Tuesday, August 2, 2011

tuesday post54

good evening again! em's new final plodding total for tuesday now stands @3708. righteo, continuing events?
-as per her usual horrid self, PIG mum wouldn't even bother to hand me a mag before flouncing off downstairs tp pay and pester margaret. but margaret must've been too busy today to pay any attention to PIG mum, coz she was back in the waiting room with me only after two minutes she left! XD
-lol, i've just realised that today's tuesday, not monday! XD
-we started off with some weightbearing for ela, then some sit-to-stands. karen came along and explained that it wasn't really appropriate for male students to order their female patients, "stick your boobs out!" XD
-i finished with some mat work before leaving. oh, i also did some standing practice today. hate that. ><
-PIG mum tootled us home, refusing to take me out for lunch coz she says she's got a headache. ><
-after doing a stinky unspeakable, i ate two yummy oven-cooked fish fillets for lunch, with a little mayo.
-then, one more toilet trip before i pooped online till cathy came, about two minutes early.
-she Forced me to walk to the bathroom for my nice hot shower - hairwash today. i had one tinkle before she flipped the nice hot water off, she dried me, i had another tinkle, then i got creamed. cathy rekitted me; i had one more tinkle when she was doing elf's AFO straps and one last when she was washing my glasses for me. finally, cathy rinsed the floor then Forced me to walk to the gobbling :P table for arvo tea.
-*sigh* i used to be able to trust cathy for good arvo teas; alas, not anymore. :( she only gave me one slice of cheese today, meaning 'twas ENTIRELY too thin, but i squirted her a :o( (complete with teardrops :P) and @ least, i got mayo, meaning this week's all/doubly satisfied, yay. :) the cup of tea i drank 'incorrectly, BTW.
-cathy gave ela a massage for about twenty-five minutes, painting her red with dark blue spots today. but she stopped suddenly @ 5:45 and refused to do anymore.
-instead, she Forced me to walk to the loo for one more tinkle.
-back @ the computer desk, i prevented her from leaving before two hours was up by (1) asking her to please help me put my jacket on, and (2) asking for the phone.
-after she left; PIG mum awoke from pigland to immediately and gleefully FORCE :( poor em to plod on the bloody treadmill for twenty minutes, before claiming to do the same herself while i got my toasted :P feet.
-dinner: rice, lotsa yummy cauliflower (and maybe wombok?) and several strips of soup pork, which dad kindly added several drops of soya sauce to. dinner was washed down with one yummy warm mug of rice green tea, hopefully sweetened with one teaspoonful of honey.
-after that, PIG mum gleefully forced me to practise piano for about twenty minutes. i don't really mind, coz piano playing's always been one of my favourite past times. :)
-one more loo trip before i tootled online. of course, PIG mum gleefully forced me to do everything.
-actually, i need to go once more now. bbl~
em. ^^
P.S. safely back from the loo. zero thanks to horrid PIG mum who was too self-absorbed in watching the grand finale of australia's got talent to be bothered watching her struggling daughter walk safely to the toilet and back. :( it's truly a sad day when you realise your mother values her enjoyment of some television program over the safety of her only child. but i didn't fall, luckily, luckily, and my final, final plodding total for tonight now stands @ 3839.
-toms: i can sleep in! :D aunty wendy's coming @ 10:30, i think. dunno what PIG mum plans to do, prolly nag some aunty to shout her out for lunch. or have a nice comfy massage.
-carol comes to shower me in the arvo. hopefully PIG mum'll buy me two sushi rolls for arvo tea!
-and best of all, ice-cream toms night! :D like i always say, one flat spoonful's better than none @ all!

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