Monday, April 19, 2010

monday post 6b

good evening! em's final plodding total for monday now stands @ 5831. anyways, events after my last post?
-firstly, coz PIG mum says she's forcing me off to bed in exactly one hour, it means that toms, i'm owed TWO HOURS and TEN MINUTES online! i know, i haven't even counted in the timePIG mum already owes me, but they're all written down in my blog somewhere. i'll get the time back.
-chrissy Forced me to walk to the laundry for my nice hot shower - i washed my hair today.
-i had a tinkle just after chrissy flipped off the water, dried and creamed myself, had another tinkle. chrissy rekitted me, and i had one last tinkle just as she was jamming the AFO on.
-arvo tea was my second sausage bun of the day, and a cup of tea sweetened with a single spoonful of sugar, my cup of the day to hold 'incorrectly'.
-actually, thanks to chrissy who shared with me two chomps of her panini! it's just plain bread, but chrissy says you can put stuff like ham, cheese and tomato inside.
-we just yakked away. chrissy told me that jason's working for his mother and renovating their house right now, also that she doesn't finish till 9:30pm tonight. oh, and my black knickers with the white polka dots aren't 'sexy', they're 'cute'. :P
-as always, i asked chrissy to please give ela a massage @ 5:40. this time, her response was"oops, i forgot to clean up the laundry!" so she didn't really start till well after 5:45. then i got painted silver today.
-i read a few pages of my bookclub noel out aloud, then decided to start on my sudoku.
-PIG mum came downstairs, sat down for awhile to 'wake up', then plodded her twenty-five mins on the treadmill first.
-thanks to PIG mum who passed me one mug of water, which i was very careful to hold 'correctly'. she made me walk to the loo, gleefully forced me to dak myself, and i did my second stinky unspeakable for today.
-almost forgot! dearest grandma rang - she's outta hospital now! i hope she gets better real soon! :)
-PIG mum came back, gleefully forced me to un-dak myself, made me walk around to flush the loo. i clung to the towel rack, sidestepped to wash and drey era - correction, PIG mum made me wash ela too - then PIG mum made me walk over to the treadmill, where she gleefully forced me to plod twenty-five odd minutes.
-dinner tonight; pasta, lotsa broccoli and little tong vegetable, some tomato, one small chunk of beef, and ... i think that's it. :P of course, PIG mum gleefully forced poor ela to hang onto the bowl while i ate, whatever.
-dinner was washed down with a mug of fruit and vege juice, which i was very careful to hold 'correctly'.
i wrote a line here that PIG mum forgot. and too bad, i've forgotten what i was saying before! >< so here's the rest of it: derives that much peverse pleasure from making me suffer, but hey. stiff upper lip, em. you'll survive.
-i tootled back online.
-toms: umm ... think i've got an early session @ your :P turn for physio. wonder if we can see naz for a kebab toms? hope so! and mariana's coming around 1:30pm, i think. i better finish jotting down my notes for my icebreaker speech! anyways, i'll just check (extra carefully, coz PIG mum's already come over and deleted chunks of my post she doesn't like. i mean, sheesh! >< it's MY blog! i already understand when you mock that no-one reads it coz it's that boring, but if so, why am not i free to type whatever i so like in it?! argh ... whatever. i'll just haveta be careful. ><) then quickly check my email. i doubt i've got enough time for facebook, what with PIG mum forcing me off to bed @ 9:40. anyways, hope everyone has a smashing day toms!
em. ^^

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