Friday, June 12, 2009

friday post

heylo! no plodding total from me yet, coz my day isn't quite walked out yet. it's already 3:09, and karol still isn't here yet, so i guess karol won't be arriving till 3:30pm. no biggie. i guess i'll just have to ask to go to the loo at 7:15pm, not 6:45pm. anyways, lemmee start with what happened last night!
-karen and PIG mum loaded sparkless into karen's boot. we tumbled in, i kissed the parents cya later, and karen tootled us off to the logan north library. first though, we made a slight detour to find out if there's really a red rooster like we remembered. and their was!so, karen plopped me into sparkless and we wheeled me inside. in the room, we met this lady called 'erica' - no relation to the erica karen met at eric's noodles :P i got a nametag too, and the book club started!
-i couldn't contribute much as i'd only read the first 50-odd pages, but we still had some good discussion. i had a cup of black tea with two teaspoonfuls of sugar - hmm ... well, karol's here at 3:17pm? so will she be staying until 7pm or 7:30? lol, i dunno, must ask. she says 7:30, yup! anyways, back to the book club:
- it was a cup of black tea coz the library had had another function in the morning, and they used up all the milk! naughty people :Pi also munched 4 bikkies; at first, karen had said only 2, but when her phone started shrieking "message! MESSAGE!" :p AT HER AND SHE RAN OUTSIDE BEFORE HE GOT ANY LOUDER :p (sorry, shrieking! ><") i nabbed two more. yum yum. :) well, we had a good chat about the book, and the one for the next book club (i thought it was on every fortnight, but apparently it's on every month?) was handed out. as the ladies (hmm ... i wonder why their aren't any old men involved?) concluded, i begged karen to hand me two soft lollies from the lolly plate, and then we wheeled me out to the young adult books. we'd already earlier agreed that i'd only pick up one new book, coz i'd only returned one.funny thing though; i had to stop looking after the first shelf, coz i'd already picked up five books!
-well, i'm being summoned to a shower now, so i'll bbl l;ater tonight, okay? time is now ... 3:32pm.
good evening! time is now 8:54, so i've got just over half an hour's worth of my MEASELY two-hour limit imposed on me by PIG mum :( so i'd better get right back into it!
-oh, the spam count for the week is 282, and including hydro, em worked hard and plodded 2781 steps today. anyways, so where was i?
-oh, thursday night out with karen:so i borrowed my 2 books, then we wheeled me back to the car. off karen tootled us to red rooster for dinner!
-uh oh. on arrival, karen figured that the doorway would be too narrow to fit sparkless through. but coz she wanted maccas for dinner, i just got myself a tropicana pack at the drive-thru, then karen tootled us off to maccas.
-we wheeled me in; karen got herself a lean beef burger with a regular strawberry shake, and got me a choc shake. the maccas shakes though, are so thick there's no way you can drink them through the straw! i just sipped straight from the cup.
-time to go, karen took me once more to the loo before she tootled us back to my house.
-she unloaded sparkless to PIG mum, gave my books to dearest dad, and headed off with our thanks and byes.
-repeat the nightly routine like i typed yesterday, and i hit the sack, my beloved bear bear keeping me warm with a great big cuddle. zzz :P
friday: PIG mum dug me up, got me kitted for hydro, and fed me a mug of warm milo plus an uncrunchy white choc chip museli bar for breakfast. then she made(PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of yesterday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk out to the 4WD.
-off she tootled us off to hydro, listening to westlife's unbreakable volume 1.
-there was a park available for us on arrival. :) PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of yesterday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk in. i collapsed into the lift chair with a gulp of relief.
-james stuck KAB on my dumb/sick/silly/crazy :P left ankle, and plopped me into the water, which didn't seem as warm as usual. :(
-hydro today: walking forwards and sideways, squatting, 2 rolls - 1 to each side - some left arm exercises, and 2 of my favourite head dunks at the end :P
-i got winched out, and PIG mum wheeled me in for a warm hosing down.
-i went for a tinkle afterwards, then got rekitted, me obediently lifting limbs when ordered to by PIG mum.
-PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of yesterday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk back out to the car. after snapping a no to all my requests of going out for lunch (look, i get that - no time to finish - sorry!), she tootled us home.
-PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of yesterday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk in.
-lunch was 6 yummy boiled dumplings (my request to have them fried was flatly turned down, oh well. dumplings are yummy, no matter how they're cooked :) with half a drop of soya sauce and a mug of yummy nesquik.
-look, PIG mum's eagerly awaiting to force me off to bed now, so i'm just gonna end it here for tonight, okay? sorry for any mistakes in this post, and hope everyone has a smashing weekend!
em. ^^

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