Sunday, April 11, 2010

monday post 7

good afternoon! firstly, after chrissy leaves tonight, i'm still owed ONE HOUR and FIFTY-FIVE MINUTES left online, and that's not even counting the other hoursa and minutes worth that PIG mum already owes me! >< secondly, em's been hard @ work plodding 3272 steps today. anyways, today's events?
-firstly, chrissy's already late. >< i'm guessing with the rainy weather, she'll be even later than usual! >< :P
-this morning, when dearest dad got up for work, i swung myself around to use the pot /:p once. back in bed, i freed poor ela from her prison, tucked her thumb gently back inside for some more sleep, then cuddled bear bear and snored my head off, ignoring K1's exhortations:"oi, get up, you lazy bones! i've been up for ages already!!" :p
-PIG mum poked me awake later with "ten more minutes." i counted the time down, then spent that little time left having a silent chat to percy the saint/angel, aking him please to help me with the patience and perseverance i'd need to get through today with.
-PIG mum dug me up. i used the pot :p once more, got kitted. PIG mum made me walk out to the gobbling :p table.
-i took one sip from the required glass of water. breakfast was two weetbix with a little honey.
-PIG mum asked me if i needed my drugs :P today, but i said i was fine coz my nose was thankfully staying shut up today. :p
-PIG mum made me walk out to the 4WD. today, she gleefully forced poor em to buckle her own seatbelt all day, and we also listened to my car CD all day; the disc contains twenty songs.
-PIG mum tootled us off to UQ for physio. oh noes, no parking available for us on arrival! >< she was making me walk in to take a seat so she could go repark the car, when a student walked out, introducing herself as michelle. so michelle Forced me to walk up to the gym.
-lol, haha to nelson, she's got no probs with ordering me to "stick your boobs out!" :P
-lotsa exercises for ela today, plus just over ten sit-to-stands and some stepping work for erf over @ the parallel bars. another student came over to help me out too, he introduced himself as 'pat' so i called him 'postman pat'. :p
-anyways, chrissy's arrived (finally! :P) so i'll bbl later tonight with my final plodding total for tonight, yeah?
em. ^^
P.S. house last night! my favourite line - staff:"his ultrasound's clean." house, "good. means HE'S not pregnant, then." haha!! too bad the show won't be on for two weeks. :( *grumpy* i mean, it just took a three week break, came back for one episode then is taking ANOTHER two week break?! *grr!*

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