Sunday, February 21, 2010

saturday post2C

good evening! the spam count for the weekend is 77, and em's final plodding total for sunday now stands at 3256. righteo, what happened today?
-actually, me gonna get my facebook fix first. :P bbl ...
-right ... em was an idiot this morning ... i overslept till 9:20am! when i yelled mum down, she refused to drive me to church, but she did give me two panadol for my achey head! >< and yes, i was very careful to hold the cup 'correctly'.
-so i slept until i was woken by a banging on the door. i yelled for PIG mum, who opened the door to reveal - vincent the physio and kat jie jie! thanks to them who'd brought us a bag of longan~
-argh, fifteen mins left! typetypetype~ what's it with mothers that force they're children offline at 8:30? hello, i'm not three years old anymore!! ><
-so i got up, got kitted. PIG mum made me walk to the bathroom to brush my teeth, then made me walk out to the gobbling :P table.
-i only had a cup of milk - which i was very careful to hold 'correctly', again - before dearest dad arrived home. he gave me some non-committal answer when i asked him why he didn't wake me up for church today.
-PIG mum made me walk out to the car. she gleefully forced poor em to buckle her seatbelt all day, and we also listened to voices all day. hey, i wonder if they'll put out a new compilation (sp?) for the 2010 world cup?
-dad tootled us off to church - turns out we were having a luncheon today!
-so the parents made me walk all the way down and into a bible study room, then they went to get us food.
-for lunch, i got: roughly 1.5 slices of pizza, some rice, some noodles and some vegies. thanks to aunty hilda who popped in and handed me a little ice-cream cube! :)
-after lunch, PIG mum took me to the loo once, then tootled us home. i let erf sit sideways coz it was my last car trip of the day.
-i tootled online as PIG mum hit pig land. :P she woke up to gimmee a kinda warm shower.
-i washed my hair today. PIG mum also made poor ela to scrub various parts of me 99+ times. she claims it was only sixty. whatever.
-i dried and rekitted myself, PIG mum never ceasing in her tirade at me.
-back outside, i sat and read my bookclub novel for awhile, as PIG mum wouldn't let me finish my letter to nana nor watch SBS news.
-dinner: rice, lots choy sum, some queen :P salmon, some pork, one small chunk of tofu. of course, PIG mum made poor ela hold onto the bowl while i ate, whatever.
-dinner was washed down with a yummy mug of fruit and vegie juice; i got to hold this cup 'incorrectly' coz PIG mum was praying.
-PIG mum made me walk back to the computer.
-toms: lol, at this rate, i'm just gonna snore my head off with emperor and bear bear until PIG mum comes up with sth for me to do! hey ... wonder if we can go see naz for a kebab? i haven't had one for almost a month! well, toms, when i wake up, must remember to ring CODA, ask who's coming to help me out this week; also gonna ask if karen can take me out to garbo on thursday night again, seeing as toastmasters is on every second tuesday.
-and sorry if they're any mistakes tonight; it's already past 8:30; PIG mum's sitting beside me, being dreadful and nasty to poor ela's thumb. righteo, goodnite! hope everyone has a smashing week!
em. ^^

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