug of fruit and vegie juice, which i admit i sculled 'incorrectly' while PIG mum was praying before eating her own dinner.
-PIG mum made me walk over to the computer. i tootled online at 7:50pm, so fingers crossed that PIG mum'll lemme stay online till 9:50!
-toms: physio at your :P turn. it'll be lovely to see joy and peter again, if they're there! and hopefully, PIG mum will take me to see naz for a kebab afterwards! fingers crossed!
em. ^^
P.S. sorry for any mistakes tonight; i wanna reply my email from mrs. court! if i've the time afterwards, i'll come back and check; if not, hope everyone has a smashing day toms!
em. ^^

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