Sunday, August 7, 2011

sunday post54c

good evening again! em's new final plodding total for sunday now stands @ 2788. righteo, continuing events?
-aunty a arrived for dinner, and refused to walk behind me over for dinner! meaning i used the sofas and the wall for support before i reached the gobbling :P table.
-dinner tonight: rice, lotsa yummy kailan, lotsa some other vegetable, some tofu and fish. dinner was washed down with one yummy mug of rice green tea, which i was very careful to hold 'correctly' coz PIG mum hadn't gleefully forced poor ela to hang onto the bowl while i ate.
-i went once more to the loo afterwards. zero thanks to horrid PIG mum who refused to walk behind me, claiming that she was too busy eating dinner! >< IT'S A SAD DAY WHEN YOU REALISE THAT YOUR MOTHER'S MEAL IS MORE IMPORTANT TO HER THAN WATCHING HER DISABLED DAUGHTER WALK SAFELY TO THE BATHROOM AND BACK. >< but i made it without falling. :) hah, god. i won that one!
-argh, my left ankle is REALLY ITCHY!>< but my AFO's preventing me from reaching it for a scratch. ><
-anyways, i'll prolly need the bathroom once more about 8:45. cya then.
em. ^^

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