Friday, August 12, 2011

saturday post54

good afternoon! firstly, em's been hard @ work plodding 951 steps today; secondly, TWFT topic's "god says 'wait'" and thirdly, i'm still owed ONE HOUR and FIFTEEN MINUTES online after jack leaves!! righteo, let's start off with last night's events first!
-after dinner and a loo trip, dad tootled me off to SHINE fellowship!
-for worship last night, i sang the harmony to the one english song we sung.
-last night, thomas shared about his mission trip to china! he also asked us several uestions, which he told us to split into groups to discuss. one asked if we were willing to go on mission trips ourselves; my answer to that was, "never until god heals me first."
-then we split into groups to pray. horace prayed for me, i prayed for vicki. afterwards, i asked horace if he remembered praying several months back for me, when he said, "i pray that emily won't fall..." a pause. i lean over and whisper, "to her death!" @ him. horace snorts with amusement, then chooses the words, "that she won't fall OVER." XD and he did! :P
-dad tootled me home, repeat the usual nightly events, zzz.
-sat: i used the pot :P twice last night and once more when PIG mum left for work and hit me with the eye goo. 'twas 7:50 then; @ first, i intended to spend the ten minutes till 8am having a quiet chat to percy the angel/saint, but instead, i fell asleep! i awoke suddenly @ 8:15 and was considering trying again, but florence, snuggled over eft, advised, "give up. you won't last." XD
-instead, we snuggled and snored. i awoke @ 9:30 and used the pot :P once more, then fell back asleep before tess arrived promptly @ 10am.
-teeheehee, she's awesome in that she gives me like twenty minutes before digging me up! :D
-i used the pot :P once for two more tinkles, tess got me kitted then led me over to brush my teeth. thanks to her who squirted me out some toothpaste.
-after brushing teeth, i went to the loo and did a stinky unspeakable. i also lent against the siderail and a quiet chat to percy the saint/angel, asking him please to help me with the patience, perseverance, strength and endurance i'd need to get through today, giving all the happiness and all the satisfaction to PIG mum and just suffering for her whenever she decided that only she could be happy and/or satisfied.
-after, tess led me over to wash and dry era, before we held hands and walked out to the gobbling :P table together.
-tess set up her netbook for me to play with while she got breakfast ready for me.
-thanks to dad who made not ham and eggs for breakfast, but chicken and eggs! tess added one slice of cheese into that for me. i also drank one cup of tea, white and two, 'incorrectly'.
-thanks totess who even brought more corn! remember, those ninety-nine cent one's from yuen's market? we had 1.5 each; she likes how i taught her the asian way to eat them; stab a chopstick through the middle; she tells me aussies just hold them in their bare hands and eat,.
-gotta go! bbl!
em. ^^

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