Tuesday, June 16, 2009

tuesday post

good evening! dunno if i'll have time to finish off this post tonight, i may have used up most of my MEASELY two hour time limit as imposed by PIG mum, but let's just see how far i get, okies?
-firstly, em was hard at work today, plodding 4406 steps. and, she managed to take herself over to use the bedpot :P once too, without falling to her death. :p anyways, what happened today?
-PIG mum dug em up, got her kitted, fed her a choc chip (i think it was an uncrunchy sweet white choc chip one, but i can't remember, sorry :P) and a mug of milo before making (PLEASE! GO NOW! TO THE beginning of thursday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have unfortunately been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) her walk out to the car.
-off she tootled us off to the PA for physio, listening to westlife's unbreakable volume 1.
-luckily, we found a park on arrival. PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! TO THE beginning of thursday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have unfortunately been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk all the way in.
-can't remember what we actually did at first, but dom dom told PIG mum to the BIRU gym. i asked PIG mum to take me to the bathroom first. so she made(PLEASE! GO NOW! TO THE beginning of thursday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have unfortunately been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk to the loo, forced me to dak myself, forced me to pull my own pants back up afterwards, made (PLEASE! GO NOW! TO THE beginning of thursday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have unfortunately been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><)me walk over to wash and dry my right hand, and made (PLEASE! GO NOW! TO THE beginning of thursday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have unfortunately been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk all the way to the BIRU gym.
-linelle let us in, and directed us to a bed. i flopped onto it, and asked PIG mum to please pass me a pillow, but she didn't seem inclined to, for whatever reason. oh well. i just leaned over to get it myself.
-dr. hazelton came in, with some other doctor from some asian country who taught me how to say 'thank-you' in her language, but i've already forgotten it, sorry. ><
-em got jabbed. oww. ><
-dom dom put me on an easy walker and Forced me to walk back to the day hospital gym.
-just mat work today, with a male physio asisstant.
-habib came with morning tea! too bad, PIG mum must've told him to put one or less teaspoonfuls of sugar in it, coz it certainly tasted like coloured water. :(
-time to go, PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! TO THE beginning of thursday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have unfortunately been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk back out and she tootled us back home.
-PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! TO THE beginning of thursday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have unfortunately been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk inside. no guesses as to who had to do the dakking and un-dakking. then she made (PLEASE! GO NOW! TO THE beginning of thursday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have unfortunately been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk over to wash and dry my left hand, before she made (PLEASE! GO NOW! TO THE beginning of thursday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have unfortunately been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk outside to await marianna's arrival. i read my novel to pass the time. PIG mum fielded a phonecall saying that poor marianna was running late.
-but she got here eventually, so, after unloading sparkless into her boot, PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! TO THE beginning of thursday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have unfortunately been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk over to marianna's car, and off she tootled us!
-but not to the china project, unfortunately. that's finished, there's now some boring impressionism thing up.
-she drove us to her workplace first. plopped into sparkless, we wheeled me up. i met one of her colleagues, though i'vealready forgotten her name, sorry. we also went to the loo - i managed, BTW - before we rolled me to look at all these cafe menus.
-we stopped for a small bucket of chips each. i drowned mine in gravy :P marianna had aoli in hers. she told me what that was, actually ... mayo and garlic? dunno, sth like that, anyway.
-we rolled me back to her car - marianna accidentally hit a curb and almost TIPPED me out! o_O luckily, i held on tight. we copped a few laughs from a couple of old ladies sitting on a bench, too. ><" :P
-back inside the car, we had a quick discussion and decided on kebabs for lunch. so marianna tootled us to the kebab shop.
-she Forced me to walk in. i got a small chicken kebab, lettuce, tomato, no onion, cheese, pineapple and LOTSA mayo :p marianna had my softdrink and got me some kind of juice. (PIG mum says it was a small bottle of OJ.)
-marianna Forced me to walk back to her car. she handed me her phone to ring PIG mum to tell her that we were running late.
-but not late enough for a stop at maccas! :P we parked, i hobbled a few steps to reach sparkless, then we rolled me in together.
-i tried a mcflurry for the first time! :) with oreos. yum yum! marianna got herself a cheeseburger and a small coke.
-we had a yak. marianna told me that her partner, david, is a builder and they're on the hunt for a new house; actually, she'd be going to inspect one right after she drove me home.
-we wheeled me back out, and marianna tootled us back to my home.
-we said our byes and thanks to marianna. but i didn't get very far into the house at all, when PIG mum ordered a u-turn into the car. turns out we were going to coles for our tuesday cooking shopping.
-PIG mum and amanda gleefully Forced (second time) me to walk all around coles, both hands hanging onto the shopping trolley. we picked up apples, cream, custard and a packet of tim tams. oh, and a packet of mint slice too, i think. oh, sorry! PIG mum says the tim tams were mint slice flavoured? dunno.
-the checkout lady was very nice, said i wasn't a happy vegemite :( she's a registered nurse! lol, PIG mum can go work at coles when she retires. and she told PIG mum that i was going well. :)
-PIG mum tootled us home.
-ai, PIG mum is forcing poor em to go to bed now. >< ai, i can only comply. goodnite.
em. ^^

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