Tuesday, August 23, 2011

tuesday post57b

good evening! em's final, final plodding total for tuesday now stands @ 2281. righteo, final, final events for today?
-cathy Forced me to walk into the bathroom for my nice hot shower - hairwash today. also thanks to her who rinsed out my hair for me, leaving era free to hold my stupid right eye tightly shut.
-i had one tinkle before cathy rturned the nice hot water off, cathy dried me and i got creamed. cathy rekitted me, then i stood up and went over to the loo, coz i realised i wanted to do a stinky unspeakable. cathy passed me one mug of water - my first to hold 'incorrectly, and i pooped. XD
-cathy came back, Forced me to walk over to wash and dry era, then Forced me to walk out to the gobbling :P table for arvo tea.
-*sigh* i used to be able to trust cathy for a good arvo tea, alas, not ony more. my toastie only had one slice of cheese, which was ENTIRELY too thin, but @ least i got mayo, meaning this week's all satisfied!
-dearest dad arrived home just as cathy and i were leaving. i also wrote out dearest dad's and PIG mum's anniversary card out for them.
-when we left, PIG mum helped me buckle my seatbelt. lol, how come she only ever does that when there's someone to see her? XD
-cathy tootled me off to toastmasters, listening to b105.
-she took me once to the loo when we arrived, and i let era open the tap lotsa times.
-tonight was awesome~ viktor delivered his speech about free range eggs, and we also got two icebreakers!
-best of all, steph baked cookies! i got two. ;D
-after the break, zaida chose me for table topics! my question was 'where would you go for a family holiday and why?" i answered hong kong, of course, because all my family's there! i also added that bit about red pockets, and to the guest that was also from hong kong, i said in canto, "happy CNY. gimme a red pocket!" XD
-afterwards, cathy took me to the loo once more. i also let era open the tap lotsa times again, and lotsa times again when cathy was blowdrying her hands.
-cathy tootled me home. she's back on thursday.
-coz we've a speechfest next tuesday, cathy reminded me to ring alice and tell her to please make sure someone's taking me. she says she thinks she's available.
-dinner was rice, lotsa some vegetable and some chicken.
-then i popped online. :)
-toms: argh, i've a torture session with vincent the bloody physio @ 10:30. >< on the chance that i survive that, aunty wendy's coming @ 11:30, then carol's here in the arvo. hopefully PIG mum'll gimme some yummy arvo tea! and best of all, ice-cream night toms night! hope everyone has a smashing day toms!
em. ^^

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