Friday, April 30, 2010

saturday post

argh, whatever i just clicked, i just lost my entire post! ><
-hard @ work plodding 1250 steps today.
-going to check e-mail and get my facebook fix :P now. will try my hardest to bbl tonight!
em. ^^
P.S. but on sunday, i'm owed THREE HOURS and FIFTY-FIVE MINUTES online, anyways!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

friday post

good afternoon! well, the spam count for the week is 99 and em was hard @ work plodding 1589 steps today. anyways, i plopped online @ 3:50pm; somehow, i think the sky will fall in :P before PIG mum allows me to stay online till 5;50pm. fair enough, she's got work toms. but it just means, that toms, i'm owed THREE HOURS and FORTY-FIVE MINUTES online!!
-lol, chrissy's already four minutes late ... no wonder why PIG mum's pissed with her ...
-breakfast this morning was two weetbix with -shock gasp! an entire SPOONFUL of honey! :P
-and chrissy's just rang - she's stuck in traffic off the logan exit. :P
-off for physio @ your :P turn. PIG mum gleefully forced poor em to buckle her own seatbelt all day, and we also listened to my car CD all day.
-at your :P turn, PIG mum gleefully forced poor ela on all these different exercises.
-my session with emma was more bottom walking and standing exercises.
-PIG mum tootled us off to plaza for our meeting with monique.
-naz was there! so he stuffed a kebab for PIG mum, and he stuffed a fatter one for me. best of all, PIG mum said i was free to enjoy it all for myself!
-i drank a yummypudding milk tea; PIG mum had some apple carrot juice?
-monique came and we yakked away. we also signed our lives away. :P
-PIG mum made me walk back to the car and tootled us home. i let erf sit sideways for the last trip of the day where she'd be the driver.
-PIG mum hayled me upstairs, and i went to the loo once. no guesses as to who gleefully forced who to do all the dakking and un-dakking.
-i tootled online. aunty winnie and uncle colbert just rang; said they'd shout me dinner if i finished my last four sudoku by toms night! so i'll get cracking right after my shower.
-anyways, chrissy's here now, so i'm off. UF tonight, yay! hope everyone has a smashing weekend!
em. ^^
P.S. sorry for any mistakes; PIG mum won't lemme check. :(

thursday post

good evening! em was hard @ work plodding 2167 steps today. anyways, me just gonna check my e-mail first. bbl!
em. ^^

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

-eep, i've lost my post! >< and PIG mum's about to force me off to bed! >< righteo, just quickly, then:
-em was hard @ work plodding 4961 steps today.
-the home mod guys came early to start blowing up the house. :P
-i ambled downstairs. breakfast was two weetbix with almost 1/3 a spoonful of honey.
-off to ring the bells.
-i rang today.
-maccas for second breakfast. :p
-a bloody torture session with vincent the physio. >< i sprained poor erf's ankle! ><
-home, back upstairs.
-aunty wendy arrived and shouted me lunch! some kinda noodles with some kinda pork thing. yummy!
-aunty wendy took me to the loo once, then i tootled online until chrissy arrived - thirty minutes late today! understandably, PIG mum's somewhat pissed with her.
-downstairs for my shower. PIG mum confirmed that poor erf's ankle is swollen black and blue. :(
-the usual arvo tea, cut into two triangles.
-as always, i asked chrissy to please give ela a massage @ 5:40. today, she excused herself to the bathroom first and didn't start till well after 5:45. dark green today.
-chrissy Forced me to walk to the couch, rocked off a few minutes early. seven's news was read out by rod young and kay mcgrath, sport by shane webcke and weather by john schluter. the most interesting last name i came across was 'splatt'. :P
-PIG mum came downstairs. thanks to her who handed me a mug of water - which i was very careful to hold 'correctly', of course, then i headed upstairs to do a stinky unspeakable.
-after washing and drying both hands, i crashed in aunty a's room, and my qualified registered nurse PIG mum looked @ my ankle, icing her before strapping her back up.
-one more loo trip. PIG mum offered to bring my dinner upstairs for me, but i said i'd willingly struggle down the stairs coz i wanted to eat dinner with dearest dad. but then dad decided to come upstairs instead, bringing all our food with him. :)
-so dinner tonight: rice, lotsa little tong vegetable, and some pork/chicken. zero thanks to horrid PIG mum who gleefully forced poor ela to hang onto the bowl while i ate, whatever.
-dinner was washed down with a yummy mug of fruit and vegie juice, which i was very careful to hold 'correctly'.
-PIG mum ordered me to complete the sudoku i'd started earlier. when i finished, she kindly brought up my half cuppa of milk and my truly miniscule bowl of icecream. sadly, i was forced to scull the ice-cream as fast as i could, coz horrid PIG mum gleefully forced poor ela to cling onto the little cup containing the ice-cream! see, i don't really care about the rice for dinner, but the ice-cream's freezing! >< meaning i can take my time with dinner, but not the ice-cream!
-repeat the usual nightly routine.
-toms: OT clinic @ UQ toms. then physio in the arvo. think PIG mum said she'd ring up and ask that i not be required to do any weightbearing stuff toms, coz of poor erf's ankle. >< hopefully, karen will come in the arvo. :) hope everyone has a nice day toms!
em. ^^

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

wednesday post

good afternoon! well, i've got @ least ONE HOUR of net time left for myself tonight, but anyways, so far i've been hard @ work plodding 6126 steps. anyways, i wanna check my e-mail and get my facebook fix first, then i'll try to come back online and post about my day!
em. ^^

Monday, April 26, 2010

tuesday post

good afternoon! sorry i couldn't come back online last might; PIG mum just forced me to bed. oh well. but i didn't reset my pedometer, so i can say that i was hard @ work plodding 3603 steps yesterday and 3092 steps today. anyways, let's start with last night's events first!
- i went to do a stinky unspeakable before dad tootled us off down to ian dipple lagoon!
-PIG mum gleefully forced (third time) me to walk inside, and i took a seat as dearest dad went to buy us some fish and chips for dinner!
-i got: one calamari ring, less than ten chippies and two tiny chunks of yummy battered fish. yumyum~ we all drank yummy fruit and vegie juice.
-dad drove us off to ... what's that arcade place called? playzone? funtime? sth like that, anyways. the parents gleefully forced (second third) me to walk into there also.
-i played that airfighter jet game, and the sword one. we ended playing that bopping the sharks but not the fish one. the parents also tried their skills @ the bowling.
-time to leave - actually, almost forgot! we all shared an oreo mcflurry @ maccas! yumyum~
-dad tootled us back home, and i let erf sit sideways for the last trip of the night.
-repeat the usual nightly routine, then PIG mum just forced me to bed. giant joined us tonight! i told them all what an adventure we'd have toms, with the home mods guys all coming to build my new bathroom!
-actually, they came banging so early that PIG mum just walked me out to the car and fed me a museli bar and a mug of milk - which i was very careful to hold 'correctly', of course.
-PIG mum tootled us off to your :P turn for physio, already full of praise for bridgette (sp?). you go, girlfriend. :)
-linelle arrived. more standing on my tummy today, in lots of five minutes. she also taped up ela and my shoulder, and Forced me to plod around with her without my AFO! >< but elf was strapped.
-i thought PIG mum said we were having pork salad rolls for lunch! who knows why she tootled us off to coles instead and made me plod after her to pick up cans of chunky soup for lunch?
-she tootled us back home; i let erf sit sideways for the last trip of the day where she was the driver.
-uncle calvin and aunty ping yee/catherine popped over to see how the construction work was going! actually, aunty catherine started some 'marketing research' (aka flipping through the woolies catalogue) :P while we were all chatting.
-i had half a can of the chunky soup for lunch. actually, it wasn't soup! just one big meal. so PIG mum only gave me half, and said i had to leave the other half for dearest dad.
-PIG mum made me walk up the stairs so i could plop online. a loo trip first, then she gave me a mug of milk, which i got to drink 'incorrectly' coz she went off to pigland. :p
-well, i've got roughly seventy-five minutes before PIG mum's taking me for my tenth pincushion session! :P o_O then, i've got a break for one month, to give all the holes dr. lin's stabbed into me some time to heal. :P and tonight, tracy's taking me out to toastmaster's! wonder what/where'll we stop for dinner tonight?
-anyways, i do remember my vow that the first chance i get, i'll stay online till 3am, just like PIG mum did once. i still intend to keep it, just not tonight coz i've gotta go bell ringing toms, and i need a good night's sleep for that. maybe wednesday night, then. coz see, thursday's physio doesn't start till 11am.
em. ^^

monday post 7

good ... should 5:08pm be 'good afternoon' or 'good evening'? anyways, i was an incredible pig who refused to get up till 4;15pm today! (and then, i only got up coz eft was yelling @ me, "em!! i'm STARVING!!" anyways, dearest dad's taking us now, so i'll try my best to come back online tonight!
-but today, i was hard @ work plodding 511 steps today.
-and my favourite line from house last night! house, to chase, who's got a DREADFUL haircut, "nice haircut! did cameron put your head in the oven?" haha!
em. @^^@

Sunday, April 25, 2010

sunday post8b

good evening! anyways, i'm gonna log in that i was hard @ work plodding 3497 steps today and that the spam count for the weekend's twenty-one. anyways, today's events?
-breakfast this morning was the second of my three shallot buns and a mug of warm milo, which i drank 'incorrectly' when the parents were upstairs changing coz i knew i wouldn't get another chance to today.
-church. PIG mum gleefully forced me to stand for three songs.
-speaker today was michael choi (is he still an MP?); he gave us an ANZAC day sermon, i think.
-loo trip, then i grabbed two slices of lamington(sp?) and aunty a tootled us off to fi's house for bible study.
-thanks to janice who helped me wipe my shoes down. :)
-after bible study, dad tootled us off to plaza for lunch. i was saved from a long hard walk to foodcourt after the doors were locked! :)
-lunch was @ cafe mi (unsurprisingly). i got around 1/3 of the cold milk tea, half a bowl of the asian meal (fish fillet in white sauce with rice) and 2/3 a bowl of the western meal (some kinda chop with diced vegies in spaghetti. aunty a shouted me a slice of charsiu in return for my promise to stay silent when the parents were gleefully forcing me to walk to the car.
-home, loo trip. PIG mum kicked me to bed, but since i wasn't sleepy, i sang both my favourite and second-favourite songs in my head, opening my eyes for all the important numbers, and also had a silent chat to percy the angel/saint for around fifteen mins.
-argh, PIG mum got me kitted and made me walk all the way to the laundry for my shower instead of wheeling me into the laundry. ><
-a kinda warm shower today - i washed my hair. PIG mum gleefully forced poor ela to scrub various body parts eighty times, then i dried and rekitted myself, PIG mum taking every single opportunity to gleefully force poor ela to help out rekitting my knickers, pants and socks.
-i tootled online as PIG mum went upstairs for her own shower. aunty a arrived for dinner.
-rice tonight, with lotsa little tong vegetable/bok choy, one chunk each of mushroom and tofu, and one tiny slice of yummy pork. of course, PIG mum gleefully forced poor ela to hang onto the bowl while i ate, whatever.
-dinner was washed down with a yummy mug of fruit and vegie juice, which i was very careful to hold 'correctly'.
-PIG mum made me walk back to the computer.
-the slams are here now! and anna's baked a cake! actually, uncle colbert's popped along too ... wonder why?
-toms:ANZAC day public holiday. the poor kiwis don't get one. :P so there'll be no physio or acupuncture for me toms ... but i hope the parents find sth for me to do toms! else i'm gonna sleep till 5:50pm, then get up and watch seven's news. :P
-anyways, there's a slice of anna's cake sitting in front of me, yelling "EMILY! EAT ME!!!" :p so i'm gonna listen, then check my post. and house's back on tonight! yeah~ hope everyone has a smashing week!
em. ^^

sunday post8

good evening! i'll post up the spam count later tonight; so far, em's been hard @ work plodding 3382 steps today. anyways,i'm just goona check my e-mail first, then get my facebook fix :P before coming back to post about my day and also stick up my final plodding total and spam count for the weekend. see you then!
em. ^^

Saturday, April 24, 2010

saturday post6b

good evening! my final plodding total for saturday now stands @ 4244. anyways, events for today?
-when PIG mum arose for work this morning, i swung myself around to use the pot :P once. back in bed, i released poor ela from her prison, tucked her thumb gently back inside for some sleep, then cuddled my darling bear bear and snored my head off ...
-... all the way till 10:30! wonder why evelyn was late today ...
-so evelyn got me kitted, Forced me to walk to the bathroom to brush my teeth, before Forcing me to the fridge to get out the bread and milk and Forcing me to walk to the toaster to put my two slices of bread in it.
-she only offered me with one teaspoonful of sugar, so i declined and she made me a milo instead. milo tastes yummy even without sugar. :)
-so i made myself a sandwhich with the egg and ham, and happily gulped that down.
-dad had ordered me to do one sudoku, so i put aside my initial intention to write nana a letter and did one.
-evelyn Forced me to walk to the couch to play wii with her. wii sports resort's incredibly fun! we only played one game of ten-pin bowling, and we already unlocked the hundred-pin game! i love the sound effects, see. :Pyou get a great sense of satisfaction when you're knocking down eighty-odd pins when you bowl. :P so next i'll work on unlocking the sword fighting game where you haveta slice stuff in the direction indicated.
-but vincent the physio came, argh. >< i used the loo once, wanted to do a stinky unspeakable, but PIG mum refused coz she liked forcing me to suffer a torture session with him first.
-i fell twice. >< but am still alive ... i think. ><
-i wanted to tootle online @ 3pm, but dad ordered me to complete another sudoku, meaning i had no choice but to comply. i actually tootled online around 3:30pm.
-chrissy arrived late, watched an episode of naruto with me, then gave me a nice hot shower - i washed my hair today.
-i had a tinkle before chrissy flipped off the nice hot water, dried myself, creamed myself and had another tinkle. chrissy rekitted me and i had a last tinkle as she was jamming my AFO on.
-chrissy Forced me to walk to the fridge then the benchtop to make my arvo tea, which was a toasted cheese - too bad, only one slice, meaning 'twas ENTIRELY too thin - and mayo sandwhicj, cut into two triangles.
-i asked her please to give ela a massage @ 5:40; this time, she needed the bathroom and didn't start till after 5:45. then i got painted pink with pink spots today. this morning, evelyn had done me pink with purple spots, then laughed @ me when i screwed up my face and said, "evelyn, EWW!" :p
-chrissy Forced me to walk over to the sofa, where she flicked on seven's news for me. she left a few minutes early. tonight, seven's news was read out by sharyn ghidella, sport by pat welsh and weather by talitha cummins. the poor melbourne storm ...
-PIG mum came downstairs, plodded her time on the treadmill, then gleefully forced me to plod thirty minutes on it too. ><
-she made me walk to the toilet, also gleefully forcing me to dak myself. but thanks to her who passed me two cups of water, both of which i was very careful to hold 'correctly', and i did a stinky unspeakable. PIG mum came back, made me walk over to wash and dry both hands, then made me walk over to the computer. i'm taking this as my skipped meal for the month.
-almost forgot - this arvo, when i wanted to tootle online, the parents gleefully forced poor em to practise standing without touching anything a bloody FOURTEEN times! >< i truly am terribly envious of all you guys, who can easily stand without thinking of anything. :(
-anyways, toms: church. i can attend my first bible study of term two - last week i missed class coz we were farewelling cousin katie @ the airport. anyways, fingers crossed for some decent KFC for lunch toms! oh, unless naz's working.
-two more things: hopefully, we won't haveta stand for any songs toms, and also hope that dad has the decency to just park underground like we used to and not @ the far end of foodcourt, to save me a long, miserable walk up there. ><
em. ^^
P.S. i found and corrected 1 error in my post tonight.

Friday, April 23, 2010

saturday post6

good afternoon! okies, dad didn't allow me to tootle online till 3:26pm, meaning that tonight, after chrissy leaves, i'm still owed ONE HOUR and TWENTY-FOUR MINUTES online!! but em was hard @ work plodding 2281 steps today. anyways, i wanna check my e-mail and get my facebook fix first, so i'll promise to try my hardest to come back with today's events!
em. ^^

friday post7b

good evening! my final plodding total for friday now stands @ 4380, and the spam count for the week's 105. anyways, events after my last post?
-chrissy ended coming FIFTY mins late! even creepier was that she was stuck in traffic, yes, but not just any traffic - turns out the train she was riding hit an old lady! ><
-so she Forced me to walk into the laundry for my nice hot shower - i washed my hair today.
-i had one tinkle just before chrissy flipped off the nice hot water, dried and creamed myself, had another tinkle. chrissy got me rekitted, and i had one last tinkle when she was jamming my AFO on.
-chrissy Forced me to walk out to the fridge to get her the milk for my arvo cuppa - i passed the carton to her 'incorrectly', then Forced me to walk to the kitchen bench top to make my tea, which i sweetened with a single spoonful of sugar.
-arvo tea was that shallot bun i'd picked up from sunni bakery a few days ago. the tea was my cup of the day to hold 'incorrectly'.
-as always, i asked chrissy to please give ela a massage @ 5;40, as always, she refused till after 5:45. then i got painted silver today.
-chrissy's back toms arvo, and doesn't finish till 9pm tonight.
-before she left a few minutes early, chrissy Forced me to walk to the sofa, where she flicked on the television for me. first, i saw some man win five bucks - he'd gambled, and turned down eighteen grand! - then seven's news was read out by rod young and kay mcgrath, sport by shane webcke and weather by john schluter. i admit, i just feel sorry for the melbourne storm - stripped of ALL their competition points for breaching the salary cap!
-but argh, PIG mum came downstairs to gleefully force poor em to plod twenty-five mins on that bloody treadmill. ><
-a loo trip for me afterwards - no guesses as to who gleefully forced who to do everything.
-dinner tonight: rice, lotsa beans, two boiled chunks of cauliflower and some fish. of course, horrid PIG mum gleefully forced poor ela to hold onto the bowl while i ate, whatever.
-dinner was washed down with a yummy mug of fruit and veggie juice, which i was very careful to hold 'correctly'.
-PIG mum ordered me to do a sudoku, my second for the day! i tried, but screwed it up, so will keep persevering @ it toms.
-then PIG mum ordered me to get my toasted :P feet for today, before i boiled :p them in the footspa. elf doesn't really like the thing, but oh well.
-PIG mum gleefully forced poor elf on a minute or two of ankle exercises and got my footwear back on before making me walk back to the computer.
-toms: tessa's coming. i'll continue to try my best to persuade PIG mum to allow tess to take me to sizzler's for lunch. i've learnt that i haven't got anywhere without patience and perseverance, so i'll keep asking PIG mum until she finally allows. hoever, vincent the physio ISN'T WELCOME to come torture me toms! i know he already took back his promise not to let me fall, but he DID promise to TRY HIS BEST NOT to let me fall! so if he knocks on our door/rings the bell toms, i'll just ask tess not to answer it. chrissy's coming again in the arvo. anyways, hope everyone has a smashing weekend!
em. ^^
P.S. i found and corrected three errors in my post tonight.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

friday post7

good afternoon! well, i've still got ONE HOUR left for me online tonight. guess i'll put that to good use, what with the parents refusing to take me to the combined UF/WF meeting tonight. >< i mean, why?! i already understand that i'm a total nigel now, and i won't be able to participate in tonight's activities, but i'd still dearly treasure the time to sit and watch you guys (all my fellow UFers and WFers) muck around! >< even worse, PIG mum has banned me from putting out a ride request help call on either facebook and/or MSN!! i know that last night, quiet dan rang dad and told him that i prolly wouldn't be able to participate in tonight's activities, but, like i've already said, i'd still dearly treasure the time just to sit and watch you guys enjoy yourselves! ><
-anyways, so far, today em's been hard @ work plodding 3335 steps.
-this morning, when dearest dad got up for work, i swung myself over to use the pot :p once. back in bed, i released poor ela from her prison, tucked her thumb gently back inside for some sleep, then cuddled my darling bear bear and snored my head off :P, K1 beaming @ us from his perch.
-awhile later, PIG mum poked me up with "ten more minutes". i counted the time down, then spent the remaining thirty or so seconds having a silent chat to percy the saint/angel, asking him please to help me with the patience and perseverance i'd need to endure through today.
-when PIG mum came into my bedroom, i swung myself around to use the pot :P once again. actually, i felt like doing a stinky unspeakable, but knowing from past experience how PIG mum refuses to wheel me into the laundry anymore, i just decided to hold it in and wait for later. now, i know it's not particularly healthy to do that, but PIG mum, claiming back pain, refuses to roll me into the bathroom anymore, and i'm not really feeling up to the hard walk to the loo and out, so i just wait.
-PIG mum got me kitted, made me walk out to the gobbling :P table.
-i spat out my mouth splint, took one small sip from the required glass of water.
-breakfast was three weetbix with exactly 1/4 spoonful of honey (oh, how i wish i could sleep in till 11am like in the past! aunty wendy would come, and give me an entire TABLESPOONFUL of honey with my weetbix! but there's no use in pining after bygones ... ><)
-PIG mum made me walk out to the 4WD. today, she gleefully forced poor em to buckle her own seatbelt all day, and we also listened to westlife's 'where we are' all day.
-PIG mum made me walk in. i settled down with some australian physiotherapy journal as she rocked off to repark the car.
-i actually started with the motomed today! usually, i end with the motomed, but, seeing that it was un-used atm, PIG mum asked jessie for permission first then made me walk over to it.
-so sixteen minutes on that thing, then PIG mum made me walk over to a table and gleefully forced poor ela on lotsa different exercises, mainly with the dumbells. don't think i used the theraputty today.
-but thanks to cara, who made me a cuppa, white and two! and thanks to joy, who handed me a cookie. originally, mean PIG mum was about to tell joy to take the plate back, that i didn't need one; lucky i saw the plate first! so, in the future, i'll definitely haveta keep an eye out for stuff like that.
-i ended with a private session with emma. more 'walking on my bum' and 'standing on my tummy'. :p think emma said she had a bday party to attend this weekend.
-PIG mum tootled us home, snapping a refusal to my polite request that we see naz for a kebab, coz she already had chunky soup ready for lunch.
-a loo trip for me when i got home. thanks to PIG mum who passed me a mug of water - she stayed to make sure i drank while holding the cup 'correctly'. i did a stinky unspeakable. PIG mum came back, made me do everything else, then made me walk out to the gobbling :P table.
-lunch was my yummy stockpot chunky soup and two slices of toast. i bit the bread into small chunks and dropped them into the bowl, only to get majorly dissed from PIG mum for not holding the bread with ela and tearing the bread with era. >< lucky, then, i didn't ask for some butter for my bread! coz PIG mum'd've certainly forced poor ela to brace against the plate while era did the buttering.
-but thanks to her who mixed me a yummy milo, which i was very careful to hold 'correctly'.
-i was ready to plop online, but no. PIG mum ordered that i complete a sudoku first, and even ripped away all the answers to prevent me succumbing to the temptation of cheating! ><
-so i tried to complete the thing as fast as i could. still took me roughly twenty minutes, though.
-PIG mum made me walk over to the computer, and i tootled online @ roughly 3pm.
-but chrissy's late (more so than usual) so i'll just check, then check my email and get my facebook fix. will try my hardest to come back online tonight with tthe final events for today. should be okay, what with the parents refusing to take me to UF/WF and all! ><
em. ^^
P.S. i found and corrected 3 errors in my post this arvo.
P.P.S. almost forgot! yesterday arvo, evelyn and tracy gave me a nice hot shower, then they took me out to garbo in evelyn's car. i settled down to read one of lian hearn's novels, coz apparently, david feintuch's not on the shelf? they Forced me to walk to foodcourt for dinner. ZERO thanks to nasty PIG mum who'd banned me from enjoying some KFC for dinner, so i just tried sth new - a rappa from oporto. i also drank a choc shake made with low-fat milk. but evelyn got pissed @ me for clinging to chairs and stuff, and decided to end our outing and take me home! >< i told her the parents prolly wouldn't be home, so she rang alice, who suggested that we head up to the mt. gravatt lookout. so we went there. tracy got a hot choc and shared a marshmallow with evelyn but not me (oh well) while evelyn got a latte. tracy then regaled us both with tales of brisbane. she's single, BTW. when we went home, of course PIG mum majorly dissed me for ending our session, whatever. :(

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

thursday post8b

good afternoon! my final plodding total for thursday now stands @ 4693.. anyways, events for today?
-a very early start! PIG mum poked me awake, gave me fifteen mins more of snooze time, then dug me up. i used the pot :P once, she got me kitted for the day then PIG mum made me walk out to the car.
-breakfast was a chewy berry museli bar and a mug of milo, which i'll admit to holding 'incorrectly' after PIG mum was unwrapping the museli bar for me.
-PIG mum tootled us off to the princess alexandra's hospital eye clinic. she gleefully forced poor em to buckle her own seatbelt all day, and we started listening to kenny bee, some canto singer. he's not bad, really.
-PIG mum gleefully Forced (second time) me towalk into the eye clinic.
-she took me to the bathroom once first, then went to tell the receptionist that i'd arrived.
-the nurse that we swapped details with last time saw me first! i just squinted and read out letters for her; she also put local into my pupils before dilating them.
-meaning that back out in the waiting area, my eyes were too blurry to read anything, so i just propped up ebh (emily's big head :P) on era and did some sleep counting, though i didn't actually fall asleep.
-the doctor called me in. tai from taiwan. wonder why his surname's 'smith', though? he just checked out my eyes, said they were fine and seeya in six months. PIG mum made me walk all the way down back to the car, offering to take me to dong fong/sunnybank oriental for second breakfast :P if i could walk soundlessly. i managed, by letting my heel touch the floor before my toes.
-so PIG mum tootled us off to dong fong/sunnybank oriental and made me walk in.
-i ordered yummy ham and egg in paata (my only regret is that shallot-flavoured pancakes aren't sold anymore ><), drank a cold horlicks and remembered to pass PIG mum one pea, PIG mum herself got congee with peanuts and 'jar leung' (say that in canto) and kindly shared with me two of her 'yow jar guay' (say that in canto too)
-PIG mum tootled us home. she made me walk to the computer, and i tootled online until it was time for physio @ UQ.
-PIG mum tootled us off to UQ. a loo trip for me, then she gleefully forced (third time) me to walk over to the waiting area to get a famous gossip mag, then made me walk back to the chair, where she left me reading while she rocked off to pay.
-michelle came for me with a walkbelt, Forced me to walk in.
-eep, it's the dreaded return of the yucky tilt table! >< so i spent just over twenty minutes up in that thing, while michelle and pat got ela on all these cone reaching exercises.
-session over, PIG mum made me walk back out to the 4WD and tootled us home. i let erf sit sideways for my last car trip for today where PIG mum was the driver, but eep! we got stuck in traffic! ><
-PIG mum made me walk back to the computer desk and i tootled back online.
-actually, aunty anne's over yakking with PIG mum right now. and louise from CODA's just rang and told PIG mum that evelyn's gonna be late coz she's stuck in traffic.
-anyways, toms: physio @ your :P turn, i expect. fingers crossed that PIG mum'll take me for a kebab @ naz's toms! and UF's combining with WF! we're going to some park; hopefully PIG mum will be kind enough to lemme spend the night in sparkless. anyways, i'm super excited, coz evelyn and michelle are taking me out to garbo tonight! i think i'll try for a david feintuch book tonight.
em. ^^
P.P.S. sorry, shrieking! ><
P.P.P.S.i just had a banana for arvo tea.
P.P.P.P.S. i found and corrected three errors in my post this arvo.

thursday post10

-whenever i had to walk, i'd type that PIG mum gleefully FORCED :( me to. when she banned me from using all capitals, i used Forced until she somehow decided that the entire word offended her sensibilities, and banned it altogether. so i switched to the word contort, only it wasn't long before PIG mum decided that even this word somehow offended her and banned it also, saying that henceforth, i was only allowed to use the word made. anyways, i complied and used MADE. did it really surprise me when PIG mum stepped in and demanded that it had to be ALL in lowercase? so i complied again, only now i typed that PIG mum 'gleefully' made me walk. that was until charlsy left me a comment on this blog, saying that henceforth, i was only allowed to use made without any words before or after it. dunno really know why i listen to him, afterall, it's MY blog, but i guess i do coz i have heaps and heaps of respect for him as a friend. and, regarding last night:
1.PIG mum made(PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of today's post to see what i REALLY want to write, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><)me walk from the computer desk to the kitchen benchtop to drink my nightly half cuppa of milk. *sigh* i've said before, how in the past she just used to bring me my milk, in her eagerness to boot me off to bed, but now it seems that she somehow derives FAR GREATER PLEASURE at being able to force her poor daughter to walk more. ah well, i'll survive.
2. after saying goodnight to dearest dad, PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of today's post to see what i REALLY want to write, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><)me walk to the bathroom for my nightly routine.
3.poor em was forced to stand to brush her teeth, and PIG mum also forced my poor left hand to do the three after-brush rinses with my right hand. i forgot to add, same with the kitchen benchtop, it is somehow a HUGE UNFORGIVEABLE SIN if you were to lean against the basin and rest your aching self.
4. after flossing and washing both hands, PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of today's post to see what i REALLY want to write, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk over to dry them.
5. PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of today's post to see what i REALLY want to write, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk over to the toilet.
6. PIG mum forced me to dak myself for a tinkle or two.
7. when i stood back up, PIG mum forced me to pull my own trousers back up.
8. PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of today's post to see what i REALLY want to write, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk over and bend awkwardly to flush the loo. i reached over to wash and dry my right hand.
9. PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of today's post to see what i REALLY want to write, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk back to bed. remember, i'm not allowed to hobble/stagger/limp in and grasp the handrail that was installed up there FOR THAT SPECIFIC PURPOSE, because PIG mum has recently discovered that it somehow, again, gives her FAR GREATER PLEASURE to force her poor daughter to walk to the middle of the bed, turn around and bend awkwardly to finally sigh with relief that she has, indeed, endured through another day.
10. no pull-up pants. >< no teds, either. argh. i thought that maybe i could wear them once a week, every friday, just like how it gives PIG mum that much pleasure to restrict poor em to a truly miniscule bowl of icecream once a week, but apparently not. tough luck, em. ><
-finally, if i don't mention any of this till next thursday, it just means that it's ALL the same as what i typed out today, okay? no difference. ><
-actually, my mother has for some reason decided that she’s censoring the usual line I place after the word ‘made’. So, whenever you come across the word ‘made’ in my post, please note that I am SCREAMING for you to PLEASE! GO NOW! TO THE TOP OF TODAY’S (THURSDAY’S) POST TO SEE WHAT I REALLY WANT TO WRITE, BUT HAVE SADLY BEEN TOO HEAVILY CENSORED BY PIG MUM.

thursday post9

good morning! it's extremely rare that i get the chance to post in the morning, but amazingly, we had a very short wait in line to get my eyes checked today! anyways, i'm just typing an e-mail out to bill and perky :p so lemme just note down that today, i've been hard @ work plodding 3712 steps. righteo, will try my best to come back with my final plodding total and the day's events after i finish off this e-mail!
em. ^^

wednesday post8b

good evening! my final plodding total for wednesday now stands @ 4139. anyways, events after my last post?
-surprise - the doorbell rang like five minutes early! i called PIG mum, who was just as surprised as i was. i mean, chrissy's never on time!
-ahh. turns out it was actually karen!
-so she Forced me to walk inside for a nice hot shower - no hairwash today.
-i had a tinkle just before karen flipped the lovely hot water off, dried myself and got creamed, had another tinkle. karen rekitted me, and i had one last tinkle before she Forced me to walk out to the fridge to get my arvo tea ingredients.
-yay, karen gave me the perfect arvo tea! like, a toasted cheese - yup, two slices - ham and mayo sandwhich, cut into four squares. i also made myself a cuppa, not my usual white and two, but white and THREE! and my verdict - eww, way too sweet! next time i'll just stick with white and two, where possible.
-we yakked away. karen told me that she's having fish for dinner, and that matthew's in trouble right now coz she had a friend over for tea recently who brought over a BBQ chicken. karen and friend went elsewhere to talk, and yup, you guessed correctly - matthew the evil cat came and started devouring (sp?) the chicken! :p
-karen started giving ela a massage real early, like, around 4:30. i got painted brown with yellow spots today.
-when karen left, i read 'the slap' for a few pages, then decided to get started on my daily sudoku.
-PIG mum came downstairs to gleefully force poor me to plod twenty-five mins on the treadmill.
-she took me once to the loo afterwards - off course, she gleefully forced me to do everything.
-dinner tonight: rice, lotsa normal lettuce, some fish, and one chicken wing. of course, PIG mum gleefully forced poor ela to hang onto the bowl while i ate, whatever.
-dinner was washed down with a yummy mug of fruit and vegie juice, which i was very careful to hold 'correctly', of course. but sometimes, i really dunno why PIG mum bothers enforcing this odd rule, coz when she's watching me carefully to check that i'm holding the cup 'correctly', i do, except that my pointer just sits limply inside the ear, the weight's still entirely supported by my third and ring fingers. doesn't matter, really. no biggie.
-PIG mum made me walk back to the computer desk. i think she said that she's forcing me off @ 9pm? sth like that, anyways.
-anyways, toms: 8am appointment @ the eye clinic! that's ridiculously early; even dad's suggested to PIG mum that we just drive straight out to the hospital before buying sth to eat. i hope she takes his advice! besides, i'll prolly be still too sleepy to want any breakfast. :p
-but i hope we can go somewhere nice for lunch!
-UQ physio isn't till 1pm, then in the arvo, evelyn and some new lady (amy? she's got a short name though, i'm sure.) are taking me out to garbo @ night! i'm dreading the walk to the library, to the foodcourt, and the long wait to buy my food, but @ least i can wheel myself around in sparkless for the rest of the night. anyways, i'll just check, then check my email. doubt i've got enough time for facebook tonight, oh well. toms, or the day after, maybe. anyways, hope everyone has a smashing day toms!
em. ^^

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

wednesday post8

good afternoon! okies, i didn't toddle online till 2:55pm; meaning i'll come back online for just under ONE HOUR to satisfy the PISSY two hour time limit that so pleases PIG mum to restrict me to. i know that yesterday, i said i was owed TWO HOURS and THIRTY-SEVEN MINUTES tonight, but seeing as i've got an ete appointment toms @ 8am, i somehow really doubt that'll come to pass. and toms, evelyn and some new chic are taking me out to garbo! so thursday's out too. so's friday, coz PIG mum works on saturday morning and needs her beauty sleep. fair enough. meaning, i'll try my hardest come saturday to get back EVERY SINGLE MINUTE I'M OWED, i swear!!
-anyways, em was hard @ work plodding 2464 steps today.
-this morning, when dearest dad got up for work, i swung myself around to use the pot :P once. back in bed, i released poor ela from her prison, resisted the urge to throw the bloody splint in the bin, then cuddled my darling bear bear and snored my head off. :p
-when PIG mum poked me awake with "ten more mins," i moaned @ her, "twenty...", but instead of compromising on the fifteen minutes we usually did, she said, "fifteen. coz we're running late."
-so i counted down the twelve minutes. PIG mum came in not thirty seconds later (does she have a clock she counts the time down with, i wonder?) and dug me up. i swung myself over to use the pot :p once, and felt like doing a stinky unspeakable, but knowing from past experience that that PIG mum would rather EAT ME ALIVE :P o_O then wheel me to the loo (like she used to do in the past), i decided to hold it in and wait till the arvo.
-PIG mum got me kitted, made me walk out to the gobbling :P table. breakfast was three weetbix with some honey.
-PIG mum made me walk out to the 4WD. today, she madepoor em to buckle her own seatbelt all day, and we also listened to westlife's 'where we are' all day.
-PIG mum tootled us off to vedelago. it was raining quite hard when we arrived, and PIG mum also cursed up some storm when she realised that mariana had forgotten to give us back the disabled parking permit PIG mum'd put into her car yesterday.
-but i got to sit in an armchair for just over thirty minutes. yeah, complete, blessed safety. :)
-today, i rang 1719 bells, and also sang both my favourite and second-favourite songs inside my head once.
-PIG mum made me walk out, and tootled us off to maccas coz i needed the loo.
-back in the car, i munched my bacon and egg mcmuffin (wonder why the wraps aren't on sale anymore?) and hash brown and PIG mum tootled us off to unique physiotherapy.
-she made me walk inside and i settled down with a famous mag until vincent the physio Forced me to walk in.
-my torture session today: him forcing me to walk out to the wet carpet the back to the plinth again, again and again. >< of course, he didn't lemme hold onto anything, and he's NOT WELCOME to come torture me on saturday coz while the mean guy's taken back his promise to never let me fall otherwise he'll not come and torture me again, he DID promise to try his hardest not to let me fall. but he DID, and so many times, in fact, i think i've got a bruised bum/right thigh! >, so if he dares come to torture me on saturday, i'm just gonna ignore him.
-PIG mum tootled us home, and i let erf sit sideways for the last car trip for today.
-PIG mum made me walk inside and i read my book club novel for awhile until aunty wendy arrived.
-anyways, there's about thirty minutes until chrissy arives; i'm just gonna check my email and get my facebook fix. will try my hardset to come back online tonight with my final plodding total!
em. ^^

tuesday post6

good evening! okies, i toddled online @ 8:27pm. somehow, i think the chances of a blue moon tonight are greater than PIG mum allowing me to stay online till 10:27pm. in fact, she's just strutted over and told me gleefully that she's forcing me off to bed @ 10pm. fair enough, i haveta ring the bells toms morning, so i need a good night's sleep, but that just means that toms, i'll be owed TWO HOURS and TWENTY-SEVEN MINUTES online toms; add that to the time i'm already owed from yesterday, toms i'll actually be owed TWO HOURS and THIRTY-SEVEN MINUTES online!! and that's not even factoring the other times i'm owed from previous weeks/months. but they're all in my blog somewhere, and i SWEAR, i'll try my HARDEST to get back EVERY SINGLE MINUTE THAT I'M OWED!! lol, sorry, i realise how idiotic i sound raving on about this like that, but it's just so extremely important to me, you understand?
-anyways, today i was hard @ work plodding 4345 steps today.
-this morning, when dearest dad got up for work, i swung myself around to use the pot :P once. back in bed, i freed poor ela from her prison, tucked her thumb back inside gently for some more sleep, then cudled my darling bear bear and snored my head off with him. :P K1 kept watch over us, grinning proudly. :)
-when PIG mum poked me awake awhile later with "ten more minutes", i moaned @ her, "twenty, please." however, this time she refused, saying that we'd be late. so she just gave me twelve. i counted that down, then spent the last thirty or so seconds having a silent chat to percy the angel/saint, asking him please to give me the patience and perseverance to endure through another day, giving all the pleasure and satisfaction to my PIG mum and just suffering for her sake when she decides that only she can be happy. of course, it would be best if both ppl could be happy, but PIG mum's taught me, if not by her words then @ least by her actions, that it's enough that SHE'S happy and/or satisfied.
-when PIG mum came back into my room, i used the pot :p once more. she got me kitted, before making me walk out to the gobbling :p table.
-breakfast was two weetbix with a lil honey.
-PIG mum made me walk to the car. today, she gleefully forced poor em to buckle her seatbelt all day, and we also listened to hins cheung all day. hey, maybe toms, i'll finally get the time to look him up on youtube!
-PIG mum tootled us off to your :P turn for physio. she left me with a woman's day mag and went to repark the car.
-linelle arrived, said she needed caffeine and invited me to have a cuppa also. so she Forced me to walk into the kitchen with her, where i made myself a cuppa, white and two. and awesome, i got to drink it 'incorrectly'!
-back outside, linelle whipped off all my footwear and got me standing against a plinth again, each time for roughly five minutes. in between, when i was seated in an armchair (ah, blessed safety:), she yakked to PIG mum and i about that second skin thing she's thinking of getting for ela.
-we ended with a walk around the parallel bars (thankfully, with the AFO back on), then PIG mum tootled us home.
-i used the loo once on arrival, of course, PIG mum gleefully forced me to dak myself. but thanks to her who passed me a mug of water, which i was very careful to hold 'correctly', of course, and i did a stinky unspeakable. PIG mum came back for me, gleefully forced me to un-dak myself, made me walk over to wash and dry both hands, then made me walk to the kitchen.
-i worked on my daily sudoku. no thanks to horrid PIG mum who refused to switch the television on for me so i could listen to the news.
-when i finished my sudoku, i started to read my bookclub novel. again, no thanks to mean PIG mum who wouldn't lemme rest back against the chair, instead gleefully forcing me to lean forward.
-lunch was a mccains microwaveable meal, some kinda beef with noodles. i drank a plain mug of milk; for the third time this post, no thanks to nasty PIG mum who me to take the milk carton 'correctly', gleefully forced poor ela to slip her fingers into the carton, forced era to open the lid 'correctly', gleefully forced poor ela to pour the milk, made me walk back and replace the carton in the fridge, still holding the carton 'correctly', then walk back, pick up the cuppa milk and place it on the table. and no, it wasn't enough that i just reached the table and place the cup down; i had to walk all the way to my seat! >< so i'm sure you'll understand why i deliberately drank that cup slowly and 'incorrectly'. (PIG mum was watching television). actually, PIG mum decided that she still hadn't made me suffer enough yet - after she took the meal outta the microwave, she even made me walk to the benchtop and bring the meal back to the table! and her new rule: if you don't reach for the chair with your hand before you sit down, i'll just force you to do it again. >< argh ... honestly, i'm often simply @ a loss to understand why/how PIG mum can get such a kick from being that horrible to me. :(
-ding dong! mariana came to visit!we had a yak; of course, PIG mum wasted no time in dissing me. argh.
-but mariana took me to toscanis! :) we sat in those swingeingly armchair things and yakked away. mariana went through my icebreaker points with me; i think the main problem is that i've got too much content to fit into a 4-6 minute speech!
-but we were majorly stuck in traffic on logan road, coming home. ><
-evelyn was already waiting when we arrived home.
-so a nice hot shower for me today - i washed my hair.
-i dried, creamed and rekitted myself. evelyn finished with my shoes and socks before Forcing me to walk out to the gobbling :P table.
-i skipped a drink for arvo tea, coz evelyn wouldn't allow me two teaspoonfuls of sugar in my tea, but said PIG mum never told her that i could drink milo. so poor ella just had to eat a whole pear and banana for herself.
-evelyn gave ela a fiften minute massage, painting me red, before Forcing me to walk to the couch. she flicked on the television for me. first, we watched some lucky woman win more than ten grand on deal or no deal, then evelyn left as seven's news was read out by rod young and kay mcgrath, sport by shane webcke and weather by john schluter.
-i flicked over to watch SBS's world news australia @ 6:30. when dearest dad came home and PIG mum arose from pig :P land, she took me to the loo once and i did my second stinky unspeakable for today.
-then PIG mum gleefully forced me to plod twenty-five minutes on that bloody treadmill. in fact, she's 'claiming' to plod her own twenty-five minutes right now. but she says i'm not allowed to not believe her, so fair enough. guess she is, then.
-dinner: rice, lotsa greens (meaning i've forgotten which, sorry. >, broccoli?) some pork, and a wee chunk of yummy egg. of course, horrid PIG mum gleefully forced poor ela to hang onto the bowl while i ate, whatever.
-dinner was washed down with a yummy mug of fruit and vegie juice, which i was very careful to hold 'correctly'. but my pointer just hangs in there loosely, you know. she doesn't bear any weight or anything.
-eep, thirty minutes left! >< typetypetype~
-PIG mum took me once more to the loo before i tootled online. no guesses as to who gleefully forced who to do everything.
-toms: bell ringing! last time, i rang ... 1552 bells, maybe? then second breakfast :P @ maccas, then a torture session with vincent the physio. >< but aunty wendy and chrissy are coming in the arvo.
-anyways, sorry for any mistakes tonight, coz i've no time to check - i've gotta squeeze in my e-mail and facebook fix all within twenty-five minutes! hope everyone has a smashing day toms!
em. ^^

Monday, April 19, 2010

monday post 6b

good evening! em's final plodding total for monday now stands @ 5831. anyways, events after my last post?
-firstly, coz PIG mum says she's forcing me off to bed in exactly one hour, it means that toms, i'm owed TWO HOURS and TEN MINUTES online! i know, i haven't even counted in the timePIG mum already owes me, but they're all written down in my blog somewhere. i'll get the time back.
-chrissy Forced me to walk to the laundry for my nice hot shower - i washed my hair today.
-i had a tinkle just after chrissy flipped off the water, dried and creamed myself, had another tinkle. chrissy rekitted me, and i had one last tinkle just as she was jamming the AFO on.
-arvo tea was my second sausage bun of the day, and a cup of tea sweetened with a single spoonful of sugar, my cup of the day to hold 'incorrectly'.
-actually, thanks to chrissy who shared with me two chomps of her panini! it's just plain bread, but chrissy says you can put stuff like ham, cheese and tomato inside.
-we just yakked away. chrissy told me that jason's working for his mother and renovating their house right now, also that she doesn't finish till 9:30pm tonight. oh, and my black knickers with the white polka dots aren't 'sexy', they're 'cute'. :P
-as always, i asked chrissy to please give ela a massage @ 5:40. this time, her response was"oops, i forgot to clean up the laundry!" so she didn't really start till well after 5:45. then i got painted silver today.
-i read a few pages of my bookclub noel out aloud, then decided to start on my sudoku.
-PIG mum came downstairs, sat down for awhile to 'wake up', then plodded her twenty-five mins on the treadmill first.
-thanks to PIG mum who passed me one mug of water, which i was very careful to hold 'correctly'. she made me walk to the loo, gleefully forced me to dak myself, and i did my second stinky unspeakable for today.
-almost forgot! dearest grandma rang - she's outta hospital now! i hope she gets better real soon! :)
-PIG mum came back, gleefully forced me to un-dak myself, made me walk around to flush the loo. i clung to the towel rack, sidestepped to wash and drey era - correction, PIG mum made me wash ela too - then PIG mum made me walk over to the treadmill, where she gleefully forced me to plod twenty-five odd minutes.
-dinner tonight; pasta, lotsa broccoli and little tong vegetable, some tomato, one small chunk of beef, and ... i think that's it. :P of course, PIG mum gleefully forced poor ela to hang onto the bowl while i ate, whatever.
-dinner was washed down with a mug of fruit and vege juice, which i was very careful to hold 'correctly'.
i wrote a line here that PIG mum forgot. and too bad, i've forgotten what i was saying before! >< so here's the rest of it: derives that much peverse pleasure from making me suffer, but hey. stiff upper lip, em. you'll survive.
-i tootled back online.
-toms: umm ... think i've got an early session @ your :P turn for physio. wonder if we can see naz for a kebab toms? hope so! and mariana's coming around 1:30pm, i think. i better finish jotting down my notes for my icebreaker speech! anyways, i'll just check (extra carefully, coz PIG mum's already come over and deleted chunks of my post she doesn't like. i mean, sheesh! >< it's MY blog! i already understand when you mock that no-one reads it coz it's that boring, but if so, why am not i free to type whatever i so like in it?! argh ... whatever. i'll just haveta be careful. ><) then quickly check my email. i doubt i've got enough time for facebook, what with PIG mum forcing me off to bed @ 9:40. anyways, hope everyone has a smashing day toms!
em. ^^

Sunday, April 18, 2010

monday post 7

good afternoon! firstly, since i didn't pop online till 3:10pm this arvo, tonight, after chrissy leaves, i'm still owed ONE HOUR and TEN MINUTES online! but secondly, just in case, i was hard @ work plodding 4106 steps today. anyways, today's events?
-this morning, when dearest dad got up for work, i swung myself around to use the pot :P once. back in bed, i released poor ela from her prison, tucked her thumb back in for some sleep, then cuddled superted and snored my head off. :p K1 had already been woken up by dearest dad, so he just stood proudly grinning, watching over us.
-when PIG mum poked me awake with "ten more minutes" i moaned @ her, "twenty, please," and like the other days, we compromised @ fifteen. so i counted that time down, then spent the last few seconds left having a silent chat to percy the angel/saint, asking him to please help me with the patience, perseverance and endurance i'd need to endure through today.
-when PIG mum entered my room, i swung myself over to use the pot :P once more. but too bad, nature called - i needed to do a stinky unspeakable. >< of course, PIG mum refused to roll me into the bathroom -instead, she got me kitted then made me walk to the bathroom, also gleefully forcing me to dak myself.
-but thanks to her who handed me one mug of water - which i was very careful to hold 'correctly', of course - and i did a stinky unspeakable. PIG mum came back, gleefully force me to un-dak myself, made me walk over to wash and dry both hands, and made me walk out to the gobbling :P table.
-breakfast was one yummy sausage bun and one mug of plain milk/milo, which i sculled 'incorrectly' coz PIG mum was too busy taking phone calls.
-PIG mum made me walk out to the 4WD. today, she gleefully forced poor em to buckle her seatbelt all day, and we also listened to hins cheung all day. funny thing was - PIG mum couldn't stop fiddling with the volume all day! she must've changed the volume @ least each minute - from the lowest being fourteen to the highest, @ twenty-eight! :p
-PIG mum tootled us off to UQ. luckily, there was a parking spot available for us on arrival.
-PIG mum took me to the loo. today, she both gleefully forced me to dak and un-dak myself. then, she made me walk over to wash and dry both hands, made me walk to the rubbish bin to toss out my wet paper towel, gleefully forced (3rd time) me to walk over to the waiting area to grab a famous magazine, and made me walk back to a chair. my thanks to the gentleman who saw me struggling to walk and so moved up a seat so i could walk a slightly shorter distance to my seat.
-i browsed my famous mag as PIG mum rocked off to pay.
-postman pat came along! but he told me that he wouldn't be working with me today. :(
-michelle finally came for me, lent me a walkbelt but no walking stick, and Forced me to walk in.
-i sat down in an armchair as she took elf for examining. then she Forced me to walk over to a plinth, where i practised like fifteen sit to stands.
-a new boy, sth winter, came to help me out. and no, i asked, he doesn't have a girlfriend who's surname is 'summer'. :P
-they Forced me to walk to the parallel bars, where both erf and elf did some stepping exercises. funny thing was, i always thought that when you step with your left foot you shift all your way to the right, and when you step with your right foot you shift all your weight to the left. but why did michelle make me shift to the left regardless of which foot i was stepping? i dunno, will try to remember and ask her if we do this exercise again.
-actually, michelle explained to the guy i've got no left-side side vision, then added what one of the teachers had taught her: emily's one of the best ppl we've got here that adjusts herself to this. i'm not really sure what she meant ... well, that's another thing i'll try remember to ask her about come thursday.
-she handed me back to PIG mum, who made me walk back down to the 4WD. i yelled out a farewell to ann as we left. :p
-too bad, PIG mum told me that the set lunches @ the cafe upstairs were yucky; one was lamb and the other pasta, i think.
-so instead she tootled us off to buranda. not really sure how she managed to take a wrong turn and get us lost, though. :P
-she gleefully MADE (4th time) me walk to sushi1.
-PIG mum came back with a yummy terrible yucky chicken (her name for 'teriyaki chicken' :P) for me, and one sweet chilli prawn and one sweet chilli chicken sushi roll for herself. we shared a 400mL apple and mango juice.
-PIG mum made me walk into the buranda medical centre. she took me once to the loo, made me walk over to wash and dry both hands, then made me walk into the treatment room.
-but then i was really happy! coz when dr. lin wandered inside, her first words to me were, "how's my favourite pincushion?" :D :p
-so yeah, em was turned into a pincushion. o_O :P
-afterwards, PIG mum made me walk back outside to the waiting area, and i think she went to the chemist to buy me more dressings.
-she came back, made me walk to the car, and tootled us home. i let erf sit sideways for the last car trip of the day.
-PIG mum made me walk to the computer chair. i rang CODA. claire answered, i got passed onto alice. apparently, on thursday, evelyn and some other worker are taking me out to garbo together? some training shift, i think ...
-anyways, chrissy's here, so i'll head over for my shower now. i've got a yummy sausage bun for arvo tea!
em. ^^

sunday post6

good evening! the spam count for the entire week is 124, and em was hard @ work plodding 6025 steps today. hopefully, PIG mum'll allow me to stay online till 10pm; i didn't pop online till 8pm. anyways, today's events?
-this morning, when PIG mum dug me up, i used the pot :P once and got kitted. PIG mum made me walk out to the gobbling :P table.
-i bid a happy good morning to cousin katie, and took one small sip from the required glass of water.
-breakfast was one yummy bowl of frosties. my one regret is not being able to introduce cousin katie to the joys of weetbix. :P
-PIG mum made me walk out to the 4WD. much thanks to her who helped me buckle my seatbelt, and dad tootled us off to church.
-dad and katie rocked off to the canto service, leaving PIG mum to make me walk all the way down to the english service hall.
-for worship today, PIG mum gleefully forced me to stand for three songs. i sang the harmony for one song and clapped along for two others.
-speaker today was shane mccarthy, and he gave us part three of his four part series.
-no communion afterwards, just PIG mum who took me to the loo once. then i sat down @ the morning tea area and drank one cup of orange coloured cordial. i would've liked a bikkie, but since PIG mum was all for forcing me to get up and walk over to get it, i declined.
-shane popped over for a chat!i think he lives really far away, northside somwhere? and his kids attend a red-sth school. redbank? lol, i can't remember. ><
-i excused myself from bible study class, telling aunty a that i was taking cousin katie to the airport.
-PIG mum made me walk all the way back to the car. this time, she gleefully forced me to buckle my own seatbelt (what she gleefully forced poor em to do for the rest of today), and dad tootled us off to the airport, stopping several times @ landmarks so cousin katie could get a few final happy snaps, like, @ the storey bridge, and also chinatown in the city. i held cousin katie's hand as dad pulled into the airport, i dunno how many more years i'll haveta wait before i see her again. :(
-dad dropped off us girls first, then went to park the car somewhere, leaving PIG mum to gleefully Force (second time) me to walk all the way inside. cousin katie went ahead to check-in her luggage, then we all sat down somewhere.
-the parents both rocked off doing sth, and cousin katie gave me a pep talk, telling me that i had to always obey everything the parents told me. useless me got somewhat teary, and cousin katie pulled out a tissue to wipe away my tears.
-we took a final photo together, then we all hugged and kissed goodbye.
-dad left PIG mum to make me walk over to the overhang, where i sat down and waited for cousin katie to appear. when she took so long, evil PIG mum smirked that she must've been arrested trying to smuggle sth evil out of australia. or was that me? lol, i can't remember. >< prolly me, then. :p
-when she finally did come out, i walked to the overhang, held onto the rail and yelled goodbye. she obligingly called back "toe-MAR-toe for me once. :P
-dad left PIG mum to make me walk all the way back to the car. actually, i think dad had a small verbal clash with two security guys, but we left alright in the end.
-dad tootled us off to sunnybank oriental/dong fong for lunch, and the parents made me walk in. awesome! both the A and B meals were to my liking!
-so i drank maybe 2/3 of the cold milk tea, had half a bowl of the fish fillet in corn sauce with rice, and 1.5 bowls of the stir fry beef ho fan.
-parents made me walk back to the car, and dad tootled us home, coz PIG mum said she didn't wanna attend the baptism, she was off to pigland. :P
-PIG mum took me to the loo once; thanks to her who helped me with both the dakking and un-dakking coz we were 'in a hurry'.
-dad tootled us off to church for baptism. guess i should feel lucky that we made it there, coz we were barely out from yvonne road when he began tirading @ me! >< luckily, we made it there in the end. dad made me walk into the adult hall, then had me sit to the right of him. argh, i guess PIG mum'd taught him to tear/wrench ela's poor thumb out from her loosely clenched fist, coz that's what he did all afternoon. ><
-service started. dad gleefully forced me to stand for all of worship, i.e. four songs. but i chose to sing all the songs, coz it was such a happy occasion.
-speaker was rev. daniel lam, and he gave us a sermon on 'old for new'.
-yay for the dunkees! i gave an especially loud cheer for joey. :) funniest thing was, ray was the first to get dunked. :P when rev. lam asked him the ritual questions, ray only mumbled his answers, causing rev. lam to order, "speak up. we can't hear you." :P we all had a good laugh @ him. poor ray. :p
-dad forced me tostand up again when the congregation sang 'shine, jesus shine' while waiting for the newly baptised to change and come back outside.
-then ray and jacinta both shared their testimonies. i'm looking forward to hearing joey's soon!
-i declined arvo tea, coz i'd already the long hard walk down once to the service hall this morning already. PIG mum later called me an idiot, coz apparently, the best food's saved for after events like baptisms! meaning next time, i'll definitely remember. :)
-back home, PIG mum made me walk inside. i eas ready to tootle online, but she instead ordered me to finish off the sudoku i'd started yesterday. only thing, the book was on the other table! and the parents wouldn't allow me to scootch my chair over to get it! instead, dad gleefully forced me again, and again, and again, to try and stand without touching anything to get the book. and, finally, when i did reach it, he gleefully forced me to plod, if not TWENTY, then @ the very least, TEN laps up and down the hallway with him! ><
-i got a reprieve only when i moaned how much elf's stupid ankle hurt. dad ordered me to go sit down on that backless, armless 'footstool' thing and PIG mum gave poor elf's ankle a rub. also thanks to her who cut erf's toenails for me, coz they were growing long and starting to hurt. but zero thanks to her who made me plod two more laps with her before making me walk into the bathroom for my nice warm shower - i washed my hair today. thankfully, PIG mum only gleefully forced poor ela to scrub era for around thirty seconds today.
-i dried and rekitted myself, PIG mum taking every single opportunity to gleefully force poor ela to help rekit my knickers, pants and socks. she finished with my left ted and laces.
-but just as she was making me walk back outside, we received a terrible phonecall - dearest grandma's sick in hospital with pneumonia! so i'll definitely be praying/chatting very hard to percy the angel/saint and god tonight, asking them to please look after my most beloved grandma.
-dinner tonight: rice, lotsa broccoli and some beef. no thanks again to horrid PIG mum who gleefully forced poor ela to hang onto the bowl while i ate, whatever.
-dinner was washed down with a yummy mug of milk (think we're out of fruit and vegie juice?), then i sat down to complete the sudoku i'd started earlier.
-PIG mum made me walk over to the computer desk.
-i rang madame hippo :p first. she'll be back up in brisbane soon! for the next public holiday, i think ... labour day? she says she prolly won't have time to catch up with me coz she needs to spend time with her family, but @ least i'll see her @ church. :)
-anyways, toms: physio @ UQ @ 11am. sadly, the days of PIG mum just feeding me a mug of milo then making me walk out to the car are sadly gone. but i think i've got pincushion practice in the arvo o_O :P and i must remember to ring CODA and find out who's gonna come help shower me, etc. anyways, i'm just gonna check, publish, check my email and get my facebook fix, if there's time. hope everyone has an awesome week!
em. ^^
P.S. i found and corrected 1 error in my post tonight.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

saturday post6

good evening! let's see ... i didn't pop online till 8pm tonight; fingers crossed that PIG mum will allow me to stay online till 10pm tonight before forcing me off tobed. i understand and realise that may not be possible, coz we're all heading to church toms, that's okay. but i just promise to note down the time PIG mum forces me off to bed, and i WILL get back EVERY SINGLE MINUTE I'M OWED!!!! righteo, today's events?
-firstly, em was hard @ work plodding 1587 steps today.
-when PIG mum got up for work this morning, i swung myself over to use the pot :P once. back in bed, PIG mum took off that bloody splint. i waited until she'd left for work, before tucking ela's poor thumb back into her fist, bear bear and emperor made an 'ela sandwhich' with her, then i cuddled superted and we snored our heads off together. :P
-i snored so well, in fact, i didn't arise till 2pm! :P
-actually, we had visitors! uncle wai leung and aunty penny (esther's and joseph's parents) popped over for a visit! aunty penny popped in for a quick chat, she told me that joseph's working as an engineer and that esther just graduated journalism last year.
-PIG mum came home, i counted down thirty minutes (so she could shower and have lunch) before calling out to her.
-i used the pot :P once more, got kitted. PIG mum made me walk out to the gobbling :P table.
-brunch was pasta with lotsa lettuce (or some other green :P) and some chicken. i drank a mug of plain milk (can't remember why PIG mum said 'no' to milo) 'incorrectly' while PIG mum was helping dad out over @ the computer.
-i received a letter from nana! thanks to PIG mum who helped me read it out; nana's writing is somewhat too flowery to read. :P
-PIG mum rocked upstairs to pig land :P; i stayed seated and read my bookclub novel out for awhile. dad came back to read me my weekly rant; dunno what's gotten into him.
-before we left to pick up cousin katie (dad'd taken her to the bus stop so she could catch a bus to the city), PIG mum took me to the bathroom once. well, i wanted to do a stinky unspeakable, so first she made me walk to the kitchen benchtop, gleefully forced poor ela to hold onto the water jug and pour me a cup of water, which i was very careful to hold 'correctly', of course.
-PIG mum made me walk to the toilet, also forcing me to dak myself. i did a stinky unspeakable, wiping myself too (and that's the last you'll ever hear me mention that; with PIG mum now refusing to roll me into the bathroom, i'm always gonna wipe myself). PIG mum came back, forced me to un-dak myself, made me walk over to wash and dry both hands, then made me walk out to the car.
-dad tootled us off to the city to pick up cousin katie. we listened to hins cheung all day; apparently, he's only very young!
-we picked up cousin katie, who told me she'd had maccas for lunch. i thought dad would take us somewhere for dinner, but no, he tootled us off to the mt. gravatt lookout, gleefully FORCING :(first time) me to walk to some bench without a backrest. :(
-cousin katie and dad went around taking photos; PIG mum sat beside me, gleefully tearing/wrenching poor ela's thumb out of her loosely clenched fist.
-then she said cousin katie wanted a photo with me, and made me walk somewhere i could lean against the fence. a few happy snaps later, the parents made me walk back down to the 4WD. thanks to PIG mum who helped me buckle my seatbelt; it was too dark for me to see where the buckle was (it was around 6pm).
-dad tootled us off to pinelands plaza for dinner.
-parents gleefully FORCED :(second first) me to walk into sumare, formely known as happy sushi.
-we shared: a yummy chicken katsudon, some sushi (i got the crumbed pork roll and the egg one) a beef with rice - yakiniku? and two little scoops of green tea and black sesame ice-cream. i almost forgot to give PIG mum anything - luckily, i remembered in time to feed her a slice of seaweed.
-the parents made me walk back to the car and dad tootled us home. i let erf sit sideways for the last trip of the day.
-PIG mum took me to the loo once when we got home. no guesses as to who gleefully forced who to do everything. then she made me walk to the computer, and i plopped online @ 8pm.
-toms: church. is bible study back on? i'm not sure ... but cousin katie's leaving toms afternoon! :( i'll miss her heaps and heaps, but hopefully, it won't be too long till we see each other again. anyways, hope to see everyone @ church toms!
em. ^^
P.S. i found and corrected 3 errors in my post tonight.

Friday, April 16, 2010

friday post6c

good evening! my final plodding total for friday now stands @ 3850, and the spam count for the week is 80. anyways, where was i?
-parents gleefully FORCED (third first) me to walk out to a park bench, then, when it was too windy, to a nearby picnic table.
-we snacked on CC's and pumpkin chips until the parents decided to go home.
-this time, PIG mum changed the disc to the pepsi chart hits of 2001. @ 6pm, she flipped over to 96.5FM for seven's news, read out by rod young and kay mcgrath. we arrived back home just as shane webcke was about to read the sport's report.
-PIG mum made me walk into the laundry for my shower, of course also gleefully forcing myself to dak myself too.
-a nice warm shower - i washed my hand today. PIG mum also gleefully forced poor ela to scrub various body parts eighty-one times.
-i dried and rekitted myself, PIG mum taking every opportunity to gleefully force poor ela to help me with the putting on of knickers, pants and socks.

-PIG mum made me walk out to the gobbling :P table for dinner.
-wow, no rice tonight! i ate one chunk of tomato, a few slices of spinach with yummy caesar dressing, three spoonfuls of fruit salad, and two yummy slices of garlic bread.
-dinner was washed down with a yummy mug of fruit and vegie juice, which i quickly sculled 'incorectly' coz i hadn't had the chance to all day today. then PIG mum made me walk back to the computer.
-toms, PIG mum's off to work. dunno what dad, cousin katie and i will do together, but, seeing as tomorrow's the last night katie's spending with us before she flies back to canadia :P i'm goona try my best to persuade dad to take us out for dinner. fingers crossed! anyways, me gonna check, then check my e-mail, then get my facebook fix, if there's time. hope everyone has a smashing weekend!
em. ^^

friday post6b

-whenever i had to walk, i'd type that PIG mum gleefully FORCED :( me to. when she banned me from using all capitals, i used Forced until she somehow decided that the entire word offended her sensibilities, and banned it altogether. so i switched to the word contort, only it wasn't long before PIG mum decided that even this word somehow offended her and banned it also, saying that henceforth, i was only allowed to use the word made. anyways, i complied and used MADE. did it really surprise me when PIG mum stepped in and demanded that it had to be ALL in lowercase? so i complied again, only now i typed that PIG mum 'gleefully' made me walk. that was until charlsy left me a comment on this blog, saying that henceforth, i was only allowed to use made without any words before or after it. dunno really know why i listen to him, afterall, it's MY blog, but i guess i do coz i have heaps and heaps of respect for him as a friend. and, regarding last night:
1.PIG mum made(PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of today's post to see what i REALLY want to write, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><)me walk from the computer desk to the kitchen benchtop to drink my nightly half cuppa of milk. *sigh* i've said before, how in the past she just used to bring me my milk, in her eagerness to boot me off to bed, but now it seems that she somehow derives FAR GREATER PLEASURE at being able to force her poor daughter to walk more. ah well, i'll survive.
2. after saying goodnight to dearest dad, PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of today's post to see what i REALLY want to write, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><)me walk to the bathroom for my nightly routine.
3.poor em was forced to stand to brush her teeth, and PIG mum also forced my poor left hand to do the three after-brush rinses with my right hand. i forgot to add, same with the kitchen benchtop, it is somehow a HUGE UNFORGIVEABLE SIN if you were to lean against the basin and rest your aching self.
4. after flossing and washing both hands, PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of today's post to see what i REALLY want to write, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk over to dry them.
5. PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of today's post to see what i REALLY want to write, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk over to the toilet.
6. PIG mum forced me to dak myself for a tinkle or two.
7. when i stood back up, PIG mum forced me to pull my own trousers back up.
8. PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of today's post to see what i REALLY want to write, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk over and bend awkwardly to flush the loo. i reached over to wash and dry my right hand.
9. PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of today's post to see what i REALLY want to write, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk back to bed. remember, i'm not allowed to hobble/stagger/limp in and grasp the handrail that was installed up there FOR THAT SPECIFIC PURPOSE, because PIG mum has recently discovered that it somehow, again, gives her FAR GREATER PLEASURE to force her poor daughter to walk to the middle of the bed, turn around and bend awkwardly to finally sigh with relief that she has, indeed, endured through another day.
10. no pull-up pants. >< no teds, either. argh. i thought that maybe i could wear them once a week, every friday, just like how it gives PIG mum that much pleasure to restrict poor em to a truly miniscule bowl of icecream once a week, but apparently not. tough luck, em. ><
-finally, if i don't mention any of this till next thursday, it just means that it's ALL the same as what i typed out today, okay? no difference. ><
-actually, my mother has for some reason decided that she’s censoring the usual line I place after the word ‘made’. So, whenever you come across the word ‘made’ in my post, please note that I am SCREAMING for you to PLEASE! GO NOW! TO THE TOP OF TODAY’S (THURSDAY’S) POST TO SEE WHAT I REALLY WANT TO WRITE, BUT HAVE SADLY BEEN TOO HEAVILY CENSORED BY PIG MUM. :(

friday post6

good evening! em plopped online @ 7:15pm tonight, but i still haven't had dinner yet, so hopefully i'll be allowed back online after dinner so i can record my final plodding total and my spam count for the week. but just in case, today i was hard @ work plodding 3780 steps. anyways, today's events?
-lol, 'twas funny. i must've had a dream that PIG mum'd come inside, poked me awake and said "ten more minutes," coz i started counting down the time. hilarious thing, when i was down to roughly the last minute, PIG mum really DOES come inside with 'ten more minutes!" so i happily counted that down all over again. :p
-PIG mum dug me up, got me kitted, made me walk out to the gobbling ;p table.
-breakfast was three yummy weetbix with almost 1/4 spoonful of honey. i know PIG mum only gave me 0.25 of a spoonful of honey, coz our honey had frozen into one big mound inside the freezer!so she was digging away @ it.
-PIG mum made me walk to the car. 'twas funny - today she alternated being nice and helping me buckle my seatbelt, with being nasty and horrible and gleefully forcing me to buckle it myself. lol, dunno what's gotten into her. :P
-dad tootled us off to your :P turn for physio.
-PIG mum made me walk inside; i finished off that new idea magazine that i'd been reading over the previous weeks.
-session today with emma: lol, 'twas weird. me walking on my bum and then standing with my stomach. :P
-but jenni was here, and she introduced us to margo jane! she's a cute lil tyke who burbled happily and didn't wail when i pinched her tubby lil cheek oh-so-gently. :p
-dad tootled us home, and after a loo trip, we all piled into the car and dad drove us down to NSW!
-@ byron bay, the parents gleefully FORCED :(first time) me to walk over to some picnic bench, and we shared a ham and turkey footlong sub and a mango magic smoothie from boost juice
-after lunch, the parents again gleefully FORCED :(second first) me to walk up the stairs to access the lookout, you know, the one where you can walk out to the most eastern point in australia. argh, dad'd promised he'd bring up sparkless for me after i'd walked up the stairs! fair enough, he did keep his promise, but i was peeved he chose to place sparkless all the way round the other end of the lookout, giving me a much longer struggle to walk all the way around before i could plant my weary bum down.
-so dad and katie trekked out to the most eastern point in australia, while PIG mum kept me company. no thanks to her, really, who kept nagging @ me that if i'd only walk better, i'd've been able to join katie and dad too. i mean, hello! i've said before - i didn't chose to smite myself down with a brain tumour and leave myself a bloody hemiplegic! no, i believe that blame lies with one single higher entity. but i just propped up my arm on the side part of sparkless and sang both my favourite and second-favourite songs inside my head once, opening my eyes for all the important numbers.
-when dad and katie came back, dad and i wheeled me back down to the car, and off dad tootled us off to our next destination.
-i admit, i fell asleep. i woke up when we arrived @ tweed heads (which is still part of NSW).
-okay, dinnertime! will try to be back after dinner with my final plodding total and the spam count for the week!
em. ^^

Thursday, April 15, 2010

thursday post9

good evening! look, i tootled online @ 7;52pm tonight, but PIG mum says she's forcing me off to bed come 9pm. fair enough, i understand that i've an early physio session with emma toms, but i'm just saying that toms, i'm owed TWO HOURS and EIGHT MINUTES of my most precious internet time! two hours and eight minutes sounds faintly ridiculous, i know, but i haven't counted the time i'm already owed. they may be some weeks old now, but i wrote them down in my blog as to how much i'm owed, and i'm gonna try my hardest to get that time back!
-anyways, today em was hard @ work plodding 4228 steps today.
-this morning, when PIG mum dug me up and i swung over to use the pot :P once, i felt like doing a stinky unspeakable and asked PIG mum to please roll me to the bathroom. unsurprisingly, she refused - her excuse is that she's 'not strong enough' to wheel me into the bathroom. fine. so i just decided to hold it in and do my stinky unspeakable later, perhaps in the arvo. *sigh* however, ZERO thanks to PIG mum who then came up with some paltry excuse to make me walk to the bathroom - "you've got eye goo in your eye"
-seeing as i was already in the bathroom, i decided to do my stinky unspeakable. of course, PIG mum gleefully forced me to dak myself. but thanks to her who passed me a mug of water - which i was very careful to hold 'correctly', of course, and i did a stinky unspeakable, wiping myself too.
-breakfast was a slice of bread with a little egg and ham and a mug of milo. i say 'bread' coz i did ask PIG mum to please put it in the toaster for me; i think she did for all of twenty seconds. meaning the bread's only resemblance to toast was that it was warm. it wasn't crunchy @ all. :( but the milo i drank 'incorrectly', knowing i wouldn't get another chance to today.
-PIG mum made me walk out to the car, but thanks to her who helped me with my seatbelt all day. victor sat on my shoulder and whispered sweet nothings into my ear all day. :P
-dad tootled us off to australia zoo! too bad i was stupid enough to tell dad i needed the bathroom; he parked somewhere and PIG mum gleefully FORCED :(first time) to walk all the way in, also gleefully forcing me to dak myself. after one long tinkle, she made me walk over to wash both hands, made me walk over to dry both hands, and made me walk back out to the car, where dearest dad and cousin katie were waiting.
-dad tootled us the rest of the way to australia zoo. i was extremely relieved/grateful when i heard him pop the lock for the boot, meaning i'd be allowed to sit in sparkless today. somedays dad and i wheeled me, other times mum and i, and sometimes i just wheeled myself around.
-australia zoo was AWESOME! one of my favourites were the echidnas(sp?)! they're so FAT :P but they can waddle really fast! :p
-lunch was @ their canteen. i got 1/4 a yummy burger and ten - fifteen chippies. i'm almost certain that both dad and cousin katie got tons more than i did, but oh well. oh, and i also enjoyed a tiny slice of pizza.
-we went to see a display of snakes (PIG mum freaked out :P) and saw a crocodile show before we left. i was suffering from 3:30-itis by then and put my head down for most of it. and wow - PIG mum just informed me that the croc's already thirty-five years old! (and 300kg :P)
-we also saw some tigers and fed an elephant! and i saw this really adorable red panda. :)
-dad started driving us back home. both cousin katie and i fell asleep on the highway, me waking up just as we took the logan road exit. i told dad i was ravenous, so he tootled us off to sunnybank oriental/dong fong for dinner.
-he dropped off us girls first then went to repark the car somewhere.
-dinner tonight: some of Bmeal - tofu and fish fillet with rice, and some of the chicken and mushroom in claypot rice. sadly, dad only allowed me 2.5 slices of the yummy sweet and sour pork, but oh well. nothing i can do about it. :) but i drank a yummy lychee frappe! (the real name's longer, but i've forgotten it, sorry). i traded some with cousin katie, who had some other drink with taro.
-PIG mum gave cousin katie her mobile and dad told her to enjoy sunnybank plaza for awhile. dad tootled us home first. i let erf sit sideways for the last car trip of the day, and we listened to 94.9FM. oh, in the morning we listened to 'ah lam' - 'twas funny! there was one song; PIG mum told me that he was singing with his wife, and i asked innocently, "ig his name's 'ah lam', does that mean her name's 'ah ham'? :P and in the arvo, PIG mum changed the disc to the chimes.
-toms: argh, i thought i'd have a shoer break from physio while cousin katie's here. sadly, i was wrong. PIG mum's booked me in for an early session with emma toms morning. but hopefully, after that, i can enjoy the rest of the day and night with her! anyways, hope everyone enjoys the end of their week toms!
em. ^^

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

wednesday post9b

good evening! my final plodding total for monday now stands @ 4318. anyways, what happened after my last post?
-firstly, today's wednesday, not monday, you dolt. >< :p
-i got my daily news fix from some gruesome stories out there!
-PIG mum gave me a slightly warm shower - hairwash today. she gleefully forced poor ela to scrub various body parts eighty times.
-i dried and rekitted myself, mean PIG mum again taking every opportunity to force poor ela into helping me put on my knickers, pants, socks, etc. she finished with my left ted and laces. i'm just curious, when i stand up so she can help me dry my bum, why does she always force me to shift all my weight to the left? i mean, nobody else does. dunno.
-PIG mum made me walk outside, where she ordered me to do a sudoku.
-so i started one. i didn't finish it though, coz dad woke up @ 9pm, came downstairs, looked @ the clock, then said cheerfully, "it's 9o'clock. breakfast time!" :P
-so dinner was @ 9pm. rice tonight, with lotsa little tong vegetable, one slice of sweet carrot, a few thin chunks of pork, and one wee slice of crumbed fish. thanks to dearest dad for a lil mayo. no thanks to horrid PIG mum who gleefully forced poor ela to hang onto the bowl while i ate.
-dinner was washed down with a yummy mug of fruit and vegie juice, which i was very careful to hold 'correctly'. still, that wasn't good enough for PIG mum, who gleefully forced me to sit straight and didn't lemme lean against the backrest while i drank.
-PIG mum made me walk back to the computer, says she's forcing me to bed @ 10pm.
-meaning eep, i've only got like ten minutes to check then check my e-mail! ><
-toms: dunno what dad's got planned for us with cousin katie. currumbin sanctuary or australia zoo, maybe? not too sure, but i hope me (and everyone else) has a smashing day toms!
em. ^^

wednesday post9

good afternoon! well, hopefully PIG mum'll be kind-hearted enough to allow me back online after we have dinner tonight, but just in case, today i was hard @ work plodding 4107 steps t. anyways, let's start with last night's activities first!
-evelyn gave me a nice hot shower - i washed my hair today.
-i had a tinkle before evelyn flipped the water off, dried and creamed myself. evelyn rekitted me, then forced me to stand up, turn around and sit down again, where she forced me to mop up the tinkles i'd done during my drying, creaming and rekitting.
-evelyn Forced me to walk outside to make my own arvo tea. sadly, she only allowed me one teaspoon of sugar in my tea and only one cheese in my sandwhich - meaning it was ENTIRELY too thin - and no mayo, either. :(
-evelyn Forced me to walk to her car, then tootled us off to toastmasters @ QUT!
-she Forced me to walk all the way in, then went for sparkless. i met leonard's dad! his name's phillip.
-toastmasters started. will gave his third speech! i also heard another speech on GDP. apparently, it's complete rubbish. :P
-actually, i met another hongkie! her name's sharon, and she's studying sth ... hotel management? @ UQ.
-after toastmasters ended, evelyn wheeled me back down to her car and tootled us off to maccas for dinner. i only found out tonight, that she's christian, too! she had a planetshakers disc in her car, see.
-we both got a crispy caesar chicken wrap small meal, with an orange juice. yumyum~
-evelyn tootled me home. repeat the usual nightly routine. only difference was that i did a stinky unspeakable before i went to bed, so much thanks to PIG mum who passed me a mug of water - which i was very careful to hold 'correctly', of course.
-but as promised, when dearest dad brought cousin katie home, he woke me up so i could say hello and give her a kiss! i swung myself over to use the pot :P once they left, then counted/sang myself back to sleep listening to the basically inaudible murmurings of cousin katie and dearest dad as they had the midnight snack of two minute noodles.
today: PIG mum poked me awake with, "ten more minutes." i was practically still asleep, so moaned, "twenty..." and like last time, we compromised @ fifteen. i counted the time down, then, like yesterday, spent the rest of the time before PIG mum barged :P back inside having a silent chat to percy the saint/angel, asking him please for the patience and perseverance to last through today.
-when PIG mum dug me up, i used the pot :P once more before getting kitted. PIG mum made me walk out to the gobbling :P table.
-i took one sip from the required glass of water. breakfast was two weetbix with a little honey.
-before we left for physio @ your :P turn, i stopped by the stairs to yell bye to katie. i didn't need to take four big breaths first, like i do for dad, and yup, she heard me! :P
-PIG mum gleefully forced me to buckle my own seatbelt, then dad tootled us off to your :P turn for physio. i settled down with a woman's day mag, the same one i browsed last week. when i needed to pee, PIG mum took me to the loo, of course gleefully forcing poor ela to hang onto the bar both during and after my tinkle.
-my session today with linelle was basically me standing barefoot against a plinth. it ended with linelle, PIG mum and karlie (sp?) taking me to the loo, again without my AFO. oww...
-the second skin lady came to visit! her name's cathy. so she asked to watch me walk around, before taking many, many measurements of ela.
-hey, i just noticed it's 6pm; i'm gonna see if i can listen to the news.
-dad drove us home. i used the bathroom once; no guesses as to who gleefully forced who to do everything.
-i wanted to sit with cousin katie, so tumbled into the backseat with her. much thanks to PIG mum who helped me with my seatbelt all day.
-dad tootled us off to ian dipple lagoon. PIG mum gleefully Forced (second time) me to walk in. i sat down on my picnic chair as dad went to buy fish and chips for us. i was perfectly fine to stay seated in my picnic chair for lunch, but no. seems like PIG mum somehow found far greater pleasure in forcing me to sit @ the bench, prolly coz it hadn't any backrest.
-but i ate three calamari, a little battered fish, and exactly ten chips. i would've liked more, but did didn't allow. :(
-PIG mum took me once to the loo, and i caught just the end of the ibis-feeding. then i sat in my picnic chair until dad decided to leave.
-PIG mum made me walk back to the 4WD, and dad tootled us off to mt. tambourine!
-surprisingly and thankfully, dad decided i'd be allowed sparkless! so i wheeled myself around all these different shops. dad forced me to stand and pose for a photo once. thanks to the random who stopped and offered to take a snap for us. :)
-dad tootled us home. i let erf sit sideways for the last car trip for the day. cousin katie and i exchanged idle chitchat.
-PIG mum took me to the loo once. @ the computer, PIG mum fed me a berry museli bar and a mug of milk, which i drank 'incorrectly' coz i know i won't get another chance to today.
-well, i'm gonna check my email now, then get my facebook fix. hopefully i can come back online tonight!
em. ^^
P.S. i found and corrected 1 error in my post tonight.

Monday, April 12, 2010

tuesday post6

good afternoon! well, hopefully, when evelyn arrives, she'll lemme stay online till 4:10pm, coz i got online @ 2:10pm. but anyways, today i was hard at work plodding 1707 steps. anyways, today's events:
-almost forgot! two days ago, on sunday, when we were @ plaza having lunch, we bumped into ping! she works @ some nursing home now, coz it offered her full-time work, whereas the cathay association only offered part-time. and she still remembers that conversation i had on her mobile with her mum from china! *flashback*:
*ping hands her phone over to me. "here, talk to my mum!'
me:"ping, i don't speak mandarin!" *horrified*
ping, insistent:"come on!"
*me, taking the mobile tentatively:"ni hao, gao nai nai... (ping had told me to call her mum 'gao nai nai')err ... dui bu qi, wo bu zhi dao, wo bu ming bai ... wo shuo guang dong hua, wo bu shuo puo tong hua ... umm ... oh! ni de nuer hen chong ming! okay, xie xie, zai jian!" (i think i said, "hello, gao nai nai. i'm sorry, i don't understand, i speak canto, i don't speak mandarin. umm ... oh! your daughter's very smart! okay, thanks, bye-bye!"
well, ping and her mum had a good laugh @ me. :P)
-when dearest dad got up for work this morning, em swung herself over to use the pot :P once. back in bed, i released poor ela from her prison and tucked her gently back in for some sleep. dad had already bent up K1, who beamed down @ me, saying, "good morning, em! umm ... i think you'd better rescue superted from the ground, that silly bear tried flying last night but was too sleepy to maintain a decent altitude and so plummeted to the ground. :P" so i bent down, picked him back up, then cuddled my darling bear bear and snored my head off with him :P, until PIG mum came inside to poke me awake with "ten more minutes."
-i counted down five, swung myself over to use the pot :P then counted down the other five. then i cuddled bear bear and had a silent chat to percy the angel/saint, asking him to please help me with the patience and perseverance i'd need to endure through today.
-PIG mum dug me up. i used the pot :P once more, got kitted. PIG mum made me walk out to the gobbling :P table.
-i spat out my mouth splint, took one sip from the required glass of water. breakfast was two yummy weetbix with a lil bit of honey.
-PIG mum made me walk out to the car. today, she gleefuly forced poor em to buckle her own seatbelt all day, and we also listened to my car CD all day.
-PIG mum tootled me off to unique physiotherapy for my torture session with vincent the physio. :( she made me walk inside, and i settled down with a famous magazine until he was ready for me.
-today, my session was just basically me walking unaided from the plinth to the physio entrance and back. i had a few bum falls, what with my crappy balance and everything, but i survived ... just. i'm just entirely grateful that cousin katie's coming over for the week and he won't come over to torture me on saturday!
-session over, he Forced me to walk back outside, left me with the famous mag i'd been reading. oh, funny thing: some minutes later, he came over, said, "i haveta go out for a few minutes. if anyone comes inside, just tell them to take a seat and that i'll be back within ten minutes."no-one did come, but when he came back, i told him, "some lady came inside, asked where you were."
"and what did you tell her?"
"that you'd gone to the chemist to get your daily heroin fix. believe me, she left real quick after that." :P obviously, he didn't believe a word of what i'd said! :p
-PIG mum came back for me (she'd gone to get a blood test) and made me walk back to the car. surprisingly, she said yes to my polite requests to go see naz for a kebab! fair enough, it's been, like, one month!
-also thanks to her who was willing to try park in the available disabled parking spot to save me such a struggle in walking to the kebab place. however, ZERO thanks to her who only gave it two measely attempts, claimed, "it's too hard" then gleefully zoomed upstairs to park. unsurprisingly, there wasn't any parking available upstairs, either, so she got to zoom even further away and park. anyways, she made me walk all the way down into the foodcourt, and yay - naz was here!
-so one small chicken kebab for the two of us, mine with lettuce, tomato, no onion, cheese, pineapple and lotsa mayo. PIG mum had the same, minus the extras. we swapped casual chat about our easter holidays while we waited for our kebabs to roast.
-PIG mum made me walk over to some table to sit down, then went to buy our drinks. she returned with a yummy chocolate with pearl for me, and a yucky milk tea with grass jelly for herself. we traded slurps.@ first, PIG mum said i was free to enjoy my yummy kebab for myself; when she changed her mind, i passed her a shred of lettuce.
-again, ZERO thanks to PIG mum who refused to check if there were any disabled carparks available before we left; she just made me walk all the way back up to the 4WD.
-PIG mum tootled us home. i let erf sit sideways for the last car trip of the day where PIG mum drove.
-PIG mum made me walk into the loo, of course also forcing me to dak myself. but thanks to her who gave me a mug of water - which i was very careful to hold 'correctly', of course - and i did a stinky unspeakable, wiping myself too.
-PIG mum came back, forced me to un-dak myself, made me walk over to wash and dry both hands and made me walk back to the computer table.
-tonight, evelyn's taking me to toastmasters! all fingers, toes and every appendage crossed that the heaven's will open, meaning that rather than Forcing me to walk all the way up to the toastmasters room, i'll be able to wheel myself up in sparkless. however, i know i'm not that lucky, so i've more or less resigned myself to that long, tiring walk. :( but toastmasters should be good! hopefully, someone will bring supper and i'll get some bikkies. also hope that PIG mum will allow evelyn and i to get a chicken wrap from somewhere for dinner. i remember, last time i got a small meal with an orange juice; i don't really feel lucky enough to ask for a milkshake yet. :P
-but even better, cousin katie from canadia :P is visiting for a few days! hopefully, we'll have lotsa fun together! anyways, hope everyone has a great day toms!
em. ^^
P.S. i found and corrected 3 errors in my post this arvo.