Sunday, April 11, 2010

sunday post 6b

good evening! em's final plodding total for sunday now stands @ 4324, and the spam count for the weekend is 24. anyways, where was i?
-after i finished my post, dad took me to the bathroom once before i got my naruto fix. oh noes, did jiraiya really die?! o_O ><
-PIG mum came downstairs to help me with a kinda warm shower. i understand that's the best i'll ever get with PIG mum, oh well. i washed my hair today, and she also gleefully forced poor ela to scrub various body parts 70+ times.
-i dried and rekitted myself, PIG mum again grabbing every opportunity to gleefully force poor ela to help out with putting on knickers, pants and socks.
-she finished with my left ted, made me walk out to the gobbling :p table, where she ordered me to start jotting down notes for my icebreaker speech. so i jotted away until aunty a arrived.
-dinner tonight: rice, lotsa greens (bok choy, i think?), some pork, maybe one slice of sweet carrot? of course, PIG mum gleefully forced poor ela to hold onto the bowl while i ate, whatever. dinner was washed down with a yummy mug of fruit and vegie juice, which i was very careful to hold 'correctly'.
-i was ready to return online, but PIG mum ordered me to do a sudoku. so i prevailed with that for the next twenty-five minutes. fourth aunty rang dearest dad, who was tackling a sudoku of his own (anyone know what sudoku is in canto?)
-phew, i finished! PIG mum checked, declared it was correct, and made me walk back to the computer.
-anyways, i'm gonna check, then read my e-mail and get my facebook fix, if there's time. UQ physio toms - wonder who'll the new student will be? wonder if PIG mum'll please take me to naz for a kebab for lunch? acupuncture in the arvo! o_O :P and fingers crossed that chrissy won't come too late! hope everyone has a smashing week!
em. ^^

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