Friday, December 2, 2016

Friday Post 229

Good afternoon! Firstly, today I’ve been hard @ work plodding 2853 steps today; secondly, TWFT topic’s ‘Be Prepared’ and thirdly, the spam count for the week’s 112. anyways, events for today?
~ Yay, third consecutive awesome sleep last night! Nature didn’t call until 6:35am, and after one pot :P trip, I spent the ten minutes till 6:45am starting a mostly silent chat to Percy the saint/angel, asking him please to help me with the patience, perseverance, strength and endurance I need to get through today with, giving PIG mum all the pleasure, all the satisfaction and just suffering for her whenever she decided that only she can be happy and/or satisfied. It doesn't sound very fair, but she's taught me through her actions, if not through her words, that it's enough she's happy and/or satisfied, and I guess whenever that happens, I've just got to grit my teeth and endure. >< *sigh*
-        Daddy Bear and I cuddled and snored, me waking to use the pot :p once more one hour later when dearest dad came to kiss me bye before leaving for work.
-        More snorings for d\Daddy Bear and I, until PIG mum started A-STOMPING around upstairs and wakes me. One more pot :P trip for me, then.
-        After PIG mum hits me with the eye goo, she helps me very slightly with a bra then leaves me to get myself mostly independently kitted. I give myself fifteen more minutes first, but accidentally fall back asleep instead! XD
-        After PIG mum helps with Elf’s AFO, she sets me on shoelace tying practice. I don’t really mind, coz I’m seated and can fully concentrate.
-        That done, I let PIG mum gleefully FORCE L me to walk next door to brush teeth (poor Ela). Afterwards, I sit over the loo for just one tinkle, coz I realise I feel like doing a stinky unspeakable. Instead, I wash and dry Era before walking myself slowly and safely out to the gobbling :P table for breakfast, rising above the cruel and unfaithful God’s near-overwhelming hatred and not letting Him push me over.
Breakfast’s around one bowl of cereal with one slice of plain (unbuttered) toast ripped into it, one full mug of water, all my usual drugs :P and one small half-mouthful of milk. Over breakfast, I also continue my mostly silent chat to Percy the saint/angel, asking him please to help me get through today okay. I find it's exceedingly important to constantly remind the cruel and unfaithful God that He has no bearing  on  my good day whatsoever, that I am perfectly capable of having a good day without Him, despite Him and apart from Him, because my good day's dependent on my own good attitude. If only God would remember that ... *sigh* He conned the phrase 'live and let live', so why the heck can't He lemme live the free, independent life that I deserve? Okay, fair enough, we all only deserve death because of Him, but why can't He just lemme live the life that nearly everyone else gets to live?? *sigh*
After breakfast, I walk myself slowly and safely to the loo, again rising above the cruel and unfaithful God’s near-overwhelming hatred and not letting Him push me over. There, I do a stinky unspeakable, also leaning fully against the also finishing my mostly silent chat to Percy the saint/angel. Remember, however the cruel and unfaithful God tries to make my day bad for me, I won't let that affect me because my good day has NOTHING to do with Him; I'm perfectly capable of having a good day without Him, despite Him and apart from Him. See, my good day's dependent on my own good attitude!

-        That all done, I wash and dry both hands before letting PIG mum gleefully FORCE L me to walk out to the Camry, where she tootles me off to UQ for physio. Of course, she gleefully forces me to buckle my own seatbelt all day; we also listen to 97.3FM all day, too. Today, Era helps Ela stretch for forty-five minutes, before Ela opens and closes her palm 300 times, holding each for a count of five.
-        Physio today: mat work: two and one point kneeling, getting up from floor eight times, ten sit-to-stands with weightshifting and stepping for both feet inside the parallel bars. When we leave, I bid Peter Wilson (Andrew’s taxi driver) a very Merry Christmas, and also offer my congrats to Andrew coz today I saw him walking for the first time without being held up by the hoist! Ethan was walking with him; I’ve always thought Ethan to be like Uncle Colbert’s thin build but no, he’s actually quite buff! XD
-        After one more loo trip, I munch half a chicken toastie while PIG mum tootrles me off to see Aunty Ann for a comfy massage.
-        At her place, I visit the loo again then relax for the comfy massage. I have the chance only to ask Aunty Ann how her week was before PIG mum wolfs down her half of the sandwich, rushes inside and immediately bags all the conversation. XD Seriously: I’m silent, Aunty Ann makes affirmative sounds or short comments, and PIG mum just YAPS. XD
-        Afterwards, I visit the loo once more, sit for a mug of water then say my thanks and byes to Aunty Ann. I’m not seeing her for a massage next week, coz Aunty Sally’s come visiting from Canada!
-        PIG mum tootles me home and I’m ready to begin my most important two hours online, but no, instead I haveta let PIG mum gleefully FORCE L me to walk outside and let her gleefully force mostly poor Ela take down the day’s washing; argh, I HATES standing practice! ><
-        Luckily, PIG mum keeps her word and allows me back inside when Aunty Lucia arrives. I head into the bathroom for my nice warm shower – I wash my own hair, but thanks to Aunty Lucia who rinses it out for me, thus freeing Era to hold my stupid right eye tightly shut.
-        I have one tinkle before I flip the nice warm water off, get dried, very lightly creamed and rekitted, before letting Aunty Lucia Force me to walk back outside to the gobbling :p table for arvo tea.
-        Oh, I forgot to note that after I saw Aunty Ann for my comfy massage, PIG mum and I went to Calamvale Central to buy milk (dad drinks light milk now, too!) and she kindly lemme buy a roll of sushi for arvo tea, too! I chose honey mustard chicken~
-        Yup, that was my arvo tea, plus one mug of green tea. Zero thanks to PIG mum who sliced the sushi roll up into pieces and gleefully forced poor Ela to feed me them, but I didn’t really mind coz (1) I was seated and could concentrate and (2) Ela did so well she’d finished before Aunty Lucia had done cleaning the bathroom, meaning PIG mum didn’t get the chance to show off to Aunty Lucia how much power she has over me. Ha. XD
-        If Aunty Lucia was like Aunty Kitty, she would have gotten to leave ten minutes early but like PIG mum, that woman just enjoys yapping too much! XD Today she was telling PIG mum and I about her experiences with acupuncture.
-        At 5pm, I made my way slowly and safely to the loo and back for two tinkles, always rising above the cruel and unfaithful God’s near-overwhelming hatred and not letting Him push me over. Thankfully, PIG mum gets the idea and finally lets poor Aunty Lucia leave. XD
-        Toms: expect a super-pissy plodding total from me coz I’m not going out. Besta’s coming to mind me from 10am till 1pm (oh, I haveta tell her about the new dream I had this morning! PIG mum and I had to drive out somewhere to find sth! I’m not sure what it was, but it’s a bad omen for our poor 4WD that my dream used the red Camry instead of him, our grey Subaru. XD) then Kim’s coming to do the same from 4pm till 6pm. Fingers crossed she’ll bring me her colouring-in pencils again! Anyways, hopefully bbl, else wishing everyone a smashing weekend ahead!

Em. ^^

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