Wednesday, June 3, 2009

thursday post

good afternoon! okay, it's only 2:41 and max, i'll have only been online for 40mins when karen comes here to get me offline, but oh well. just let me note down that em was hard at work today plodding 3227 steps today. so... what's worth mentioning:
-queenslander! QLD 1; NSW 0. last night's game was fantastic! dear dad snored his head off most of the match :P i just prodded him awake every time we scored. my darling bear bear watched it with me; the poor thing got too nervous/excited and fainted, though. :P don't worry, he's fine now. PIG mum just went away and hid herself entirely. :P
-physio at UQ this morning. there was a wheelchair-bound man there, who doesn't like having to go on the tilt table. i offered to take his time on there for him if he bought me some chocolate. the way through to my heart is through my stomach, after all :P "do you like lindt?" he asks me. "nah, lindt's too expensive," i reassure him. "just any plain cadbury will do."
-PIG mum tootled us off to garbo to see a JP, for that statutory declaration thing saying that i'm still me; just that my signature's changed. hope i can get a passport now!
-PIG mum refused my request for a takeaway yummy chicken katsudon; oh well. :(
-we went home; i went to the loo. no guesses as to who did the dakking and un-dakking.
-mariana's visiting! we had a yak; i got half a bowl of that 'yeung cheun (sp?) noodles in cream of chicken and corn soup, with lotsa lettuce and a small slice of ham. oh, also a glass of milk (in my favourite PIG mum glass! :P) for lunch. and two wholemeal crackers.
-well, karen should be here in five mins or so. we'll be attending that book club tonight! and i wonder where karen'll take me for dinner? i don't think we'll be hitting fasta pasta again ... dunno. as long as it's not yum cha or indian, i'm happy.
em. ^^

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