Sunday, August 28, 2011

sunday post57b

hello again! em's new plodding total now stands @ 3256. righteo, continuing events?
-i went once more to the loo before pole and julz arrived.
-when they arrived, we went to play pictionary! pole's so adorable, she tried sound affects to convey what she was drawing, and julz was just unhelpful, with guesses like nuclear warhead?" XD
-we stopped the game when someone wanted to find out what snugglepot and cuddlepie looked like.
-after that, we went and banged around on the keyboard for awhile.
-before they left, i went once more to the loo. they last just after 5pm. dad's just come down, turned on the TV, and the broncos are leading souths, yay!
-righteo, fingers crossed i can come back online after dinner tonight, else it's just stupid TAFE in the morning followed by a torture session with vincent the bloody physio. >< fingers crossed that i can buy a yummy pork salad roll and chocolate milk home for lunch with dad, and a custard danish for arvo tea with carol!
em. ^^

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