Wednesday, February 3, 2010

wednesday post2

good evening! hmmm ... i've got one full hour to jot this all down; i should be alright...
-anyways, today em was hard at work plodding 2245 steps.
-last night was a bit of a fiasco, though. i used mickey's potty, but somehow dad got pissed at me and said that if i needed to pee again; i'd haveta get fully kitted and walk to the loo. so i prayed desperately and fervently that nature wouldn't call until it was time to get up for the day; god, however, prolly took some malicious pleasure in making me wake up and need the loo. so PIG mum made me walk to the loo - without my pedometer! >< i started counting the steps out aloud, but PIG mum told me to shut up, so i counted in my head. back in bed, i tried desperately to remember the number, cuddled tigger, vincent and the bolster back to sleep ... then snored my head off till past midday! :P
-when i finally decided to arise for the day, PIG mum got me kitted, then made me walk to the bathroom to brush my teeth. lol, but i really do love that giant cup! anyways, after brushing my teeth, PIG mum made me walk to the loo, before she made me walk out to the table for breakfast.
-i drank the required glass of water, then had 1.5 bowls of congee for breakfast, with some yummy pork floss and some 'mui choi' (some kind of salty vegetables.)
-PIG mum took me to the loo once before we headed out. but i dunno what happened ... i was reaching for sparkless, but i must've lost my balance or sth, coz WHAM! i hit the floor, giving my poor head a nasty *crack* lol, i've already lost enough brain cells with my brain tumour and the countless number of operations that followed it; add to this today's fall, my brain cell count must be down to the single digits! o_O :P
-but i eventually made it back onto sparkless; dad and i wheeled me down to a taxi, where the driver tootled us off to city plaza.
-i used the bathroom a few times when we were there, we also browsed lotsa shops. lol, dad's complaint:"emily, there's shops called 'bread and butter', 'strawberry' and 'mango', but why are they all just clothes shops?!" lol. :P
-i saw an ice-skating rink! dad also forced me to stand up and take a photo beside this car that, he said, he wanted to show lams.
-after saying i was hungry countless times, dad finally let us have lunch at maccas. i ate a double ham burger - it would've tasted nicer if it had cheese and ketchup - and drank a small choc shake. PIG mum had a mcchicken burger, and asked to trade bites. dad got himself a red bean pie, which i had a bite from, coz he'd just grabbed my choc shake and slurped it.
-after browsing still more shops - oh, i keep forgetting! some other day, we were at some other shopping mall, and i tried a head massage machine! dad wandered over, concerned that the machine would send evil MRI waves to deplete my almost non-existent brain cell count :P - but the sales lady reassured him by telling him it was all only air pressure. and it really was very comfy indeed!lol, i tried bernie's brain sucker joke out on PIG mum; the woman has no sense of humour, sadly, i don't think she got it. :P
-we caught a taxi home. like before, dad stopped me well short of the front door coz he wanted me to walk more. only thing, coz i'm changing back to grandma's shoes, i haveta be right up by the door, lest i'll just dirty the shoes i've just changed into by walking over the unclean floor! argh, whatever. ><
-back inside, aunty lai immediately captured ela's poor left thumb, and we tried to ring hilary and florence jie jie again! but, still, sadly, no luck. but PIG mum tried win jie jie - and we found her! so i had great fun telling her about my disneyland adventures with winnie the pooh, she told me that she'd try to contact hilary and florence jie jies and see if we can all arrange a time to catch up; i don't really know why PIG mum hijacked the phone to tell her that we wouldn't be available all trip; i really want to see hilary and florence! well, fingers, toes and all other appendages crossed.
-dinner: dad made me walk over to the gobbling :P table. dinner tonight: roughly 1.5 bowls of rice, lotsa broccoli and cayliflower, some chicken, some pork, some fish, and one mushroom. dinner was washed down with a yummy little bottle of yakult.
-then, thanks to PIG mum who helped give me a shower - hairwash today. sadly, the water was only mildly warm, but PIG mum gleefully told me that the water was set to that temperature and couldn't be changed? sth like that, anyway. also, the amount of flak i cop from her during my shower is almost unbearable, but i endure.
-PIG mum got me dried, stuck my AFO and shoe on. she made me walk over to the loo, then got me rekitted as i had two tinkles.
-she made me walk back outside, and dad let me use the computer. first, though, PIG mum gleefully forced me to use that foot massage thing for twenty minutes.
-well, it's almost 10pm, no doubt PIG mum will be forcing me off to bed soon. dunno what's in store for me toms, but toms night, we're meeting uncle toby and aunty tammy for dinner at maccas! sadly, not at 10:30pm, coz uncle toby neds his rest, but it'll be great to see them, anyhow! hopefully, PIG mum won't spend the entire night dissing me, but hey, i'll steel myself up for it tonight. even better, she says i can get some icecream at the maccas toms coz i couldn't get any tonight! i wonder if they sell mcflurries in hong kong? well, if not, i'll just try for a chocolate sundae.
-anyways, my first week in hong kong has been a blast! hopefully weeks two and three will be just as awesome! oh yeah ... what's that newest apple gadget cousin stephen chu told me about? the i-touch? i-pad? well, whatever it is, i want it! coz remember, PIG mum's PROMISED me a really BIG present if i stop asking fo r my walking stick and my walk belt. actually, trust the sneaky thing - i'm pretty sure she's deliberately left them at home! ><
em. ^^
P.S. i found and corrected 1 error in my post tonight.

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