Friday, August 19, 2011

friday post 55b

good evening! em's new plodding total for friday now stands @ 2659. righteo, continuing events?
-i went and did a stinky unspeakable before PIG mum tootled me off to UQ.
-some other student worked with me today! my usual one had injured his foot playing soccer, poor bloke.><
-lol, he even 'married' me for the purpose of standing practice! luckily nick (the pharmacy student) divorced us afterwards. XD
-PIG mum got me half an egg, mayo and lettuce roll and a hot chocolate (which she claimed was 'too sweet') then tootled me off to the P.A. for my MRI.
-thankfully, she got out sparkless for me. :)
-we wheeled me into the main hospital. first, i filled out a form with all my details, then someone took me to get my head x-rayed for the shunt position.
-getting a cannula in always hurts. 'twas era's turn this time, and it took four needles. >< still, that's better than the NINE it took last year!
-MRI time, someone wheeled me into the room. i handed westlife's 'gravity' to the technician, then went in.
-i remembered not to sing out aloud; instead, i just had my first silent convo solely to god for a very long time. i told him how very much i hated him for what he's done to me over the past few years, but i added how much i hoped he'd turn his hatred over onto someone else come next year.
-lol, the MRI technician forgot and told me to sit up after my MRI! O_o luckily i remembered and reminded him that i had to stay lying down.
-back @ the MRI outpatients, i was whisked off for another x-ray, then lay patiently waiting for the doctor. PIG mum and i shared a little packet of chocolate panada bikkies.
-finally, the doctor came and reset my shunt. wow, he recognised PIG mum from 2007!
-when we left, dearest dad met us. :)
-PIG mum tootled us home, although we got stuck in a fair amount of traffic as we neared the logan road exit. we made it back safely shortly before 6pm.
-i went once to the loo (of course, PIG mum gleefully forced me to do everything) then plopped online and listened to nine's news simulcast on light fm.
-PIG mum left for her dinner with her old workmates.
-dinner for me was the leftovers of what PIG mum had for dinner last night while i was out @ garbo with cathy. dad made some green tea with a lil honey to drink afterwards.
-dad said to wait fifteen minutes before returning online, but let me go after nine. XD
-i just used the loo once more before returning.
-toms: some new lady's coming to mind me @ 10am, not tess! i wonder if she can cook me some fried rice for lunch?
-jack comes @ 2pm. must write chapters twenty-six and twenty-seven questions for him.
-and i think sherraine's coming to shower me in the arvo.
-but most importantly, SHINE fellowship's all coming over for a BBQ toms night! :D righteo, hope everyone has a smashing weekend!
em. ^^

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