Saturday, August 13, 2011

saturday post54c

good afternoon again! em's new plodding total for saturday now stands @ 1159. yay, i'm over one grand. :) but i'm still owed FIFTY MINUTES online after whoever's coming to shower me leaves!! anyways, continuing events?
-tess gave ela a massage, telling me that when her youngest daughter was passing away, elsa-jane's and carlem's dad drove them from school to the hospital so they could say good-bye.
-around midday, tess made me some milo and went to cook me fried rice for lunch. i beat three eggs for her - but they were off! >< we both smelt them, tess threw them out then cracked me two more to beat.
-i rang both aunty nga and aunty lai when tess was cooking. aunty lai's been invited over to aunty nga's place for lunch, and terry jie jie answered when i rang aunty nga's place.
-tess gave me almost one (but not quite) bowl of yummy fried rice for lunch, plus lotsa raw tomato. she takes the seeds out first - apparently, tomato seeds give you appendicitis! lol, i know what i'm telling PIG mum next time she tries to feed me tomato! XD
-after lunch, i went over to type questions out for jack, then once more to the loo just before he arrived.
-lol, there was some confusion as to which chapters jack was meant to have read! so he did twenty-seven and twenty-eight and i wrote him the questions for twenty-six as homework! lol, the poor boy was so eager to leave that right on the spot he asked could he please leave?! :P i said yes, after he walked behind me back to the computer first. XD
-anyways, sherraine's just arrived, so i'm off for a shower. fingers crossed i can bbl tonight!
em. ^^

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