Sunday, June 28, 2009

sunday post

evening! the spam count for the weekend is 59, and em only worked hard and plodded 854 steps today. not a lot, i know, but i can explain ...

-em was very happy to ring grandma last night, who prayed with her. :) she prays in canto, but lapses fewquently into hokkien. baby mickey was being a brat; see, aunty nga had bought a foot spa to rest her tired feet after a hard day's work, and baby mickey kept trying to climb into it! lol :p
-oh, poo poo. em woke up this morning and was wet. >< that's twice this month, a double failure. ><
-finally, em managed to swing herself over to use the pot without falling to her death! :P
-but, em and PIG mum didn't get to go to church today; see, dad quarantined PIG mum with the swine flu. :p just joking! but i had a sore throat too, >< so i stayed at home and snored my head off with bear bear all the way until 3pm, when evelyn arrived.
-well, no time to write anymore, coz PIG mum's already forcing poor em to go to bed. >< oh well. i guess the only thing worth mentioning was that evelyn bought over some sadza for dinner! it looks and tastes like mashed potato, and she cooked it with some spicy sausage and bok choy. whoops, apologies, PIG mum informs me that she added the bok choy. after forcing emm on 45 mins of hand exercises - which i'm so claiming back on my internet time toms!
righteo. PIG mum is forcing poor em off to bed already. guess that means, toms i'll claim my puny two hours plus the 45mins of hand exercises that evelyn forced me to do on a sunday, plus the 55mins i'm owed coz PIG mum's forcing me to bed now. apologies for any typing errors, and hope everyone has a great week!
em. ^^
P.S. oh! hope toms goes well - i'moff to UQ so they can assess (sp?) whether or not i'm too psychotic to go back to uni :p then i've got physio, then in the arvo i've got hydro. >< oh well, i'm allowed to ask ann for a break from hydro till sept 1st, coz i seriously HATE being frozen to death after i get out of the water. bye!

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