Tuesday, August 30, 2011

tuesday post58b

one final good evening! em's final, final plodding total for tuesday now stands @ 1626. righteo, final events for tonight?
-cathy came one minute late, citing bad weather, and Forced me to walk to the bathroom for my nice hot shower - hairwash today. also thanks to her who rinsed my hair out for me, leaving era free to hold my stupid right eye tightly shut.
-i had one tinkle before cathy flipped the nice hot water off, she dried me and i got creamed. i had one tinkle when she went to find PIG mum about some self-harm i'd done to myself (i.e. scratch XD) but none afterwards coz i suddenly felt like doing a stinky unspeakable.
-thanks to cathy who passed me one mug of water - my first to hold 'incorrectly', then i did a stinky unspeakable.
-afterwards, cathy Forced me to walk over to wash and dry era, then she Forced me to walk out to the gobbling :P table for afternoon tea.
-*sigh* i'm doing a speech tonight, yet cathy STILL wouldn't gimme two slices of cheese! ><" but i had mayo (she got a :'( XD), meaning this week's all satisfied, yay!
-cathy Forced me to walk out to her car. some church uncle (uncle NSW?) was waiting inside his car for dad. funny that PIG mum only ever helps me with my seatbelt when there's someone to see her do it! XD
-cathy tootled us off to toastmasters, while the rain bucketed down.
-@ toastmasters, i told viktor i was nervous, and he just reminded me to speak slowly.
-only jordan, my introducer and evaluator, was late! i was originally slotted as first speaker, but actually went third, after amy and will. this time, i reached the end of my secondary schooling.
-then i got picked for table topics! my question was:"if you were scrapbooking, what pictures would you cut out?" i said recipes, coz i can't cook, horses coz i love horses, hunky guys (but who need audience suggestions :P) and wood stuff for dearest dad.
-during the break, i yakked with amy. she's got two quite young daughters, one's almost two, the other's a lil older. lol, amy did a speech today too, and pretended she was pregnant by stuffing things up her jumper! XD
-before we left, i thanked viktor for not throwing his gavel @ me. (i'd explained my hemianiopia (sp?) and apologised that i'd prolly only look to the left. viktor was seated on the right holding the gavel; i said, "if i forget to look your way, viktor, just throw the gavel @ me. but not too hard, i've already had one brain injury." XD)
-cathy took me once more to the loo before we left, and i once again let era open and close the tap lotsa times.
-we left together with sharon! she's three years older than me, BTW.
-cathy tootled me home. she's back on thurs.
-PIG mum saved me some dinner: rice, lotsa ... broccoli? lol, can't remember XD and some cicken. that was washed down with one yummy warm mug of rice green tea, hopefully sweetened with one teaspoonful of honey. then i plopped online.
-toms: aunty wendy's coming to mind me for three hours. wonder if she'll bring me any lunch?
-in the arvo, i haveta write my writer's group homework! the topic's 'which country would you most like to visit and why?"
-also, wanna ring that number that jenny left last time she came for a meeting, to be used if my hours were further reduced. well, they haven't been cut, but summer's approaching, and i really need someone to help me out with a shower come sunday! anyways, hope everyone has a great day toms!
em. ^^

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