Saturday, February 13, 2010

sunday post2b

good evening! righteo, PIG mum has made it clear to me that i owe her thanks for letting me come back online, so *grovels* thank-you!!!!!! :P and in the end, em was hard at work plodding 4119 steps today. anyways, today's an event! (chinese new year's eve) meaning i'm gonna grab the opportunity to type out everything in full!
-firstly, em was pretty proud of herself, considering that i got up around 10:30am! sadly, no thanks to PIG mum, who just snapped at me that little mickey pig :P had woken up around one hour earlier than i did. well, he goes to bed at least an hour earlier than me too, so *nyak* :P PIG mum got me kitted, made me walk to the bathroom to brush my teeth. i was very careful to hold the cup 'correctly' for the initial pre-brush rinse and the three after-brush rinses, of course. then PIG mum made me walk to the toilet. after a tinkle, she made me walk out to thebasin to wash both hands, made me walk over to dry them both, and made me walk out to their eating table.
-grandma gave me half a mug of water to drink, which i did so 'incorrectly'. breakfast was a yummy pork floss bun. i've already said before, i think, how cool it is that the bun not only contains pork floss on top of the bun, but also INSIDE it also? anyways, after breakfast, i wrote in my diary for awhile, until PIG mum allowed me to tootle online. she and dad rocked off to grandma's old house ... not really sure why, though.
-so i tootled online for my two hours, checking email, blogging, reading the news and facebooking. thanks to siti who helped me once to the bathroom. when lunch was called, grandma had me swap to the chair, and fed me one bowl of soup with some bite-sized dumplings! very cute and yummy! actually, they were so tasty, in fact, that i didn't even need to ask grandma for any soya sauce! after lunch, thanks to siti who helped me once more to the bathroom. then i crashed on the couch, watching television. i saw one episode of barney and friends and another of ... lol, i can't remember >< but it was some good cartoon i used to watch when i was heaps younger! lol, siti propped both erf and elf for awhile as she mopped the floor; i also propped era up on the sofa and sang both my favourite and second-favourite songs in my head twice, the first time opening my eyes for all the important numbers, the second time closing my eyes for all the important numbers. when the parents came home, i asked PIG mum if she could please take me out somewhere, coz i've only got a few days left in hong kong and i don't really want to spend them all being cooped up in the house! PIG mum replied that she and dad would take me downstairs then right back up again, majorly dissing me for not being as mobile as everyone else. whatever. >< so the parents made me walk down and out the entrance. i was ready to turn back and walk up, but dad suddenly decided that he wanted a red bean pie at maccas, so that's where the parents made me walk. upon arrival, i collapsed gratefully onto a chair, and asked PIG mum to please go check out the menu for me. she rang dearest grandma; siti answered, and told PIG mum that uncle fung had gone to get the meal box he'd ordered from maxim's, and that dinner would be served shortly. to my immense relief, PIG mum told dad to go back up to aunty nga's flat and get sparkless for me. when dad had left, PIG mum opened up the yummy bacon and egg mcmuffin and allowed me two bites, saying i could save the rest for toms. dad returned with sparkless, PIG mum made me walk out to it, then dad and i wheeled me back to aunty nga's flat. PIG mum took me to the loo once, after dad changed my shoes for me, then dinner was served! grandma prayed for us, then i had: roughly one bowl of rice, wow - only one slice of broccoli!! :P some sea cucumber, a few mushrooms, some chicken and two 'fish eggs' (say that in canto). i washed that down with a bowl of soup and then a yummy little bottle of yakult. poor little mickey didn't get any, coz he'd fussed and squwaked his head off when aunty nga was trying to feed him dinner. uncle fung swapped me back to the computer chair and PIG mum let me tootle back online. and toms is chinese new year! i've already received red pockets from dearest grandma and aunty nga (apparently, their custom is to give red pockets out on new years eve, not the actual day?). anyways, the parents will haveta part with lotsa money toms (lol, dad's got so many nieces and nephews! :P) but i stand to score some, yeah! must remember to (1) thank first aunty for the 'lor bark gol' (also say that in canto) she made for us, and (2) ask cousin stephen chu where i-phones can be bought. i wonder, also, if we will go pay our respects to uncle toby/aunty tammy and other relatives of PIG mum's? (like, grandma's younger sister) also, we'll prolly haveta attend church toms *sigh* i got out of going the first two weeks, sadly, doesn't look like my luck will cover toms as well. oh well, no biggie. i just hope i understand more of the sermon than i used to!
em. ^^
P.S. definitely no time to check, but if i'm super-duper lucky (which i doubt i'll be) i might get to squeeze in a chapter of naruto manga!

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