Saturday, April 24, 2010

saturday post6b

good evening! my final plodding total for saturday now stands @ 4244. anyways, events for today?
-when PIG mum arose for work this morning, i swung myself around to use the pot :P once. back in bed, i released poor ela from her prison, tucked her thumb gently back inside for some sleep, then cuddled my darling bear bear and snored my head off ...
-... all the way till 10:30! wonder why evelyn was late today ...
-so evelyn got me kitted, Forced me to walk to the bathroom to brush my teeth, before Forcing me to the fridge to get out the bread and milk and Forcing me to walk to the toaster to put my two slices of bread in it.
-she only offered me with one teaspoonful of sugar, so i declined and she made me a milo instead. milo tastes yummy even without sugar. :)
-so i made myself a sandwhich with the egg and ham, and happily gulped that down.
-dad had ordered me to do one sudoku, so i put aside my initial intention to write nana a letter and did one.
-evelyn Forced me to walk to the couch to play wii with her. wii sports resort's incredibly fun! we only played one game of ten-pin bowling, and we already unlocked the hundred-pin game! i love the sound effects, see. :Pyou get a great sense of satisfaction when you're knocking down eighty-odd pins when you bowl. :P so next i'll work on unlocking the sword fighting game where you haveta slice stuff in the direction indicated.
-but vincent the physio came, argh. >< i used the loo once, wanted to do a stinky unspeakable, but PIG mum refused coz she liked forcing me to suffer a torture session with him first.
-i fell twice. >< but am still alive ... i think. ><
-i wanted to tootle online @ 3pm, but dad ordered me to complete another sudoku, meaning i had no choice but to comply. i actually tootled online around 3:30pm.
-chrissy arrived late, watched an episode of naruto with me, then gave me a nice hot shower - i washed my hair today.
-i had a tinkle before chrissy flipped off the nice hot water, dried myself, creamed myself and had another tinkle. chrissy rekitted me and i had a last tinkle as she was jamming my AFO on.
-chrissy Forced me to walk to the fridge then the benchtop to make my arvo tea, which was a toasted cheese - too bad, only one slice, meaning 'twas ENTIRELY too thin - and mayo sandwhicj, cut into two triangles.
-i asked her please to give ela a massage @ 5:40; this time, she needed the bathroom and didn't start till after 5:45. then i got painted pink with pink spots today. this morning, evelyn had done me pink with purple spots, then laughed @ me when i screwed up my face and said, "evelyn, EWW!" :p
-chrissy Forced me to walk over to the sofa, where she flicked on seven's news for me. she left a few minutes early. tonight, seven's news was read out by sharyn ghidella, sport by pat welsh and weather by talitha cummins. the poor melbourne storm ...
-PIG mum came downstairs, plodded her time on the treadmill, then gleefully forced me to plod thirty minutes on it too. ><
-she made me walk to the toilet, also gleefully forcing me to dak myself. but thanks to her who passed me two cups of water, both of which i was very careful to hold 'correctly', and i did a stinky unspeakable. PIG mum came back, made me walk over to wash and dry both hands, then made me walk over to the computer. i'm taking this as my skipped meal for the month.
-almost forgot - this arvo, when i wanted to tootle online, the parents gleefully forced poor em to practise standing without touching anything a bloody FOURTEEN times! >< i truly am terribly envious of all you guys, who can easily stand without thinking of anything. :(
-anyways, toms: church. i can attend my first bible study of term two - last week i missed class coz we were farewelling cousin katie @ the airport. anyways, fingers crossed for some decent KFC for lunch toms! oh, unless naz's working.
-two more things: hopefully, we won't haveta stand for any songs toms, and also hope that dad has the decency to just park underground like we used to and not @ the far end of foodcourt, to save me a long, miserable walk up there. ><
em. ^^
P.S. i found and corrected 1 error in my post tonight.

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