Monday, June 15, 2009

good afternoon! no plodding total from em today, coz she hasn't frozen her toes off at hydro yet. >< i mean, it's winter now, why, oh why, cannot PIG mum give poor em a break and postpone anymore hydrotherapy sessions until spring, 1st september if she's actually that eager to force poor em into even more exercises. but no, guess i'll just have to grit my teeth and last through another session. actually, i was thinking if i could ask my hydrotherapist please for a break. ai, i'll survive. so, what happened today?
-PIG mum dug em up, fed her a chewy (that means not crunchy) milk choc chip museli bar and a mug of warm milo (also forcing me to hold the cup the 'correct' way, ie with my pointer and third finger in the ear) and got me kitted for the day. then she made(PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of thursday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk out to the 4WD.
-off she tootled us to UQ for physio, listening to westlife's unbreakable volume 1.
-well, we got a doorknock, so that'll be amanda. i'll bbl tonight, after 7pm, ok? time is now ... 2:56pm
-good evening! time is now 8:32pm, and my final plodding total, including hydro, now stands at 4908. anyways, where was i?
-i went to the loo on arrival, no prizes if you figure out who did the dakking and un-dakking :P then PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of thursday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk over to wash and dry my right hand, before she made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of thursday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk into the physio gym, where chris was waiting with a sexy :P belt.
-more cone exercises,a game or two of snap (i won them all :P) and laps and laps of walking along the corridors.
-before we left, i gave a chocolate bar to chris and steph, coz they'll both be leaving.
-PIG mum tootled us back home, still listening to westlife's unbreakable volume 1.
-lunch was my hard won-after chunky chicken and corn soup. thanks to PIG mum who stuck a slice of bread in the toaster, and i magarined it myself. :p dear dad tried a spoonful of my soup, but he didn't like :P i was careful to give PIG mum a spoonful too. oh, and when dear dad went to the bathroom/answer his mobile, i nicked a chunk of chicken off his plate. there was still more there, of course! :P
- i read for awhile, thenPIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of thursday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk over to the net.
-PIG amanda Forced me to walk to the gobbling :p table, where arvo tea was a cup of tea sweetened with a single spoonful of honey, and a toasted cheese - poo poo, only one slice, so it was ENTIRELY >< too thin - ham and mayo sandwhich, cut into 4 triangles or squares.
-i told PIG mum my head was ouchies, so thanks to her who popped me 2 panadol. i think i'll ask for another 2 tonight. and i'm sure my beloved bear bear will rub my tummy for me. (remember, he says that a tummy rub is the perfect cure for a headache.) :)
-amanda Forced me to walk to the bathroom, where she got me kitted for hydro. then she Forced me to walk over to wash my right hand, but kindly dried it for me, thanks, and Forced me to walk out to barry, who looked remarkably dapper for a car that had been involved in a traffic incident :P
-off amanda tootled us off to hydro, listening to B105.
-amanda Forced me to walk inside. funny, as we were walking in, a car passed us by, and a man yelled out, "hi emily!" to which i yelled hi back, but i had no idea who the fella was. amanda hadn't a clue, either :p
-anne stuck my dumb/sick/crazy :P left ankle into KAB, and plopped me into the nice warm water.
-hydro today: walking forwards and sideways, squatting, a roll to each side, some left arm work, and 2 of my favourite head dunks at the end. :P
-i got winched back out, and amanda wheeled me in for a nice hot shower - obviously, hairwash today.
-i went for a tinkle afterwards, got redressed. amanda Forced me to walk back outside, to where ann was waiting with a postcard for me from judith! then amanda Forced me to walk back to barry and tootled us back home, stopping on the way for a milk run.-
PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of thursday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk back inside. she kindly fed me 2-3 round sao crackers, and amanda poured me my little vanilla malt breaka she'd gotten me. i read out the postcard from judith out to them, like mr. hall says, there's no turkey in turkey. just lamb and chicken. :p
-amanda gave my left arm/hand a hand massage as i listened to the news.
-at 6:45, she Forced me to walk to the loo. i asked her please for a glass of water then did a stinky unspeakable, wiping myself too.
-amanda came to get me, Forcing me to walk over and wash my right hand - but kindly helped me dry it, thanks - then Forcing me to walk back to the gobbling :P table.
-i signed her off, said my thanks and byes. she'll be back toms - we're gonna make rhubarb and apple pie! hope it goes well and doesn't taste too gross :P
-dinner: rice, lotsa beans and wombok, and a slice of yummy chicken. oh, and some snapper (lol, i keep thinking it's 'slapper', my bad ><"). dinner was washed down with a yummy mug of fruit and vege juice, and of course PIG mum forced my poor left hand to hang onto the bowl as i ate. oh well, i guess that's just incentive for me to eat as fast as i can, max 10 chews a bite before i swallow.
-PIG mum forced poor em on 19+ (lol, i was just gonna write 20, but PIG mum says it was only 19 :)mins of hand/arm exercises.
-dear dad came home, and i read out to him the postcard judy had sent me!
-PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of thursday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk back to the net, but i'm pretty sure she's booting me offline now, don't think i can squeeze in any news articles. oh well. toms, i hope!
-well, please think of poor em toms - she has to arrive at the PA by 8am to get nasty botox injection/s! >< but i think PIG mum said she'll gimmee some chocolate to make it all better :) then, even better! marianna's gonna take me out to see the china project! i think it's near southbank, hope it'll be fun! i wonder if we can get kebabs for lunch ... i hope so!
em. ^^

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