Friday, April 16, 2010

friday post6c

good evening! my final plodding total for friday now stands @ 3850, and the spam count for the week is 80. anyways, where was i?
-parents gleefully FORCED (third first) me to walk out to a park bench, then, when it was too windy, to a nearby picnic table.
-we snacked on CC's and pumpkin chips until the parents decided to go home.
-this time, PIG mum changed the disc to the pepsi chart hits of 2001. @ 6pm, she flipped over to 96.5FM for seven's news, read out by rod young and kay mcgrath. we arrived back home just as shane webcke was about to read the sport's report.
-PIG mum made me walk into the laundry for my shower, of course also gleefully forcing myself to dak myself too.
-a nice warm shower - i washed my hand today. PIG mum also gleefully forced poor ela to scrub various body parts eighty-one times.
-i dried and rekitted myself, PIG mum taking every opportunity to gleefully force poor ela to help me with the putting on of knickers, pants and socks.

-PIG mum made me walk out to the gobbling :P table for dinner.
-wow, no rice tonight! i ate one chunk of tomato, a few slices of spinach with yummy caesar dressing, three spoonfuls of fruit salad, and two yummy slices of garlic bread.
-dinner was washed down with a yummy mug of fruit and vegie juice, which i quickly sculled 'incorectly' coz i hadn't had the chance to all day today. then PIG mum made me walk back to the computer.
-toms, PIG mum's off to work. dunno what dad, cousin katie and i will do together, but, seeing as tomorrow's the last night katie's spending with us before she flies back to canadia :P i'm goona try my best to persuade dad to take us out for dinner. fingers crossed! anyways, me gonna check, then check my e-mail, then get my facebook fix, if there's time. hope everyone has a smashing weekend!
em. ^^

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