Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Wednesday Post 470c

 Good afternoon and probably one final greeting for today!  Firstly, Em's probable final, final plodding total for Wednesday now stands @ 1730 and secondly and way more importantly, I'm really still owed FORTY-SEVEN MINUTES online after I get back home tonight; argh, it's the SECOND CONSECUTIVE DAY that I've not been able to enjoy the entirety of my most important two hours of the day online!! >< *sigh* But just briefly, last night's events?

  • Tuesday returned and drove me to Toastmasters with Nisha!
  • Eight attended, Diana was a great first-time Toastmaster who brought chips and Neil actually commended me for using a swear word properly in my impromptu! XD Best of all, Zach bought my bubble tea of choice and when I asked him how come he remembered my order he said he's got a photographic memory!
  • Got my UnHappy meal with an orange juice for dinner but Nisha got a proper meal and lemme keep the Minion-themed takeaway bag and cup for a photo!
  • Back home, repeat the usual nightly events and zzz
  • Today: not only my 4th consecutive awesome sleep but my best for the year - I'd woken but didn't use the pot :P until PIG mum let herself into my room to hit me with the eye goo @ 9:35am!!
  • Had one of PIG mum's buttery yummy coffee buns and then bought groceries with dad from the Rochedale Village Coles.
  • Came home and had a bowl of rice leftovers for lunch.
  • Lena's took me to table tennis and there was chocolate slice for cake! I asked Kim did chocolate slice count as cake and she replied definitely because there's chocolate on the top.  XD
  • Git home and took a nice hot shower - hairwash today.  Also thanks to Lena who helped me rinse my hair out,  thus freeing Era to hold my stupid right eye tightly shut. 
  • Dried, creamed and rekitted I sat outside and now it's time for the news!
  • Origin Two coverage begins @ 7; fingers crossed the parents will feed me dinner @ 6:30pm @ the ;atest!
  • Toms: Karina's minding me from 7:45pm till 1:15pm and taking me to GCCW! Will ask can I get takeaway lunch from Woka.
  • Nothing happening after she leaves. Looking forward to spendingf my most important twoo hours of the day online, reading for one hour and watching the 6pm news for the 127TH time!
  • Cheers, 
  • Em. ^^
  • P.S All the interesting surnames I saw while watching the 6pm news bulletin (Nine's, readby MelissaDownes) for the 126TH time: Assange, Pollack,Rudd (heard), Manglona, Shipton, Albanese, de Brenni, Bavas,  Miles, Gottlieb, Louden, Brigginshaw, Amber (first name), Kohler (heard)Croucher, Geran, Tia (first name,  heard), Shephard, Rawlings Munster, Todhunter,  Quinn, Burrell,Wheeler, Micallef, Tahnee (first name), Hilder, Scanlon,  Murray, Ashcroft, Beasley, Uptin and Youngberry.  Garry Youngberry read the weather report from Howard Smith wharves. Chris Kohler read the finance report (Telstra shares fell and 1AUD = 66.76USc) and Jonathan Uptin read the sports report. Brisbane was 13-25 today.  Brisbane tomorrow: 14-23. Mt. Gravatt toms: 12-22. Sunrise 6:38am Sunset 5:0 4pm

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