Thursday, June 4, 2009

friday post

good afternoon! including hydro, em was hard at work today plodding 2310 steps. and the spam count for the week is 200. righteo, spotty points:P here we come!
-PIG mum dug em up this morning. she handed me a glass of water and i did a stinky unspeakable, so much thanks to PIG mum who helped me wipe. i used the pot, got kitted, then had a mug of warm milo plus an uncrunchy choc chip museli bar for breakfast. but hey - the chocolate was WHITE! yummy :)
-PIG mum made (PLEASE GO NOW! to the beginning of saturday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><)me walk out to the car, and she tootled us off to hydro, listening to westlife's unbreakable volume 1.
-PIG mum made (PLEASE GO NOW! to the beginning of saturday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk in on arrival.
-james put my silly left ankle into KAB, and lowered me into the nice warm water.
-hydro today: walking forwards and sideways, squatting, floating on my back, sculling and kicking, 4 rolls - 2 to each side - james also grabbed my left arm and/or leg for some stretching, plus two of my favourite head dunks at the end :P
-PIG mum rolled me in for a warm hosing down; i didn't get the chance to enjoy any hot water until she walked away to get sth and i turned the cold water off. ah, that felt nice.
-i went for a tinkle afterwards, which turned out to be my second stinky unspeakable, so much thanks to PIG mum who helped me wipe. then i got rekitted. my left hand complied by lifting and placing and pulling parts of clothing up when ordered to by PIG mum.
-PIG mum made (PLEASE GO NOW! to the beginning of saturday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk back out to the car. she tootled us back home, still listening to westlife.
-PIG mum made (PLEASE GO NOW! to the beginning of saturday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk back inside. i ranmg dear dad, who told me he was having lunch at uncle yuk tai's office.
-lunch was my hard-won after stockpot chunky soup! much thanks to PIG mum who poured me a plain glass of milk to wash it down. i was very careful to just grasp the entire mug and drink, not stick any fingers into the ear and then get yelled at by PIG mum for sticking the 'incorrect' fingers in. anyone know, is there really 'correct' and 'incorrect' fingers when one is drinking? or is PIG mum just making up some tall tale? ah well, no biggie.
-PIG mum made (PLEASE GO NOW! to the beginning of saturday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk over to the computer, and i tootled online at 1:30pm. meaning when my carer (not amanda, the poor thing is sick) gets here, i'll have been on for my MEASELY two hours and must get off. anyways, i hope to see most of yous at UF finale tonight!
em. ^^
P.S. almost forgot! last night, karen took me to the library. we both pushed my wheelchair, and it turns out that the book club is next week, not this one. i picked up one novel and two comics to borrow. then karen drove us to that shopping centre on underwood road with big w and we both had a kebab for dinner. yummy! i got a chicken one, with lettuce, tomato, no onion, cheese, pineapple and lotsa mayo(thanks to the kebab guy who actually did put lots on when i asked him for lots!); karen got a vegetarian one with sweet chilli sauce. she drank an iced coffee from gloria jeans, i had an iced chocolate, no cream. originally i had wanted a chocolate milkshake, but when i wheeled myself to donut king, the girl there said, "sorry, milkshake machine is off for tonight." oh well. >< actually, if we go back there next week, i want to have a chicken katsudon! i saw a japanese food shop there; surely they'll sell more than just sushi? then we just wheeled around big w, etc. karen took me once to the loo before we left. so we got home, said our byes and thanks to karen, repeat the usual nightly routine. zzz. :P oh! but my darling bear bear taught me a song! "bear bear loves me, this i know;
for he always tells me so.
bear bear sleeps with me at night,
so i cannot get a fright.
yes, bear bear loves me,
yes, i love bear bear.
yes, bear bear loves me,
we love each other so. ^^
P.P.S. i found and corrected 2 errors in my post tonight.
P.P.P.S. jo just rang; my carer for today - whoever that is, will be late. i hope PIG mum arrives home soon! poor anna, having to wait ...

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