Tuesday, April 20, 2010

tuesday post6

good evening! okies, i toddled online @ 8:27pm. somehow, i think the chances of a blue moon tonight are greater than PIG mum allowing me to stay online till 10:27pm. in fact, she's just strutted over and told me gleefully that she's forcing me off to bed @ 10pm. fair enough, i haveta ring the bells toms morning, so i need a good night's sleep, but that just means that toms, i'll be owed TWO HOURS and TWENTY-SEVEN MINUTES online toms; add that to the time i'm already owed from yesterday, toms i'll actually be owed TWO HOURS and THIRTY-SEVEN MINUTES online!! and that's not even factoring the other times i'm owed from previous weeks/months. but they're all in my blog somewhere, and i SWEAR, i'll try my HARDEST to get back EVERY SINGLE MINUTE THAT I'M OWED!! lol, sorry, i realise how idiotic i sound raving on about this like that, but it's just so extremely important to me, you understand?
-anyways, today i was hard @ work plodding 4345 steps today.
-this morning, when dearest dad got up for work, i swung myself around to use the pot :P once. back in bed, i freed poor ela from her prison, tucked her thumb back inside gently for some more sleep, then cudled my darling bear bear and snored my head off with him. :P K1 kept watch over us, grinning proudly. :)
-when PIG mum poked me awake awhile later with "ten more minutes", i moaned @ her, "twenty, please." however, this time she refused, saying that we'd be late. so she just gave me twelve. i counted that down, then spent the last thirty or so seconds having a silent chat to percy the angel/saint, asking him please to give me the patience and perseverance to endure through another day, giving all the pleasure and satisfaction to my PIG mum and just suffering for her sake when she decides that only she can be happy. of course, it would be best if both ppl could be happy, but PIG mum's taught me, if not by her words then @ least by her actions, that it's enough that SHE'S happy and/or satisfied.
-when PIG mum came back into my room, i used the pot :p once more. she got me kitted, before making me walk out to the gobbling :p table.
-breakfast was two weetbix with a lil honey.
-PIG mum made me walk to the car. today, she gleefully forced poor em to buckle her seatbelt all day, and we also listened to hins cheung all day. hey, maybe toms, i'll finally get the time to look him up on youtube!
-PIG mum tootled us off to your :P turn for physio. she left me with a woman's day mag and went to repark the car.
-linelle arrived, said she needed caffeine and invited me to have a cuppa also. so she Forced me to walk into the kitchen with her, where i made myself a cuppa, white and two. and awesome, i got to drink it 'incorrectly'!
-back outside, linelle whipped off all my footwear and got me standing against a plinth again, each time for roughly five minutes. in between, when i was seated in an armchair (ah, blessed safety:), she yakked to PIG mum and i about that second skin thing she's thinking of getting for ela.
-we ended with a walk around the parallel bars (thankfully, with the AFO back on), then PIG mum tootled us home.
-i used the loo once on arrival, of course, PIG mum gleefully forced me to dak myself. but thanks to her who passed me a mug of water, which i was very careful to hold 'correctly', of course, and i did a stinky unspeakable. PIG mum came back for me, gleefully forced me to un-dak myself, made me walk over to wash and dry both hands, then made me walk to the kitchen.
-i worked on my daily sudoku. no thanks to horrid PIG mum who refused to switch the television on for me so i could listen to the news.
-when i finished my sudoku, i started to read my bookclub novel. again, no thanks to mean PIG mum who wouldn't lemme rest back against the chair, instead gleefully forcing me to lean forward.
-lunch was a mccains microwaveable meal, some kinda beef with noodles. i drank a plain mug of milk; for the third time this post, no thanks to nasty PIG mum who me to take the milk carton 'correctly', gleefully forced poor ela to slip her fingers into the carton, forced era to open the lid 'correctly', gleefully forced poor ela to pour the milk, made me walk back and replace the carton in the fridge, still holding the carton 'correctly', then walk back, pick up the cuppa milk and place it on the table. and no, it wasn't enough that i just reached the table and place the cup down; i had to walk all the way to my seat! >< so i'm sure you'll understand why i deliberately drank that cup slowly and 'incorrectly'. (PIG mum was watching television). actually, PIG mum decided that she still hadn't made me suffer enough yet - after she took the meal outta the microwave, she even made me walk to the benchtop and bring the meal back to the table! and her new rule: if you don't reach for the chair with your hand before you sit down, i'll just force you to do it again. >< argh ... honestly, i'm often simply @ a loss to understand why/how PIG mum can get such a kick from being that horrible to me. :(
-ding dong! mariana came to visit!we had a yak; of course, PIG mum wasted no time in dissing me. argh.
-but mariana took me to toscanis! :) we sat in those swingeingly armchair things and yakked away. mariana went through my icebreaker points with me; i think the main problem is that i've got too much content to fit into a 4-6 minute speech!
-but we were majorly stuck in traffic on logan road, coming home. ><
-evelyn was already waiting when we arrived home.
-so a nice hot shower for me today - i washed my hair.
-i dried, creamed and rekitted myself. evelyn finished with my shoes and socks before Forcing me to walk out to the gobbling :P table.
-i skipped a drink for arvo tea, coz evelyn wouldn't allow me two teaspoonfuls of sugar in my tea, but said PIG mum never told her that i could drink milo. so poor ella just had to eat a whole pear and banana for herself.
-evelyn gave ela a fiften minute massage, painting me red, before Forcing me to walk to the couch. she flicked on the television for me. first, we watched some lucky woman win more than ten grand on deal or no deal, then evelyn left as seven's news was read out by rod young and kay mcgrath, sport by shane webcke and weather by john schluter.
-i flicked over to watch SBS's world news australia @ 6:30. when dearest dad came home and PIG mum arose from pig :P land, she took me to the loo once and i did my second stinky unspeakable for today.
-then PIG mum gleefully forced me to plod twenty-five minutes on that bloody treadmill. in fact, she's 'claiming' to plod her own twenty-five minutes right now. but she says i'm not allowed to not believe her, so fair enough. guess she is, then.
-dinner: rice, lotsa greens (meaning i've forgotten which, sorry. >, broccoli?) some pork, and a wee chunk of yummy egg. of course, horrid PIG mum gleefully forced poor ela to hang onto the bowl while i ate, whatever.
-dinner was washed down with a yummy mug of fruit and vegie juice, which i was very careful to hold 'correctly'. but my pointer just hangs in there loosely, you know. she doesn't bear any weight or anything.
-eep, thirty minutes left! >< typetypetype~
-PIG mum took me once more to the loo before i tootled online. no guesses as to who gleefully forced who to do everything.
-toms: bell ringing! last time, i rang ... 1552 bells, maybe? then second breakfast :P @ maccas, then a torture session with vincent the physio. >< but aunty wendy and chrissy are coming in the arvo.
-anyways, sorry for any mistakes tonight, coz i've no time to check - i've gotta squeeze in my e-mail and facebook fix all within twenty-five minutes! hope everyone has a smashing day toms!
em. ^^

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